Is there any chance


Georgia Tech Fan
for changes to GT Swarm? Or at least have two different types of blogs and bloggers. Is there a limit on how many id's a person can have with the same IP address? Only one id per IP address and if you do not like it, than do not say it. It is so crazy when one person has more than 25 id's showing on the same IP address and plays Good Jacket, Bad Jacket, Let me set the agenda Jacket, Even though I went to school at GT in the 60's, I am the one who believes everything should stay the same Jacket, I am so drunk Jacket, Let me accuse all the coaches and players and former players but they better not accuse me back Jacket, I think I will just curse GT worse than it already is with my no authority on here Jacket, Let me start all the Threads because after all I run the state, not anyone else Jacket.

I think the worse was when you changed your id to jump on Justin Thomas in a thread back in the summer. I mean really? Thank God the moderator(s) put a stop to that.

Ga Tech has enough issues to solve without this phony baloney. And yes, go ahead and run your mouth some more in all your id's. I waited until the football season was over at least to say anything.


Helluva Engineer
Ah, the big internet problem.

About 90% of all internet traffic, even at places like this, is generated by around 2% of all internet commenters. I don't even begin to understand how people can have such vacant lives that they spend all their time trolling around on the net, but there it is. The "noise caucus" has a lot to answer for in our country today, as do those who enable them. At least the mods here try to tamp this kind of thing down. I appreciate that; helps keep up the tone of the place.

As for the trolls out there: try turning to drink. Being smashed is usually more fun and you end up bothering a lot fewer people.


Staff member
It is so crazy when one person has more than 25 id's showing on the same IP address...

Got any evidence of this you can share? Please send me a PM if needed.

I can tell you that we are extra vigilant around this time of the year but as we are human, I know we miss a lot of things. Please feel free to hit the "Report" link under problem posts if you think there's anything suspicious going on.
