Thanks for the specific listing in sequential order...helped me grasp what a difficult schedule we have...should be a very entertaining season. I hope you are right but I am not sure I share your half glass full outlook...the ball bounced our way last year with a grissilly seasoned bunch that...
The NCAA is a dinosaur... and it is only a matter of time before it is left behind by a super conference aliance to wither and disappear into its deserved obscurity...
I am curious if it was just me or others observed and felt the same way, but the play that Smelter was injured looked like a late hit or unneccesary twisting of his leg by the defender with the intent to injure...I was infuriated that defender was not tossed from the game...
My quite a defensive response...the question was when was the last 5 star recruit under any coach... A simple question for the group....apparently not an answer that is easily answered...
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