Happy Father's Day


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA

Look forward for my kids coming over today just to spend some time together.

The older I get the more I understand when Dad's say, they just want Peace and time together... It's truly the best gift.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
another bad pun below. Slugboy, you started this...

Neighbor: I am thinking about making glass caskets.
Me: Do you really think there is a market for that??
Neighbor: Remains to be seen.

Sorry. Happy Father's Day all!


Mello Yellow-Jacket
We don’t take a day off, being a Dad. Whether they live with us or not.
A father is someone you look up to, no matter how tall you grow.
Hope you all had a wonderful day!

What did the buffalo say to his son as he walked out the door? Bi-son.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Reporting back in. Yesterday was great. Got a few modest gifts that were genuinely useful and welcomed. My gin and tonic never reached empty status as I watched the Open. Grilled corn on the cob and steaks. We don't consume much red meat anymore but I got the craving for steaks. I always wanted to try the tomahawk ribeye. They were out so went with bone in ribeye. At $17 per lb., 2 really nice steaks set me back $48. (one of the reasons for cutting back on red meat I suppose). I was worried that they would be disappointing at that price but they were fantastic. Maybe as good as any I have ever had and when I was on expense account I had my share of them. Put them on the smoker for a short while then seared them to finish. Perfect medium rare steaks. I usually don't shop here but I guess I am plugging the bone in ribeye from Fresh market as two enthusiastic thumps up. With careful budgeting and saving, I may be able to have them again this fall. Preferably as a leadup to a night game for the Jackets! ;)

did you hear about the guy who sued the airline after it lost his luggage? Sady, he lost his case.


Mello Yellow-Jacket
Happy Father’s Day, 2022!
And to you Dad’s with needs that are specially challenged with your child(ren), my heart is with you completely and then some!!

A few current day jokes:
Why are balloons so expensive?


2. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

Nacho cheese!

3. Why can’t you send a duck to space?

Because the bill would be astronomical.