The Key to this year's season


Helluva Engineer
Losing to Clemson sucks. More of the LittleJohn horsemanure.

But when you look at what had to happen for this year to be a success things come into focus.

Even with Clemson getting 72 tonight (Reed with 30) - our issue is not defense. We are generally an above average to really good defensive team. Any coach will tell you that is the harder side of the ball to get right.

Didn't expect Banks this year but he is mirroring Lammers 3 blocks per game but not quite near his rebound numbers. Doesn't have his jump shot but does have more pure athleticism for dunks. Legit replacement - especially on the D side.

Our issue is on the offensive side and in particular replacing Okogie's numbers. Haywood has stepped up a little from 5 to 8 points per game (probably due to minutes) but Devoe has not done much with 8 PPG. Neither has stepped any where near Okogie's 18 PPG we needed to replace - off a team that didn't make the post season.

Until Devoe and to some degree Haywood can step up to be the scorers we need then this year will simply be a learning experience. Some good wins like Syracuse and some losses that frustrate the hadies out of us. For us to move up the food chain Devoe has to move up the food chain.

CJP's issue is he has a team that at the moment cannot shoot consistently. My biggest bioytch about him is not that the team came out scared/not ready to play/whatever word you want about tonight's game. It is that he hasn't put in specific plays/sets to get Devoe and to some degree Haywood defined shots to get them going. His job is to get these guys the confidence and success they need - and we need to be successful this year and beyond.


Helluva Engineer
Until Devoe and to some degree Haywood can step up to be the scorers we need then this year will simply be a learning experience. Some good wins like Syracuse and some losses that frustrate the hadies out of us. For us to move up the food chain Devoe has to move up the food chain.

This season was pretty much destined to be a learning experience when Okogie left. The thing is about both Haywood and Devoe, and Moore, is that this is their first real ACC experience. Haywood played in some games last year but he was so affected by his injury that it isn't really the same. It's really hard to rely on guys going through conference play the first time to be able to step in and replace what Okogie left. Not impossible but there isn't always an answer to a problem for a given year. The solution to inexperience, most of the time, is time and playing through it.

It is that he hasn't put in specific plays/sets to get Devoe and to some degree Haywood defined shots to get them going.

I disagree with this. Basketball isn't football where you can call easy passes that are almost sure things to get a QB going. In basketball even good shooters are going to miss more 3s than they make which means running specific plays to try and get a guy going isn't a great idea. The basketball equivalent is a layup or freethrows because of the high percentage to make them. IMO you run plays to get 3 point looks for guys you are confident will make it, not in hopes of getting a guy going.


Helluva Engineer
Shot doesn't have to be a 3. It can be a curl or a flair screen to his favorite spot. Or a screen to get a mismatch and drive. Something that gets the ball in his hands at a place he is highly likely to have success. My issue is he tends to blend in and not be as aggressive as I had hoped/wished he would be. I take that as a confidence issue (could well be wrong) and the general approach is to try to get him a good shot in rhythm, etc. to "get him off". Most teams have a play or set of plays to get their scorers good looks when they need it - recognizing most of the points come off of general sets or transition as you are saying. I've stolen a couple of the ones Golden State uses with Durant but they are all not for 3 point shots - didn't mean that.

When your 2 off guards play 35 and 30 min respectively and only put up 10 shots between them - combined for 16 points between them - it is really hard to win games. It isn't about shooting percentage, it is about scoring. We certainly don't have the front court to make up for that. So my overall point is that I think CJP needs to find ways to force feed them shots that get them confidence and scoring. Until they become the focus of our scoring, we are going to remain totally dependent on holding teams to surrealistically low scoring levels.

And just to be clear - I don't consider this some sort of fatal flaw looking for the AD to push the nuclear button. Simply something like putting in the 3 out offense for Moses which he eventually did after I barked about it for a while :):whistle:


Helluva Engineer
Yeah, if Okogie was on this team we’d probably be 14-2 and ranked. But if grandma had balls she’d be grandpa, IIWII

I have a hard time blaming Pastner for Devoe’s struggles. I mean we are talking about a guy who has consistently blown chances at the free throw line in late game situations (looked much better yesterday, btw).

Bottom line is that he’s a freshman and needs to gain confidence and start to get a little selfish. The guy is extremely talented, but so are tons of others in his situation, whether it be in sports or in the professional world. He came from a scenario where he was usually the best player on the floor. Now he’s got some learning to do and it’s taking time.

The issue with Okogie is that we never got to realize his true potential because he was just good enough to generate the NBA interest as a So., but not good enough to make us a real threat in the ACC. My hope for Devoe is that he steadily progresses and we get an electric scorer as a Sr. that has the experience to be an ever better player at the college level than we had in Okogie that ultimately produces a memorable season for Tech.

Of course, if he blows up next year and makes millions in the NBA then that’s be great for him, as well...but the selfish side of me wants to see him play college ball as an upper classman


Helluva Engineer
I disagree with this. Basketball isn't football where you can call easy passes that are almost sure things to get a QB going. In basketball even good shooters are going to miss more 3s than they make which means running specific plays to try and get a guy going isn't a great idea. The basketball equivalent is a layup or freethrows because of the high percentage to make them. IMO you run plays to get 3 point looks for guys you are confident will make it, not in hopes of getting a guy going.
Yep. And the honest truth is that individual talent wins more basketball games than anything else. When games are on the line individuals step up to make shots or get fouled and put the team on their shoulders. Generally speaking, those players are guys that have played in those situations enough to know how to get wins. We don’t have that level of experience yet, but I think it’s coming. This is a very young team with a lot of untapped talent. We’ve got the potential to be the surprise of the ACC the next two years. Hopefully we don’t miss the opportunity.