Mutts taking it hard...


Georgia Tech Fan
Saw this display of Dwag loathing. Probably not Richt fans.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
Must be tough only beating your rival 12/14 times. Imagine how hard they're gonna take it when they're winning 0/14.
This is very true. Well I mean the first part. I hope the prediction ends up very true also. But the first part speaks to how much the UGA players want to win this game every year. Look at how dejected they all were. It wasn't over the season as a whole (sure that is a factor) or over not getting to play for the SEC Championship (also a factor) but it was primarily deep dejection that on Senior day they lost to a team they fully expect to beat by rights every single year. That is what it looks like to lose a game when you have the deeply ingrained attitude of winning.

I am very optimistic that Tech is gaining that attitude of an expectation and deep confidence that they will win a game. It is the mindset that Tech needs to handle getting ranked, being favored, etc. It takes time to develop that and it takes fighting to the end and pulling out close wins as well. It is a psychological component key to Tech taking this great winning year and continuing the momentum forward next year when the schedule gets a whole lot more challenging.


Jolly Good Fellow
This is very true. Well I mean the first part. I hope the prediction ends up very true also. But the first part speaks to how much the UGA players want to win this game every year. Look at how dejected they all were. It wasn't over the season as a whole (sure that is a factor) or over not getting to play for the SEC Championship (also a factor) but it was primarily deep dejection that on Senior day they lost to a team they fully expect to beat by rights every single year. That is what it looks like to lose a game when you have the deeply ingrained attitude of winning.

I am very optimistic that Tech is gaining that attitude of an expectation and deep confidence that they will win a game. It is the mindset that Tech needs to handle getting ranked, being favored, etc. It takes time to develop that and it takes fighting to the end and pulling out close wins as well. It is a psychological component key to Tech taking this great winning year and continuing the momentum forward next year when the schedule gets a whole lot more challenging.

I find it funny how many uGA fans say that they don't even think about us and hardly consider us a rival anymore, but then turn borderline suicidal when we beat them. We're definitely still hated by them, and I love it. With our success this year, the recruiting class coming in, and how good next year's class is already looking like it's gonna be I really think that we're on the rise. Let's get that extension done already!


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
UGAg should win every game, just like we should beat Fluke every time. UGAg has the best talent in the country (by recruiting ranking) but not the character or coaching to make it happen. (Synopsis at )

It's great to be an under dog and win; the problem is you usually don't win. Hopefully being an under dog that will change if we can keep the recruiting!

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
We are their rivals until we beat them. Then coaches get fired.
Yeah, it is only the UGA fans that have this annual contemplation over who is or isn't one of their "rivals" and also ranking them as most rivalriest to least rivalriest. I get Google alerts set with anything that mentions Georgia Tech and every year before the Tech-UGA game I get sent 2-3 different articles written by Dawg fans debating if Tech should be considered a rival and even flat out denying that they are one. It is like trying to listen to middle-school girls deciding who their bestest bestie is; it is amusing but also mind-numbing.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
What really cracks me up about this annual attempt by UGA fans to wax philosophical over who is and isn't a rival of theirs is that they are implicitly lodging a complaint about winning the series with Tech too often. Think about the logic of it:

1) Tech-UGA have played since 1893, played each other 109 times, are the two highest level college football programs in the state, the annual game has a nickname (for cryin' eye!), the state governor presents the winner with a trophy each year . . . so it is clearly and definitively a rivalry game. There is no room for debate on that basic point and to deny it is to not understand what the term "rivalry" means.

2) UGA has dominated the game overall (64-40-5) and are currently 12-2 under Richt.

3) Large segments of UGA fanbase begin to routinely downplay the game and even flatly deny that Tech is a rival of theirs.

4) What they (if able to clearly form and follow a line of logical reasoning) really should want to say is stte of "Man, Tech sure hasn't been keeping up their end of this rivalry. They are not much of a match for us and if they can't compete then it makes this a far less exciting rivalry than our other ones."

5) But they do not say that, that is, they don't simply directly criticize Tech. Instead they want to take a completely arrogant approach and treat Tech with condescension at best and utter contempt at worst and so deny that the game is even a rivalry one.

And so we are left to logically conclude that they actually would prefer to lose more games to Tech. Well, here is hoping that you get what you ardently wish for Dawg fans!


Helluva Engineer
What cracks me up is that the number one argument used by Mutt fans is that GT-UGA is not a rivalry anymore because it has been too one-sided. In their view, instead, UF is now their biggest rivalry.

Series gap since 1990
GT v UGA: 6-19
UGA v UF: 6-19

They can't have it both ways. Applying their own logic, UF isn't a rivalry either because UF simply dominates them too much. Good luck getting a Mutt fan to agree to that.

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
I was going to make the same point already made in this thread. Most of the Georgia fans I know, which is a handful, because I detest most UGA fans; are always letting me know that they don't even consider Tech a worthy opponent. This week I have enjoyed asking them, "How bout them dawgs?". It's been a great week! I hope we do great tonight, but for me, this season can't get much better.

Go Jackets!

Cheesehead Jacket

Georgia Tech Fan
In Wisconsin, there are no in-state rivalries. Sure they consider Iowa and Minnesota rivals. They even have trophies for the games. But the intensity and year long passion does not even come close to UGA / Tech. I have missed a lot of that passion since I live so far away. This board keeps me connected and it has been great to vent my frustrations when we would lose and bask in the glow when we win.
I agree that over the last few weeks there seems to be a swagger coming back to all GT sports , especially football. Win or lose tonight ( I'm predicting win ), the program has been elevated. But let's NOT go EXPECTING a national championship at this point, however.