Hype and the GT fanbase

Augusta, GA
I love it. I am so excited about Collins. We haven't been 'cool' under Gailey or Johnson. I love that Collins wants to embrace the positives of GT and sell the challenges as positives. We've not had this type of mindset on campus in my 20 or so years of following GT football. I'm hopeful that he can have a top 35 recruiting class in 2019, top 25 in 2020... I think we have exciting times ahead.
Being "cool" doesn't guarantee wins.


Ramblin' Wreck
Did he say that it did? It can't hurt. I dont get the need for some around here to immediately try to tone down anyone who dares be pumped up and excited.
Feel free to gate-keep for the site and deem posters #ATL when they're sufficiently "pumped" to your expectations.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
This. Seriously... some of you need to find something in your life that will get you to think more positively.

I'm amazed that anyone would not be anything but excited. I am a grumpy OWG but I am excited and willing to see where we go. I agree that this approach is different than what we have seen in quite some time at GT (maybe since a young Bobby Cremins arrived on campus). Will it work? Who knows but why worry now, without any cause???? Matthew 6:34 "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Each time we change coaches, we have some individuals who predict doom and gloom so they can later say "I told you so." It's frankly wearisome.


I'm amazed that anyone would not be anything but excited. I am a grumpy OWG but I am excited and willing to see where we go. I agree that this approach is different than what we have seen in quite some time at GT (maybe since a young Bobby Cremins arrived on campus). Will it work? Who knows but why worry now, without any cause???? Matthew 6:34 "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Each time we change coaches, we have some individuals who predict doom and gloom so they can later say "I told you so." It's frankly wearisome.
I’m not a hype guy. Frankly when I got someone trying to hype me up I wondering what they’re covering for. The hype types appeal to some & don’t appeal to others. I guess given my old age, the number of operational organizations I’ve completely fixed/overhauled I’m predisposed to establishing strategy & instituting the building blocks necessary for long term success.

CGC’s flash doesn’t bother me. You have to establish interest in the program. It could be he believes that some amount of bold proclamations up front are required in order to unify the fanbase after a decade of extreme division. I don’t think CGC can discount how fractured the fanbase is given a large segment basically withheld support & actually actively contributed to the negative narratives in some cases. Fortunately for him the side that’s been highly destructive is now coming back into the fold & all he’s dealing with is the emotions of some, myself included, that don’t believe the way forward needs to include crapping on the past & current players/coaches.


That's true and it's very sad:rolleyes:

I’ve been to every home game except 1 in CPJ’s tenure. Starting with the NC St loss in 2010, remember that followed screwing the pooch at Kansas, I started hearing fans in the stands yap about GT losing enough that we’d show CPJ the door. 2014 once we turned the corner it stopped. It picked right up again in 2015.

Some of us don’t like the team being crapped on by our owns fans. Personally it rubs me wrong to hear our fans hoping we’ll lose so we can get a new coach. If that floats your boat fine, but don’t expect me to like it.
Augusta, GA
I fully support Collins, and I will be there for his first game at Clemson, and for every home game next year, loudly cheering for the Jackets and hoping he wins them all. But as of right now, all this "cool" stuff that some of you guys are excited about is IMO just fluff. It looks good and sounds good, and it may well indeed appeal to new fans and recruits, but until it's proved on the field, it's all just talk. Sorry if that strikes some (or many) of you as being grumpy; I call it being realistic. I would be willing to bet that some of the people who are most excited right now will drop like flies if that "cool" doesn't carry over to IMMEDIATE success on the field. Unlike those so-called fans, if Collins does not succeed immediately, I won't be deserting him and moving on to other "cool" things. He and the team have my unlimited, unconditional support, "cool" stuff or not. Can you guys so enthralled by it all right now say the same?
Augusta, GA

I’ve been to every home game except 1 in CPJ’s tenure. Starting with the NC St loss in 2010, remember that followed screwing the pooch at Kansas, I started hearing fans in the stands yap about GT losing enough that we’d show CPJ the door. 2014 once we turned the corner it stopped. It picked right up again in 2015.

Some of us don’t like the team being crapped on by our owns fans. Personally it rubs me wrong to hear our fans hoping we’ll lose so we can get a new coach. If that floats your boat fine, but don’t expect me to like it.
AMEN, brother !!!!!!


Southeastern Michigan
I’m not a hype guy. Frankly when I got someone trying to hype me up I wondering what they’re covering for. The hype types appeal to some & don’t appeal to others. I guess given my old age, the number of operational organizations I’ve completely fixed/overhauled I’m predisposed to establishing strategy & instituting the building blocks necessary for long term success.

CGC’s flash doesn’t bother me. You have to establish interest in the program. It could be he believes that some amount of bold proclamations up front are required in order to unify the fanbase after a decade of extreme division. I don’t think CGC can discount how fractured the fanbase is given a large segment basically withheld support & actually actively contributed to the negative narratives in some cases. Fortunately for him the side that’s been highly destructive is now coming back into the fold & all he’s dealing with is the emotions of some, myself included, that don’t believe the way forward needs to include crapping on the past & current players/coaches.
Not a hype guy either.
Prove it first, because if you don't, all that hype just makes you look silly.
It keeps reminding me of "New Coke"

Madison Grant

Helluva Engineer
[QUOTE="LibertyTurns, post: 524674, member: Personally it rubs me wrong to hear our fans hoping we’ll lose so we can get a new coach. If that floats your boat fine, but don’t expect me to like it.[/QUOTE]
I supported CPJ, and so did a lot of the people who are also on board with CGC now. It's not an either or situation. I've made comments about things I've thought CPJ did well as well as things I thought he didn't. I don't think it's disrespectful to him for fans to have such a discussion about his tenure after it's done. Its 1 or 2 guys in here who are being over the top.


Ramblin' Wreck
Like all the anti Option posters were for the last 11 years? :rolleyes:

And the Gailey haters before and since. I'm a fan of my alma mater first and foremost. The HC is a tool to get victories. Some here are clearly upset that CPJ chose to retire on his own terms though. I don't think they're gonna be happy unless we run it 60 times/game no matter how many times that scheme loses to Duke.

I, for one, enjoyed CPJ's victories and successes, wish him the best in his future endeavors, and am optimistic for Coach Collins.