Wild happenings at UGA


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
What has Pruitt done to deserve any accolades even as a coach? We know he's cut from the Petrino cloth as a person. I've not seen any brilliance from him in calling a game. Like most of the dwags coaches he gets credit for what the talent does on the field not for how they're coached up.


Georgia Tech Fan
I think Coach Pruitt is a good coach and one of the better aspects of Ugag football now. I'd love to have him, he could spark a fire in our defense.

Richt seems to be the common denominator over there. On one hand I want him to keep his job, on the other hand, if they get a better coach, it'll be even sweeter when we beat them.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
UGAg has scored a total of 53 points over the last 4 contests combined, with 31 coming against UT. Some of those were not scored by the offense, I believe. They haven't scored a TD in 9 QTRs of play. Defense is not their problem.

What would our reaction be if those were GT's offensive numbers? The system has been figured out? Option football doesn't work at this level? CPJ can't coach? We have no talent? I don't think the focus would be on CTR, even if he had thrown some kind of a hissy amongst his peers.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
What would our reaction be if those were GT's offensive numbers? The system has been figured out? Option football doesn't work at this level? CPJ can't coach? We have no talent? I don't think the focus would be on CTR, even if he had thrown some kind of a hissy amongst his peers.

Boomer, I don't think we have to speculate. At 3 wins and however many losses, aren't we having some variations of those discussions ourselves (plus the injuries)?


Helluva Engineer
So so they good defensive coordinator has morality issues and the ineffective offensive coordinator can't coach. Got to blame the head coach?

Interesting take on gt at 1 miracle win on techwood drive and mothing working on offense or defense is we are worse than them!!


Helluva Engineer
Richt and UGAg are the epitome of mediocrity. I'll take our guys any day of the week and twice on Saturday.


Any Ahole can recruit at FSU. To say they could replicate that success here is a farse. Maybe Pruitt could improve our results. Thats debatable. I'm skeptical. I will never be in favor of hiring a coach with bad character....no matter how good he coaches or recruits.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Seems head coaches have a hard time getting good AND compatible DCs. Richt hired him and now has to suffer the consequences.

CPJ has had problems with DCs too, but nothing like the personality clash people are implying. I think Roof and CPJ get along pretty well. Didn't CPJ take a lower salary with the agreement that the assistants would get raises?


Helluva Engineer
What has Pruitt done to deserve any accolades even as a coach? We know he's cut from the Petrino cloth as a person. I've not seen any brilliance from him in calling a game. Like most of the dwags coaches he gets credit for what the talent does on the field not for how they're coached up.
How can you tell if he's getting credit for their talent over being coached up? Just because he has good talent on the field doesn't mean he's not coaching them up, if that's the case you could use that for any team in the country, that they are just getting it done because of their talent and coaching isn't doing anything. Yes they have good talent but without them being coached up they would plateau not long after getting to college. At FSU he had the 3rd ranked D in the nation, they were first in scoring, interceptions, and 2nd in passing D. Idc how good of recruits you have, that is very good coaching/game preparation. He also seemed to do well at bama.