Recent content by Mister G

  1. Hokies

    If Danny Hall was coaching the Chicago Cubs and had the track record for the last six years he has and then was given a five-year extension the fans would have rioted and probably 50,000 people would have died in a mob scene but this is Georgia Tech where there is no repercussions
  2. Hokies

    When Georgia Tech gave Danny hall five year extension that just proved 100% that on a scale of 0 to 1 trillion Georgia Tech baseball is a 0 in terms of importance at Georgia Tech if you can't figure that out then there's something seriously wrong with you
  3. Hokies

    There is no greater waste of time on planet Earth than following Georgia Tech baseball. If you told me instead of following the game for three hours that you went outside and beat your head against a brick wall and drew blood and had to go to the hospital that would be a better use of your time