Film Room Spring Game Slow Motion Part 3


Helluva Engineer
the play at the 7:00 mark where the LG flat out whiffs blocking an in the hole LB since he is low, trying to cut and staring at the ground is the exact area we can tweak to help. If this G had the option to stand up and pop with his hands like you would see in zone, vs trying to block with his shoulder low, this guy gets blocked. Same in Pass pro; as an example go to the 14:25 mark where in pass pro the G are allowed to block this way since its a pass. My point is, in the run game, this can work too for blitzers....we always have trouble at the blitzing 3 tech or 3itech blocking this. VT does it religiously. Clemson started. IMO the G needs to be able to hand block and lock on like most offenses do so he can slide and adapt to the agile blitzer. Here is a great example of the same play working, with a small tweak in OL scheme to help the OL.

14:25 mark, devine can't get out of his stance to block kallon. the upward karate chop is called a rip move (for longestday)
The blocking here and the BB pickup was nice. One miss and the pass pro totally breaks down. If this G was not devine, and could get out of his stance, we are fine. But its devine, he couldn't get out of his stance. He needs to lose weight or find the bench. This is an example of an ok schemed protection with the player stinking. We double the backside G (which is odd but good for blitz pickups); normally you may start out with a middle double and slide to the outside DE when you don't see the blitz coming to help the pocket if the G is containing the DT....we don't slide here. The BB has to pick up the blitzing MLB; very common for a RB to have to do in the hole and I am ok with this; especially when your line call is to slide to the left side for pass pro.

This pass pro scheme was totally fine...and one I could support, only ruined by the inability of a player to not get out of his stance IMO. Guards, everywhere have to pass pro out of 3 pt.

Which, is why you can argue, a guy like devine is a RT anywhere else...since you can 2 pt 80 percent of the time...

play at 16:55 the MLB telegraphs the blitz bigtime. let me repeat. He telegraphs the blitz. gets picked up nicely on a backside cut; this is a straight up was blocked fairly well. 79 has a tough job to do, he has to scoop and kick out the DE hoping he pauses due to the AB motion; then get to the second level LB to block him. The DE doesn't bite (why because he has seen this play a million times) and 79 still gets both guys a bit for decent yards. This play on a guessing DE may go for 15. A good example of why I am not judging the D much at this stage. Also watch how hard #15 the S flows to the respect for the pass. This shouldn't happen real season. This also isn't a good habit. 15 is hitting his pitch key so hard, I fear he is creating habits that vs other teams play action will kill him. Keep an eye on this real season.

18:05 mark
pass pro. Same issue again. Devine can't get his fat arse around in time, creating penetration. The BB, who is supposed to block the blitzing LB decides to pick up the DT instead leaving the LB free. This is the same pass pro scheme as the 14:25 mark with the line shading to the left. Roof does a man delay blitz the right, essentially the MLB is told if you see the RB stay to block...then rush...this creates a bit of a blitz delay the QB and OL can't see at presnap. The OL should pick up 4 easy. We don't due to devine. The BB who is there to block any blitzer (inside out) sees devine beat by the inside DT. So he goes to help. But because the MLB was on a block delay stunt, the BB doesnt immediately read or pick that up and lets him free. A few issues at play here. The simplest is Devine screws up the pass pro again. The pass pro is pretty standard and basic. No issues with it. If devine mans Kallon the BB is free to chip or block anyone else...typically inside out...Another way this can be done if Devine is struggling is slide the line pass pro to the right. Have the C help devine, roll the slide to the right and the BB to help inside out on the left. Paul clearly didn't make this adjustment from the 14:25 all...why? Probably because he wants devine looking like the fool on tape. Finally MM does what he thinks is right helping the DT...but the reality is he needs to watch the lb first two steps before making a decision as he slides to the line

Some analysis for you to crunch on.

I haven't spent time watching the run blocking. Moreso that its sometimes a mess anyway. But this is clear stuff to show you how bad devine is with his body right now. The guy should not see any playing time IMO. he is breaking down the line.

This is also why I am not reading much into Kallon; or the the flow of them...its totally jumping the offense.

Anyway feel free to comment.


Helluva Engineer
. Also watch how hard #15 the S flows to the respect for the pass. This shouldn't happen real season. This also isn't a good habit. 15 is hitting his pitch key so hard, I fear he is creating habits that vs other teams play action will kill him. Keep an eye on this real season.

Yup, he comes SCREAMING toward the LOS, and if teams do this in the regular season, you're going to see that playside A-Back go flying right past them on a seam pattern. I'm actually not as worried about it in the regular season, because he won't be playing GT's offense.