Mutts taking it hard...


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I watched the Pup replay today and there must have been 10-15 plays that could have swung the outcome either way. We left a lot of points on the field, but they did also.

That's so true for most of our games (and probably many other teams as well). What happens in the Clemson game if their QB doesn't get hurt and they go up 14-0? Or if we don't get the pick against VT. Or the LB sacks JT against Ga. Southern?Or if Smelter just picks up the first down against UNC vs. the quick score off of the reverse. We were pretty close to being 7-5...or being 12-0 and the #1 seed in the 4 team playoff. I agree with CPJ...there is a very fine line these days between most teams not named Alabama. we were a play or two away from FSU.


Helluva Engineer
I watched the Pup replay today and there must have been 10-15 plays that could have swung the outcome either way. We left a lot of points on the field, but they did also.
Hold on a second. You make a play or you don't, that's football. We've had several seasons running where one or two plays in each of our losses would have meant wins. I don't see anybody on our boards counting that for much.


Georgia Tech Fan
I hear about comparisons between Gailey and CPJ (on another board many of us used to frequent at least) but cheese has a point- most of the uga games under cpj just didn't break our way but we were competitive and if we had made a few plays would've gone our way. We were DUE this year


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Due or not, we TOOK it! Bottom line is that is what has to be done. CPJ's comment to JT after the "fumble" return for TD, was to go back out there and play. don't worry about the past. If JT would have sulked each time he went back on the field, UGA would have blown us out of the stadium.


Helluva Engineer
Parts Unknown
I don't really have anything to add to this fine thread other than to say how much I appreciate that it exists and to all the posters within it who have made the past few weeks and, I'm sure, the next 50 or so weeks so enjoyable.

So keep on posting stories, anecdotes, personal experiences, etc. of the fathomless suffering of Dwagnation because I will never get tired of reading all about it.


Helluva Engineer
If you haven't heard the radio replay of the end og game,it is SWEET.What was amazing was how DEADPAN their description of the OT was on our 6 play score.From the first play it was like they expected us to score.On the TD, he actually says -"Laskey gets the 1st down,he might have scored" with ZERO emphasis.


on Pastner Polo watch
Speaking of mutts, I was at Wal-Mart getting things for my bball camp in Alabama tomorrow and the cashier was giving me crap for the GT stuff we were wearing. Guess who she liked, yep uga. She was trying to talk trash with her missing teeth and southern accent, lol. All we said was "DJ White" and we are going to keep winning