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  1. forrest

    VT experiences a glitch in the Matrix

    Lol I loved it!!! The announcers were " he just ducked under a tackle!! "
  2. forrest


    JT continues to impress with his moxie & toughness.....very happy with where we are at QB.
  3. forrest


    Here is my POV..take it or leave it ad it is sidewalk fan opinion.... My issue with PJ is his lack of class. I do not like how he us constantly dropping the F bomb on the sideline. I do not like his flippant attitude toward the press & fans. I want a HC at Tech that is class.. Period. As far as...
  4. forrest


    You can make this a tread "premised" on knocking the last QB if YOU want to..but that is not what I did at all... I stated pure fact. It does not matter what team we is the style of play that I compared with THIS thread. And IT IS FACT! I don't care what game footage you pull. VAD LEE...
  5. forrest


    Seriously.... How can you even compare those stats today...JMU played who??? ST Francis??? Come on...get real... Oh yea VL went 14/31 passing....sound familiar?
  6. forrest


    JT just soldified my opinion...nice to have a qb who didn't fold under pressure...
  7. forrest


    OK..early, I know but through 3 games JT is significantly better than Vad. The difference I see is fear.VL always ran with apprehension, JT runs with ambition. JT is not afraid of contact, VL was.
  8. forrest

    ESPN 3 Blackout!

    Direct TV channel 634 (MSGHD)
  9. forrest

    Sidewalk fans

    Sidewalk fan from VA here. Lol as painful as some seasons are for me & can't fathom how painful some of the Heartbreakers are for alumni! It is a bit easier to take the glasses of.
  10. forrest

    GT adding a good walk on

    He runs just like Laskey with a bit more shake & speed. That dude has A back written all over him in my opinion.
  11. forrest

    Introduce yourself

    Hey all, new here just found the site. I am one of the rare & mysterious sidewalk fans. I post at the hive as bigtimegt (however its been years since I actually posted, mostly just lurk) I also lurk at St but have no handle since I am not alum or do I know anyone to refer me. Thanks for letting...