Jonathan Dwyer Update

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
Good post @jwsavhGT. He and his wife (may be an ex now over all this) do have a child who was caught in the middle. My hopes are for the two "adults" here to get through, and over, whatever has gone on between them for the sake of what's best for the child they fathered and mothered.


Helluva Engineer
It's an unfortunate story about a fine athlete. Oth, it is better that the whole episode ended in a misdemeanor assault; it could have escalated to something much worse if unchecked.

Young people make mistakes and move on with their lives. Jonathon made a big one and has to face up to it. I don't doubt that he can and that he'll emerge a better person from all this.

And, Jon, if you read this, remember that the biggest temptation for someone who does something wrong is to live down to the expectations that creates in others. They'll categorize you and treat you accordingly. What you have to do is swallow any resentment of that and continue on with your life. It's how you think and how you behave that counts. You know your own worth. Do your best to live up to it and you'll pull through this.

Blumpkin Souffle

Bidly Biddington III
Unfortunately I doubt we see him again in the NFL. Arizona was likely his last chance before his legal troubles happened. I hope he has some of that NFL paycheck saved up and comes back to Tech to finish out his degree like others in the league.


Ramblin' Wreck
The article has no details, but it sounds like this is actually a lot better than what he was accused with. Hopefully, he and his ex make use of this new chance at being peaceful and raising their kid without more problems.
Unfortunately I doubt we see him again in the NFL. Arizona was likely his last chance before his legal troubles happened. I hope he has some of that NFL paycheck saved up and comes back to Tech to finish out his degree like others in the league.

Probably see Ray Rice back on a team long before anyone takes a chance on a borderline player like Dwyer.


Im a 3*
You gotta take the Bruce Arians connection in consideration. As of now he is still a part of their organization and is well liked from it appears


Ramblin' Wreck
That is very typical of claims made in the middle of divorce proceedings.
Is it also typical for one party to plead guilty for a crime and get probation?

There is still no details on what were the findings in this case, and there will probably be no details unless TMZ or someone else digs around for documents. Let's give both parties peace and let this go. We don't know what happened, but hopefully nothing like this happens again, whatever it is...


Southeastern Michigan
Is it also typical for one party to plead guilty for a crime and get probation?

There is still no details on what were the findings in this case, and there will probably be no details unless TMZ or someone else digs around for documents. Let's give both parties peace and let this go. We don't know what happened, but hopefully nothing like this happens again, whatever it is...

Actually, it happens quite often that people take plead a lessor rather than risk a stiffer charge despite how iffy. Prosecutors are in a no lose situation. Just like the NCAA and PSU.......they can bluff their way to a conviction / acceptance of a plea.