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  1. BDS upgrades for 2020

    THWG IPA Harrison Buttkicker Imperial Stout NO WIFIPA (BDS reference)
  2. BDS upgrades for 2020

    Would love to see Monday Night or somebody make a "GT Pale Ale" in a gold can.
  3. BDS upgrades for 2020

    A live football game consists of (on average) 11 total minutes of actual action. Ok to look at my phone at some points during the other 2.5+ hours, or nah?
  4. BDS upgrades for 2020

    It's ok though. Talked to someone at GTAA and they recommended just using my phone's network (at&t) instead since the Wifi isn't great. So, it looks like we got it figured out. Ughhh, stupid stadiums with their lame millennial amenities. This engineering school has it figured out tho... Why pay...
  5. BDS upgrades for 2020

    Hey, just trying to check scores during the game since GT (for some reason) doesn't like posting scores from other games anywhere. F me right?!!
  6. BDS upgrades for 2020

    Good. Recruits and players love it.
  7. BDS upgrades for 2020

    Can we please, for the love of God, get some actual (free) working WiFi in BDS?! I got less than 1 mbps down all season in the lower east last year.