Coach Brent Key is our Kirby Smart

The Doddfather

Jolly Good Fellow
Just watched the post game presser by CBK. Class act across the board in the entire press conference. I know it’s easier after a win, but I love that he is such a straight shooter. No fluff or hype, he’s just a real dude.

At fan day last month, one of our players told me the difference in this staff and the last staff is that “We aren’t trying to just win games anymore. We expect to win championships.” That comes from the top.


Helluva Engineer
I don’t know about all this Kirby stuff, but I will say:
Brent has grown a lot. When he was interim, if we had won a game like that he would be teary eyed talking about how happy he is for the players. But I saw a man that expects to win today. He was happy, sure. But he wasn’t surprised. He looked like a man that knows his team is capable of winning a lot.


Helluva Engineer
Key has now established a really good staff. Let's enjoy having this group of coaches. It is so hard to keep the really good ones with all the money thrown around these days. DC should be around at least another year. Buster will be a hot commodity if this team continues to win --which I expect. I really hope he stays a while longer. So many pieces have been put together by Key. Solid in just about every phase now. We also have size, experience, strength, speed and skilled players. It seems to have come together this year.

Richland County

Jolly Good Fellow
The title of the thread is completely accurate. Both played at a high level for each school. Both love their schools. Both coached under satan. Both want nothing more than the best for their schools. It would take a kings ransom and then some for either to leave their jobs. Kirby is at the top of the mt like it or not. Brent is trying to get there. Both share the same coaching philosophies. Kirby maybe a mouth breather, fer can coach football at a high level. Brent is building a monster in his own right. Haven't seen this much hype around the program since the first OB appearance. Both have significant skin in the game which makes the job more important to each coach.