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  1. Introduce yourself

    Yep - kids have gotten really soft! My roommate and I got a sofa from Salvation Army - it must have weighed 200 pounds. Spring Quarter ended, and we abando..."stored" it in Glenn attic. It was too big to get down the stairs next to us, so we had to carry it all the way down to the main stairs...
  2. Introduce yourself

    Cool - what floor were you on? I was in 214 until my senior year - just a few hours short of guaranteed housing, and lost the lottery. Ended up staying on floor 2, but in one of the 4-man rooms with three freshmen! They were rowdy! Turned out pretty good. Wow - just looked at a floor plan. That...
  3. Introduce yourself

    In Towers from Fall '82 to Spring '86. Remember BA 500? My roommate won it one year! Not sure if it was that year or the one before, but there was some dude running around with a camera, and there was a group of naked dudes chasing him. He ran straight into our room.... Our RA was Pat something...
  4. GT Academic Horror Stories

    Not sure if it was Stamford or not, but I had the physics professor who was a real smart-alec. The last day of class, he sat down and said something like "Ask me anything, anything at all. I know everything." Would have been probably '85.
  5. GT Academic Horror Stories

    Literally crawled out of the pool and puked...twice.
  6. GT Academic Horror Stories

    Chen was one thing, but Virgil Smith was in a different league. You might have had him, but if not, he prided himself on coming up with a completely original set of problems for every test - he said he stayed up late the night before to come up with problems. There were generally two problems on...
  7. Introduce yourself

    We likely did, depending on your schedule. I had Harper for a few classes (I remember people saying our class retired Harper and killed Pettit, though we walked graduation in June of '86.), Gray, Helfrich for design, and a bunch I just cannot remember. Re J. J. Harper, "Low-Speed Wind Tunnel...
  8. Introduce yourself

    My wife used to commute from Strasburg to Reston and has plenty of horror stories about the traffic :) She basically lived her life on 66. She moved here when we got married, and thought she was moving to the land of the Unwashed Masses and Rednecks. Growing up in Virginia like she did, she...
  9. Introduce yourself

    Many thanks. FWIW, I am the only GT graduate from a pretty solid UGA family - father, uncles, aunts, cousins all went there, undergraduate and graduate. Both sides of the family are based within 50 or so miles of Athens. The result is I grew up watching UGA football (the horror!), and had a...
  10. Introduce yourself

    New here - but I have heard of the site over the past couple of years. Dropped into the thread "GT Academic Horror Stories" after Googling for Virgil Smith. That leads me to my background: AE '86 (I had Virgil for two classes over three quarters and learned that Dr. Chen is really a nice guy.)...
  11. GT Academic Horror Stories

    OK - I lived "the dream" - two of them! First - Winter quarter 1984, I think. Had a "Man and Machine" class or some-such from ESM. No textbook, had to copy text from overhead, lots of reading, not interesting at all, elective. After a week or two, I decided to bail on it. Dropped (My AE advisor...
  12. GT Academic Horror Stories

    The Virge!