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  1. Coach Key on Twitter today

    Any way you slice it or dice it the use of the "big boy football" implies to players and fans that you were not playing big boy football before. I don't understand all the big talk before you've done something to talk about. It's a phrase that is used to talk down to people that I've heard...
  2. Parker Braun transferring

    That's right. We've gone from one extreme to the other. All the glitz and blitz and showboat stuff will appeal to lots of kids, but it will be a different type kid. The personalities of some of these current kids will not mesh well with this new staff and i guess to some degree is...
  3. McCollum

    Sure, but it seems to me that he would keep someone around that would at least know the behind the scenes functionality of the program. He might actually learn something!! Everything the prior staff was doing was not bad. I keep having this nagging feeling that CGC is the type guy that is...
  4. McCollum

    Good or bad I believe we have hired a power control type guy. Message being sent to everyone that I'm the guy and I am in charge. Ego is a wonderful thing until it's not.
  5. Signing Day Info

    Seems to me that the outgoing staff has set Collins up pretty darn good. Lost of versatile athletes that can run. If he can pickup a couple D linemen it could be ok. I see no reason for a big drop off. All sorts of things could go wrong, but for right now looks pretty good to me. I think he's...
  6. Potential Head Coach Hires

    Guys from a GS perspective don't worry about not hiring Satterfield. He a good coach, but is the product of them having a solid stable situation there. He is not a home run hire by any stretch. I'm a Tech fan also and hope they hire the right guy. From our experience at GS hiring the wrong guy...