Tech turnarounds of the past


proud sidewalk fan
want to add perspective on Key and how he's done after the loss Saturday. Yes there's still work to be done, but we're well on track all things considered.

Here are notable GT turnarounds...

Bud Caron went 4-6 three straight years before finally breaking through in '70.

Bill Curry had two HORRID seasons in '80 and '81 before gradually rebuilding Tech in the mid 80's. He wouldn't have made it with how short leashes are today.

Bobby Ross went 2-9 and 3-8 in '87 and '88 before getting Tech back to the top in '90.

George O'Leary went 12-12 in his first two seasons before he really took off.

Coach Key is 13-11 in his first 24 games. Not spectacular but he's done well. We must be patient as work is still to be done.