Bob Elliott


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta GA
My ND grad brother told me ND has one guy on staff who's only job is to study, dissect and devise a scheme against the option. Pay check earned Bob.

Yeah, I've seen folks on this board crediting BVG for out-coaching CPJ...what happened yesterday had nothing to do with Van Gorder beating Paul Johnson. ND brought in a hired gun whose only job was to plan for this game (oh, yeah, and Navy...) Ladies and gentlemen, THAT'S your blueprint for beating our offense--(1) spend $$$ to hire a guy whose only job is to plan for us; (2) devote about 40% of your off-season and preseason coaching to install the defensive schemes that he comes up with; and (3) have a 1st and 2nd string defense that are 4*/5* players capable of juggling defensive sets and running them at speed after all that prep work, without sacrificing their ability to do their bread-and-butter stuff against non-option offenses.

I guess we all know now why they looked so lackluster against Texas and Virginia. They were apparently doubling down on their prep for us, and I'm flattered by that. Kudos to Brian Kelly for recognizing that need and making the extraordinary commitment to be ready for us. No points to BVG, who basically had to have a ringer come in to prevent him from screwing the pooch.