Coach Cook, JT, and Effects on the Offense


Helluva Engineer
JT was not an option QB prior to coming to GT and he had to learn the ropes from somebody. And that somebody is Coach Cook. Because of JT's play making abilities and tools (speed, moves, accuracy, quick release) I think that the rapid rate at which he learned the decision making aspects of our offense is sometimes overlooked.

It is amazing how often JT made the right read in his first year as a starter. And that goes for pre-snap reads as well as during the play. Think how often he handled the ball deftly, securely, and even made some slick pitches and fake pitches. Perhaps more amazing than his playmaking abilities was simply his mastering of an offense that requires precision technique/footwork and split second decision making.

I also thought Justin did a good job generally of throwing the ball away and living to fight another day. Sure he had some he'd like to have back. But in general I thought he did a much better job than most young QBs who have crazy scrambling abilities.

So a shout out to Coach Cook for doing a great job with Justin! I'm betting CC would say Justin makes his job easy so it's a two-way street. The BB's also had a great year and that is also a Coach Cook position, so a congratulations for a job well done again! Note that JT is not CC's first star QB pupil. His QB when he was OC at Cal Poly was pretty damn good.

When CC came on board there was talk of how he might influence the offense, particularly with respect to HUNH. Turns out our defense was too thin to run any HUNH--though it's well documented we practiced it and players said it got them in better shape. While we always huddled last year we did use some change of pace that defenses found disorienting as they were getting shredded. This is the first year I recall us doing that but please correct me if I am wrong.

Additionally I may be mistaken and am far from an expert on pass routes, but it appeared to to me that we were running some different routes at times this year, and I was wondering if that was a Coach Cook effect. Can anyone provide a better analysis of our routes/were they much different? Might also have been PJ making adjustments based on the WRs we had.

Anyway I just wanted to draw attention to another member of our staff doing a great job. Thanks Coach Cook!


Helluva Engineer
Good stuff, @InsideLB

I think JT redshirting in 2012, and getting some real snaps in 2013 helped a lot with his transition to starter in 2014. He made some crazy decisions on pitches in 2013, and a lot of it was cleaned up in 2014. He'll only get scary good with the option game from here on out.

As for new passing concepts, I think we are adjusting certain things within those RnS route concepts (like breaking off routes to back shoulder throws depending on how the DBs are lining up/covering our WRs). I believe we have been tweaking our passing game every year depending on the talent, but our core RnS route concepts (Go, Switch, Choice, etc.) have remained the same.


Helluva Engineer
Having CBC sets us up nicely for when CPJ retires and CTR takes the helm.

That's if Cook doesn't get scooped up to run his own program before that. Cook is a young coach who is very polished and well spoken. It wouldn't surprise me at all if a smaller program took the chance on him. CPJ's system is a proven winner at many hard to win places (Navy, Hawaii - 1990's, GT). There's going to be a smart AD who wants to replicate it that success at another school.


Jolly Good Fellow
A small school will take a chance on CBC. He won't be here by the time CPJ's tenure ends. My hope would be he's hired away, gets HC experience, and we bring him back after CPJ retires.