GT's Option and the GAP Blitz


Helluva Engineer
Not to get off topic, but that 2008 DL with Michael Johnson, Darryl Roberts, Vance Walker, and Derrick Morgan was pretty stout. All 4 of those guys were drafted, and 3 are still in the League. CPJ inherited a pretty loaded team and made good use of them.

I was just about to type this. Thanks


There is a reason the Falcons drafted Ryan where they did. That guy burned more Ds than just ours. Tenuta had a great scheme and coached his players up in it. My biggest criticism of him was his stubborness in sticking to it when it wasn't working as well. I've often thought Tenuta's D matched with CPJ's O could have created lightning in a bottle.

Nook Su Kow

Ramblin' Wreck
There is a reason the Falcons drafted Ryan where they did. That guy burned more Ds than just ours. Tenuta had a great scheme and coached his players up in it. My biggest criticism of him was his stubborness in sticking to it when it wasn't working as well. I've often thought Tenuta's D matched with CPJ's O could have created lightning in a bottle.
Yea Matty Ice turned out to be a decent NFL qb haha


Helluva Engineer
There is a reason the Falcons drafted Ryan where they did. That guy burned more Ds than just ours. Tenuta had a great scheme and coached his players up in it. My biggest criticism of him was his stubborness in sticking to it when it wasn't working as well.

What other scheme would he have gone to? He played a high risk defensive scheme to overcome the lack of talent. It worked against inexperienced and lesser talented college QBs (and most are).

Against the Ryan level QBs, we might have lost by less, but we still would have lost by playing a more conservative scheme. And maybe you get some breaks and win one you shouldn't by taking the risk.


Helluva Engineer
IMO we need to rely on offense - in first half defense needs to be aggressive as possible to get the ball for the offense which must assert itself - wearing down the other teams defense . Time of possession gt by 5 minutes would be ideal even with a small lead. Third quarter the same aggression and totally wear down the defense! Then play straight up defense ( faking blitz etc) BUT not the Al Grogh give them 10 yard cushion.

If we don't force the other offense off the field we negate the advantage of our offense.

The so called gap blitz (8 in box) is just a dose of what we should do.

I think coach is ready to bring it this year - both side of ball



What other scheme would he have gone to? He played a high risk defensive scheme to overcome the lack of talent. It worked against inexperienced and lesser talented college QBs (and most are).

Against the Ryan level QBs, we might have lost by less, but we still would have lost by playing a more conservative scheme. And maybe you get some breaks and win one you shouldn't by taking the risk.

Agree to disagree I guess. I recall his Ds giving UGA QBs, and several other good teams QBs, fits. Our UGA losses, and ACC champ game loss, were largely due to poor O play. That's just the big games that stick out in my memory at moment. Don't recall many QBs other than Ryan really taking it to us. Please refresh my memory.


GT Athlete
Featured Member
Matt Ryan killed us for a staggering 24 points. No way an offense can overcome that floodgate opened by the defense. /sarcasm (Anybody remember the bogus PI against Gary Guyton just as we were beginning to turn the momentum in that game?)

How many times would we have paid good money to be able to hold a good offense to 24 points with these other DC bozos we've had since CJT?

And, it wasn't just average or inexperienced QB's, it was Phillip Rivers, all the Clemson QB's, all the Ugag QB's, and the Miami QB's.


Helluva Engineer
Matt Ryan killed us for a staggering 24 points. No way an offense can overcome that floodgate opened by the defense. /sarcasm (Anybody remember the bogus PI against Gary Guyton just as we were beginning to turn the momentum in that game?)

How many times would we have paid good money to be able to hold a good offense to 24 points with these other DC bozos we've had since CJT?

And, it wasn't just average or inexperienced QB's, it was Phillip Rivers, all the Clemson QB's, all the Ugag QB's, and the Miami QB's.
Good point. CJT really had Rivers' number.


Helluva Engineer
This will be the question that needs to be answered. They will do it until we burn them with some consistency. I expect this defense against us in spades to start this campaign. It should be interesting and I will be watching very closely to see how we adapt. I feel like, in my head, I know what we need to do, but I am anxious to see what we WILL do to combat the defense "du jour" as CPJ calls it. IMHO, strong execution of very basic option concepts defeats this tactic. We will see.
Agree with you so tired of backers jumping the snap and puttingus in second and 12 etc.It has been a problem for us for years and now is the time to solve it.It seems when the big uns play us the down lineman shut off the dive and when the others play us they jump out snap.It is not a new problem and by now we should be prepared for it.


Ramblin' Wreck
Agree with you so tired of backers jumping the snap and puttingus in second and 12 etc.It has been a problem for us for years and now is the time to solve it.It seems when the big uns play us the down lineman shut off the dive and when the others play us they jump out snap.It is not a new problem and by now we should be prepared for it.

That's what frustrated me so much about the VT game last year. CPJ talked all week before the game how we knew how VT would "probably line up the same way they always do" to play us. That implied to me we were prepared. The Offense I saw that night was not prepared. It was false starting all over the place and missing blocks. I was embarrassed. It's one thing to get outplayed by a better team, but to show up that way not even acting like you know what's gong on...that's not something I can handle.


Helluva Engineer
That's what frustrated me so much about the VT game last year. CPJ talked all week before the game how we knew how VT would "probably line up the same way they always do" to play us. That implied to me we were prepared. The Offense I saw that night was not prepared. It was false starting all over the place and missing blocks. I was embarrassed. It's one thing to get outplayed by a better team, but to show up that way not even acting like you know what's gong on...that's not something I can handle.
Miami used to do the same thing and so did BYU and IOWA at times..Since we know that this is a way to stop us it may be different this year when we play the big uns but........when folks get your snap count you need to change it.


Helluva Engineer
That's what frustrated me so much about the VT game last year. CPJ talked all week before the game how we knew how VT would "probably line up the same way they always do" to play us. That implied to me we were prepared. The Offense I saw that night was not prepared. It was false starting all over the place and missing blocks. I was embarrassed. It's one thing to get outplayed by a better team, but to show up that way not even acting like you know what's gong on...that's not something I can handle.
Agree with your points and its time to whip VT.I am afraid they get into our head especially in late games and we seem to make a mistake.They will play good defense and hopefully so will me but it seems they are going back to a power type offense with two running backs.We can stop that and man glad Logan is gone.