ACC coaches speak anonymously about every team ahead of 2023 season.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
I really think CBK will do fine, no not 12 wins but 6 or more. People need to understand it will take a few years to get the players that his coaches want. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we win 8.
But the one thing I liked was when they said unlike the last head coach he will not try and draw attention on himself like the past one. I really think CBK will put Tech first then the players and his assistant coaches.
I will say at one time I had wanted him gone but then came to understand it was because the past head coach not letting the assistant coaches coach how they wanted.
I know some wanted another coach but I really think CBK will get the job done.
I just hope the fan base will support him and the team. ( and remember after a loss not to call for someone head or after a win to think we will be a playoff team. ( but this is Tech and I know it will happen)

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
I really think CBK will do fine, no not 12 wins but 6 or more. People need to understand it will take a few years to get the players that his coaches want. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we win 8.
But the one thing I liked was when they said unlike the last head coach he will not try and draw attention on himself like the past one. I really think CBK will put Tech first then the players and his assistant coaches.
I will say at one time I had wanted him gone but then came to understand it was because the past head coach not letting the assistant coaches coach how they wanted.
I know some wanted another coach but I really think CBK will get the job done.
I just hope the fan base will support him and the team. ( and remember after a loss not to call for someone head or after a win to think we will be a playoff team. ( but this is Tech and I know it will happen)
It is hard to know what to make of these Athlon articles that purportedly come from quotes gathered by opposing coaches, presumably assistants as I cannot imagine head coaches wanting to be bothered with such. In general, the tone seems to be that BC, Tech, UVA, and Virginia Tech all have some pretty tough sledding ahead. The teams that I thought got the most respect/accolades were FSU, Clemson, and Wake to a lesser extent. It would appear that seen through the eyes and biases of these coaches that the ACC looks to be down a bit this year as always talented UNC and Miami have question marks. Duke will be a tough game for us. IIWII


Helluva Engineer
It is hard to know what to make of these Athlon articles that purportedly come from quotes gathered by opposing coaches, presumably assistants as I cannot imagine head coaches wanting to be bothered with such. In general, the tone seems to be that BC, Tech, UVA, and Virginia Tech all have some pretty tough sledding ahead. The teams that I thought got the most respect/accolades were FSU, Clemson, and Wake to a lesser extent. It would appear that seen through the eyes and biases of these coaches that the ACC looks to be down a bit this year as always talented UNC and Miami have question marks. Duke will be a tough game for us. IIWII
I would guess FSU and Clemson will be the two favorites in the ACC this year. With 15 teams and unbalanced schedules no telling who the top 2 end up being. Still if I had to pick a top 4 Clemson and FSU would be in that group.

stinger 1957

Helluva Engineer
I like where we are, I like how we are perceived (if that is how we are really perceived) and I like what I see going on with GTFB and think we're going to be fine this year (6 wins or better) and think we are going to be fine going fwd. Winning will pick up fan interest over the coming years, I just need to be patient and enjoy the improvements as they come.


Im a 3*
I’m having a time agreeing on the recruiting or portal side of things. I’m starting to believe coaches are not answering questions


Helluva Engineer
“One thing you know is they're going to give (Jeff) Brohm a lot of time here, so they won't rush things or try to reach into the portal to fix their problems.”

this is SO wrong, UL is right behind CO in transfers

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Well, remember, the real problem the last guy had was how difficult it is to get players to Tech.

Had nothing to do with him as a coach. So obviously Key is going to struggle. (/s, if it wasn't obvious. 100% agree with your take).
Yeah, it’s simplistic at best, but zeroing in on the obvious, recruiting challenges at Tech, misses the bigger picture, which is that Key will instantly have much greater success than Collins on the field, which is also obvious.