I`d like to Introduce myself...


Georgia Tech Fan
My name Barry, I`m a avid GT Fan... I live in Aiken, South Carolina ... my first GT game was in 1972, GT- 34 and South Carolina-6... My favorite game I've seen in person was GT-34 @Ugag-14 in 1974, in the mud bowl...it was very cold and rainy all day and i remember Adrian Rucker broke loose for a 30 plus yard TD run and the AJC said he broke at least 11 tackles... I`m a tradition type guy....i love the old gold and white, I've never attacked a player....i have got on 2 coaches...one was from Ugag via way of East Carolina and the other was Mr. Waffle House....I`m not just a football fan, i love GT Baseball and Softball...and now I'm a fanatic about GT volleyball. the best thing i love about GT....They care about the athletes and most importantly the Academics. I joined this board because i watched it the last year or so and I seen a lot of like minded people on here.. people like me who care and who do not accept moral victories. Go Jackets, THWG!!!


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Welcome aboard. As you have "lurked" around, I think you have seen "we" are mostly level headed AND also likely to have "thread drift" ;)
"you reference two coaches that are basically nameless now and are referenced in various terms. Well done on your staying true to that method.
You have also likely noticed there are a few die hard Baseball posters. Love to see the Lady V-ball Jackets getting the love too.