Recent content by ramblinwreck12

  1. Is R** B*** back on Twitter?

    Lol, I absolutely promise I am not him. I'm about the furthest thing from him. I want to see him crawl back into his cave and know that this group can help make that happen.
  2. Is R** B*** back on Twitter?

    New account that claims to be a Duke fan, but has only tweeted about CJP and is using eerily similar phrasing to R** B***'s past handles. It seems like 6 months of him off Twitter is too long. What do you guys think?
  3. Tourney

    This one was Coach Wilkins
  4. Pastner Closer to Hiring Assistants

    All positions were set almost two weeks ago (including replacements), I've been told all hold ups are just due to HR things. Everyone has been working in their new roles since the beginning of last week.