Where's the leadership?


Retired Co-Founder
Where is the leadership?

A problem Georgia Tech has had for quite a few seasons now is leadership..when things get tough who does everyone turn to? That is the same question the players have been wondering. For the last few seasons there has not been a lot of vocal leaders on the team and it is something that Paul Johnson has commented on numerous times. It has a bigger factor than many may realize and one that is take for granted. Good news for Jackets fans as it looks like we have a few guys who are looking to be vocal leaders and not just lead example.

Vad Lee - It is no secret how hard of a worker Vad Lee is...the kid is always striving to make his game better and always improve. He also holds others to these same standards...Vad works his tail off in the off-season and gets as many 7 on 7's together as he can. If you have a twitter then you likely seen him call out Jeff Greene a few times last year for not coming to some of them. At the same time encourages people as well. He is just the natural leader that people gravitate to.

Jabari Hunt-Days - It is very hard for a redshirt Freshman and first year starter to step in to a leadership role and have others listen to you...but Jabari did a good job of it last year. As the year went on he got more vocal and by the end of the season he viewed it as his defense and really became a person a lot of the guys turned to on defense. He was also seen leading chants in the locker room and getting guys hyped up...a important thing that I have not seen on the Flats in way too long!

Tre Jackson - From talking with him I can gurantee he has the it factor when it comes to leading a team...he views it as his team, his defense and takes so much pride in that. I expect Tre do to big things at Georgia Tech.


GT Athlete
Featured Member
I would think Synjyn could have that quality as well. Maybe even Laskey from having talked to him a time or two. How about some of the senior OL like Finch, Jackson, or Beno?

This is actually an intriguing ingredient in the QB race. Vad does seem to have the best ability to lead that I've seen in a while. Does JT have that at all?? And, if not, who do you want out there leading your team/offense? Talent is hugely important, but both of them have that, which one can make those around him better?

On defense, Attaochu seems to have that ability as well, just from hearing him in interviews and such. Each position group kind of needs a leader as well. Who will be the leader of the pack in the secondary and on the DL? How does an Australian accent affect the ability to lead a bunch of boys from Georgia? :)

I would also expect to see Jemea Thomas as a big leader this year.