Football Fund Raising


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
One thing I would love to see is a concerted effort to reach out to fans/season tickets holder such as myself. I would without thinking set up an going monthly donation of say $50. I know that not a helluva lot but $600/year x 25,000 season ticket holders is 15MM. I would specifically want this money be earmarked for football operations only. 15MM goes a long way when it comes to support staff. Why can't this be done?


Helluva Engineer
Many moons ago a little school named Clemson developed IPTAY - I Pay Ten A Year.

$10 a freaking year. Course inflation yada, yada but

You have a great idea there.

Consider it done from my end. You gonna give every month or all at once when we all send it in together?

I say we call it F EM. Fifty Every Month.

First get 5,000. Then 10k. Then see what "Tech Men" are really made of!

I am doing it in addition to anything else. F EM!
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Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
Many moons ago a little school named Clemson developed IPTAY - I Pay Ten A Year.

$10 a freaking year. Course inflation yada, yada but

You have a great idea there.

Consider it done from my end. You gonna give every month or all at once when we all send it in together?

I say we call it F EM. Fifty Every Month.

First get 5,000. Then 10k. Then see what "Tech Men" are really made of!

I am doing it in addition to anything else. F EM!

I remember IPTAY quite well and the ugly bumper stickers :D I suspect if it's done properly you would have the choice to do on going, recurring monthly, quarterly or yearly payments of whatever you want to give.


Helluva Engineer
so none of you guys get AT fund donations mailings?

to the orginal poster, if you want to do and they can set it up.

I have said this in other posts. Unlike many, if not most schools, that share fundraising with the AA, GT separates them, the departments, and refuses to give the AA the roll call access and lists to help them out. They have to do their fundraising and finances totally independent. When you can't hire extra admins because the school doesn't allow some of their money to support the AA, they have no resources to do better at it.

We have so many fundamental problems. Athletics is a big marketing and donation leg of the school. Its also part of the school, which means its part of the presidents mission. GT is one of the few schools where the alumni act like athletics is a necessary evil and want to separate church and state. No, its part of the school. Which means, the school needs to do better to support it. The school has all the flexibility and means of the world, to help out the AA more. resources, personnel support, some finance support, etc. It is ridiculous we run the AA the way we do.

GT has plenty of money. They choose to treat the AA as a burden. They choose to make them self sustain. The president does nothing. I can't think of one thing this guy did? Everything that has happened rolled over from the prior guy. Maybe this guy can shake it up and make and improvement in these areas. It does not hurt or sacrifice ANY academia crap. At All. Its about excellence throughout the school. Embracing athletics and supporting it not squashing it.

we are in real trouble at GT with programs...AD's will be hard to find they way we run...


Helluva Engineer
Gibson, GA
GT is an elite engineering program and as I recall one of the cheapest in the country, $500 more dollars per student/year would go a long ways.


Helluva Engineer
GT is an elite engineering program and as I recall one of the cheapest in the country, $500 more dollars per student/year would go a long ways.

it was, they really did a nice job digging $ and jacking up costs in the past 8 years....IT probably still is a great value, but its $$ than it used to be


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
so none of you guys get AT fund donations mailings?

to the orginal poster, if you want to do and they can set it up.

I have said this in other posts. Unlike many, if not most schools, that share fundraising with the AA, GT separates them, the departments, and refuses to give the AA the roll call access and lists to help them out. They have to do their fundraising and finances totally independent. When you can't hire extra admins because the school doesn't allow some of their money to support the AA, they have no resources to do better at it.

We have so many fundamental problems. Athletics is a big marketing and donation leg of the school. Its also part of the school, which means its part of the presidents mission. GT is one of the few schools where the alumni act like athletics is a necessary evil and want to separate church and state. No, its part of the school. Which means, the school needs to do better to support it. The school has all the flexibility and means of the world, to help out the AA more. resources, personnel support, some finance support, etc. It is ridiculous we run the AA the way we do.

GT has plenty of money. They choose to treat the AA as a burden. They choose to make them self sustain. The president does nothing. I can't think of one thing this guy did? Everything that has happened rolled over from the prior guy. Maybe this guy can shake it up and make and improvement in these areas. It does not hurt or sacrifice ANY academia crap. At All. Its about excellence throughout the school. Embracing athletics and supporting it not squashing it.

we are in real trouble at GT with programs...AD's will be hard to find they way we run...

My point is why should it be done on a haphazard basis? I know how and I know I can call and I do contribute but why should there not be a alum/season ticket holder/fan ORGANIZED ongoing focused fund raising? Instead of crapping on the Hill why don't you, like others are doing, get involved in what WE can do to make the program we support the best. It's easy to gripe and moan and blame the Hill. It's even easier to take steps to help.


Helluva Engineer
My point is why should it be done on a haphazard basis? I know how and I know I can call and I do contribute but why should there not be a alum/season ticket holder/fan ORGANIZED ongoing focused fund raising? Instead of crapping on the Hill why don't you, like others are doing, get involved in what WE can do to make the program we support the best. It's easy to gripe and moan and blame the Hill. It's even easier to take steps to help.

so you obviously don't know me or my history. I was president of a GTAA board for a few years TRYING TO HELP THESE DARN ISSUES as you state....instead of griping I did help. I did try. I have athletic alumns who post who can back me up as I brought them on the board I chaired

and you know what. That is more than pretty much anyone on this message board has ever done for the AA; Anyone on this board; tell me who here chaired a athletic board for the AA for a few years? Working with the associate ADs and AD on these topics. ANYONE here? Anyone here have more valid first hand knowledge of what is going on? Please come forward; and when you do tell me I am wrong.

Tell me this AA is not in dysfunction for many reasons and what I type is false.

And I can tell you categorically, there is a reason I post and have the opinions I do. Its because I was there. I was involved. Don't be such a jackwagon dont' know posters and what involvement they have. Pretty big words not even realizing I did do exactly that.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
so you obviously don't know me or my history. I was president of a GTAA board for a few years TRYING TO HELP THESE DARN ISSUES as you state....instead of griping I did help. I did try. I have athletic alumns who post who can back me up as I brought them on the board.

And I can tell you categorically, there is a reason I post and have the opinions I do. Its because I was there. I was involved. Don't be such a jackwagon dont' know posters and what involvement they have. Pretty big words not even realizing I did do exactly that.

Good for you and I thank you for your involvement. I've always thought you were and are knowledgeable, the only issue I have with you is the constant negativity. I'm not blind to the issues but I've never claimed to have all the answers but I find that, for myself, I enjoy life and Tech football much more with a positive outlook :)


Helluva Engineer
The lack of money to gtaa football is a problem, but they are poor at creating buzz in every action. So much potential.


Till then
Now $ to recruiting. Then $ Coaching.

By way I specify my donation goes to football recruiting. Love that we are out on west coast and in south la. Triple that effort to add 2 college ready defensive recruits. Then two years after redshirting they have much better chance of being a "difference maker" . Thats the way to balance the recruiting classes.


Helluva Engineer
Good for you and I thank you for your involvement. I've always thought you were and are knowledgeable, the only issue I have with you is the constant negativity. I'm not blind to the issues but I've never claimed to have all the answers but I find that, for myself, I enjoy life and Tech football much more with a positive outlook :)

constant negativity? Dude step back and look at the state of our AA. Read the articles on bobinski; and CPJ's opinion. Stuff that is normally internal is spilling publicly. I am not negative without cause. Go talk to people at the AA and see how they are ...its not good.

Its not constant negativity. Everyone needs to get thicker skin. Pointing out issues etc for resolution is the point here.

We have enough cheerleaders. If we didn't I would be a cheerleader too. I chose to post and focus on areas we as fans can apply pressure to improve...instead people tell me I hate GT and gt football, only to be proven by articles released over time...that I was right.

We need to call the presidents office and say enough is enough.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
constant negativity? Dude step back and look at the state of our AA. Read the articles on bobinski; and CPJ's opinion. Stuff that is normally internal is spilling publicly. I am not negative without cause. Go talk to people at the AA and see how they are ...its not good.

Its not constant negativity. Everyone needs to get thicker skin. Pointing out issues etc for resolution is the point.

Forgive me. SMH for trying to upbeat about the program and the '16 season. Have a great day dude


Helluva Engineer
Forgive me. SMH for trying to upbeat about the program and the '16 season. Have a great day dude

go ahead and be upbeat? Where did I ever post to you saying you should not be excited? Where have I ever told a fan how to be, although, people love to tell me how I should be. It is just the usa today I guess. Fall in line or you are "wrong"

I love this program and our mission a ton. I enjoy to hell these games and what we set to do each year. But good lord we have areas that can simply be improved to be a better unit and we don't do them. We hire poorly and don't support the AA like we should. If my evil mission is to make fans aware of this so we can apply pressure to improve so be it!!


Jolly Good Fellow
One thing I would love to see is a concerted effort to reach out to fans/season tickets holder such as myself. I would without thinking set up an going monthly donation of say $50. I know that not a helluva lot but $600/year x 25,000 season ticket holders is 15MM. I would specifically want this money be earmarked for football operations only. 15MM goes a long way when it comes to support staff. Why can't this be done?
A lot of people are still mad about the Tech Fund fees. You're not going to get all ST holders to cough up another $600/year out of the goodness of their hearts.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
A lot of people are still mad about the Tech Fund fees. You're not going to get all ST holders to cough up another $600/year out of the goodness of their hearts.

We won't know unless it's tried ;) And the $600 number was just a number, not hard and fast. Some may want to give more, others less.
Augusta, GA
A lot of people are still mad about the Tech Fund fees. You're not going to get all ST holders to cough up another $600/year out of the goodness of their hearts.
I'm not so much mad about the Tech Fund fees as I am about the way DRad instituted them, just springing them on us with no explanation or advance warning. Living, as I do, on a fixed income, it's hard to give more than that, but if some kind of giving PLAN were actually instituted, I would do my best to give as well. Granted I could already be doing that on a voluntary basis, but I haven't. Perhaps a PLAN would provide the incentive.