Scott Cochran Article - ESPN


Ramblin' Wreck
Very moving article on substance abuse and recovery. Wish him all the best.

On Aug. 16 [2024], Cochran was back in front of a college football team. Georgia Tech coach Brent Key, who worked with Cochran for three years at Alabama, invited him to speak to his players about the dangers of substance abuse.

"As men, we hide things," Key told his players. "That's what we're supposed to do. We're supposed to hide things, not let people know when we're hurt, if we're in a different place. So, what you have to do is pay attention. Scott's going to be very transparent and open with you guys tonight."
Over the next 42 minutes, Cochran shared all the details -- even the ugly ones -- about his career, addiction and recovery. His program included segments from his "60 Minutes" interview, Regions Bank Commercial and a video of him smashing a crystal CFP runner-up trophy with a sledgehammer.

"I'm making the money. Life's good," Cochran told the players. "I wouldn't be standing here if it was sunshine and rainbows, right? I relapse. I pick back up last year because my ego got so big. My ego got so big because I'm the man. My ego got so big, you couldn't tell me s---, and so I picked back up."

While his life used to be defined by championships, draft picks and All-Americans, Cochran now measures it by days of sobriety.
"My life's a little different now," Cochran said. "I attack it a little different. I have to be right where my feet are 24/7. If I start thinking about the future, I'm going to start stressing about the dumb s---, right? And I'm going to miss this. I'm going to miss this moment right here with y'all.


Helluva Engineer
After reading this, as someone 11+years sober from alcohol, I'm even more mad at Kirby than I was. There is no difference in the speeding and the drug addiction of his friend and former staff member. Both of those activities will one day catch up with you. I believe in people who want to be sober, but no one will do that until they are ready. Good for Scott and I hope he can live the rest of his days in sobriety. But Kirby, your indifference will cause a player, staff member or innocent citizen to loose their life....again!