Virginia Postgame


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Folks have noted that the guys have played hard this year, and I think one big reason for that may be the way Collins treats them. I noticed that after Juanyeh made the fair catch at the 2-yard line, he didn't get in his face and yell at him on the sideline as we've seen some other coaches do. He put his hand on his shoulder and talked to him about it in a calm manner, using the occasion as a teachable moment, I would imagine about field and situational awareness. Another time he was calmly giving Curry some extra coaching on the sideline after he got himself out of position and missed an opportunity to stop Perkins from making a long gain. It's one thing to excoriate a player in private, but I always cringe when a coach does it in public. It's refreshing to see Collins does not do this. I really like that about him and it's a refreshing change from some of the antics we've seen in the past.

I know some successful coaches do bark at players on the sideline, but I like Collins' style much better and I think it fits our situation. There's no need in my book to have some screaming public scene with players who are just trying their best.
I agree , I look at CGC as being a players coach , question has any other head coach at Tech been a players coach ?


In my hiring and firing days, I was competing on an even playing field with my competitors and the operation that I ran was considered to be "elite" in our industry. Even then, I made hiring mistakes as have the AD's at places like Florida, Miami, Auburn, FSU, etc. I would be surprised if most of you haven't done the same. The guys I hired always came "highly recommended" as Coach Johnson used to say.

But I do see a young and/or inexperienced HC and staff who are excited to be here and seem to be growing on the job as each week the team seems to be moving forward under very difficult circumstances.
Yep, fired a real dud last year. His main goal was not making the business successful, it was getting down to business with girls half his age.

Staff inexperience is what it is. Hope they learn because things like timeout management, taking 5 years to get the play call in when the clock’s running down at the end of the game, etc just shouldn’t be happening at this level.

I know some successful coaches do bark at players on the sideline, but I like Collins' style much better and I think it fits our situation. There's no need in my book to have some screaming public scene with players who are just trying their best.
CC is just being who he is. I’d be more concerned if he tried to change colors to appease the fanbase. We all have different leadership tactics & I preach to my Team all the time- do what you think best, not what you’d think I’d do. There’s not a single person on this planet that would run an organization exactly like I would because they’re not me.

CGC is goofy, spends to much time on things I don’t like, etc but he’s our coach & I have to hope his style wins because nobody’s ever making me GT’s football coach. Doesn’t make him immune from my criticism, just means he’s different.


Helluva Engineer
And here we return to the resetting of the cycle of the definition of "process".
Most people view it as a negative term and thus limit it's application to a coach actively running a kid off, and not simply being honest with a kid wrt possible future playing time etc. Most people have a big problem with the former but not the latter. (Granted there can be a fine line between the two). However, the are a few, the win at all cost crowd, that actually look forward to the real processing.....which to me is a disgusting.

as you know I have been a big fan of processing and we should utilize that in spots as needed. However my definition is not actively running a kid off. Running a kid off is kicking him out. Processing is a method you use to make a SA realize their position in the program, usually takes time not one meeting, with the objective of ultimately supporting and helping with a transfer. This has been done this past year, and probably will continue to turn the roster over asap.

Kicking a kid out, is a meeting, that says, hey, your ship won't be here next year lets look at transferring. That does happen; or a coach says look man, this place ain't for you, lets look at transfer options; or even coaches make "stuff" up about a SA to get them out.

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
My summary of where we are at. Our guys are generally underachieving. You can see where with a little better effort and execution, we could have won the Citadel game, the Pitt game and the Virginia game. That would have been 5 wins and 4 losses and given us a realistic chance of at least a break even season. I attribute some of this to coaching, things like game management, play calling, substitutions, etc. Some of it was just the players failing to execute and make a throw, a catch a tackle or in general make a play when we had to have it. On defense, we still cannot create enough pressure with our scheme and personnel to be an effective P5 defense. We still play soft and try to keep everything in front of us. We have not been able to create the attacking mentality that the Minister of Mayhem as our Coach likes to be known as. We still do not have any alpha males that can take over a game on defense. Our offense suffers from inconsistent play calling and poor qb and o line execution. This group has not learned how to win yet. In fact they continue to find a way to lose.

The positive is that they are getting better and you can observe that. When you are 2 and 7 nobody's job should be safe. The coaches will be here and I am hoping that the foundation they are laying will pay dividends next season and beyond. There are several players that need to be processed if we are going to build a roster that can do better than 2 and 7.

Go Jackets!


Go watch CGC’s introductory press conference.

Because we’re smart enough to realize the vote isn’t even remotely in, yet.

Send me the zip code for the state of denial and I will send you a post card.

I hope I am wrong about the future but from what I have seen from this staff is they don't know what they are doing on game day.

I have had season tickets for 23 years and been a Tech fan since Eddie Lee Ivery was on the Flats. I have seen more than my fair share of crummy coaches at Tech and this group bears a striking resemblance to many of them.
So of course the season has been disappointing. But yesterday I think we began to see the offense start to work at some points. I attribute that to Graham improving and frankly the coaches sticking with him. It is funny, how many times over the past even 20 years have we grabbed a lead and momentum going into a half and then let up where the other team came down the field and scored in the last seconds. It has become a Georgia Tech thing as it did yesterday. Score the TD in the Pitt game, don't let up on the kickoff yesterday and we may be looking at 2 wins.

In all this we are playing hard and considering the number of injuries, well I attribute the improvement to the coaches.


Ramblin' Wreck
I like what I heard from CGC, but does every single team we play have "one of the best defenses in college football"?

It's called Coachspeak. What's he supposed to say - "UVA played hard but we thought their D was a bit overrated." or "None of us were impressed by UVA's D and feel we let 'em off the hook"?
He's going to be playing Bronco's boys for the next few years. You say some polite things, show 'em a bit of respect and move on.

After a decade of postgame press conference negativity, I realize CGC is a change.

Deleted member 2897

Send me the zip code for the state of denial and I will send you a post card.

I hope I am wrong about the future but from what I have seen from this staff is they don't know what they are doing on game day.

I have had season tickets for 23 years and been a Tech fan since Eddie Lee Ivery was on the Flats. I have seen more than my fair share of crummy coaches at Tech and this group bears a striking resemblance to many of them.

You should have watched the game yesterday.


Staff member
Folks have noted that the guys have played hard this year, and I think one big reason for that may be the way Collins treats them. I noticed that after Juanyeh made the fair catch at the 2-yard line, he didn't get in his face and yell at him on the sideline as we've seen some other coaches do. He put his hand on his shoulder and talked to him about it in a calm manner, using the occasion as a teachable moment, I would imagine about field and situational awareness. Another time he was calmly giving Curry some extra coaching on the sideline after he got himself out of position and missed an opportunity to stop Perkins from making a long gain. It's one thing to excoriate a player in private, but I always cringe when a coach does it in public. It's refreshing to see Collins does not do this. I really like that about him and it's a refreshing change from some of the antics we've seen in the past.

I know some successful coaches do bark at players on the sideline, but I like Collins' style much better and I think it fits our situation. There's no need in my book to have some screaming public scene with players who are just trying their best.

He reportedly said “it’s my fault”. Since it was a short field, he put out the “punt safe” team with Juanyeh. With the field position, they were watching the fake, even though it was 4th and long. And I think that’s the smart move. Juanyeh probably was thinking more about the possibility of a fake than where not to catch it.

I think what Collins did there is another kind of coachspeak; Juanyeh should have had the “don’t catch inside the 5” habit ingrained by now. Collins was coaching and helping Juanyeh develop a short memory where he needs to have one.

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GT Athlete
Hartselle, AL
I agree , I look at CGC as being a players coach , question has any other head coach at Tech been a players coach ?

Fulcher, Pepper and even The One Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken/Typed (until he wasn't after the Al Luginbill/Donnie Davis fiasco) were all well liked... Anyone not named Carson (especially some of his assistants) filled that description for a long, long time.


Jolly Good Fellow
So of course the season has been disappointing. But yesterday I think we began to see the offense start to work at some points. I attribute that to Graham improving and frankly the coaches sticking with him. It is funny, how many times over the past even 20 years have we grabbed a lead and momentum going into a half and then let up where the other team came down the field and scored in the last seconds. It has become a Georgia Tech thing as it did yesterday. Score the TD in the Pitt game, don't let up on the kickoff yesterday and we may be looking at 2 wins.

In all this we are playing hard and considering the number of injuries, well I attribute the improvement to the coaches.

The offense is better because the offensive line has gotten dramatically better. This has very little to do with Graham. Johnson came in last week and proved he could move the team until he got hurt.

Key is our top rated coach and it shows there. To me in most other areas we look about the same. That’s why I have some concern. We should be getting better and it seems like we are treading water or slightly worse especially on defense.

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Staff member
He reportedly said “it’s my fault”. Since it was a short field, he put out the “punt safe” team with Juanyeh. With the field position, they were watching the fake, even though it was 4th and long. And I think that’s the smart move. Juanyeh probably was thinking more about the possibility of a fake than where not to catch it.

I think what Collins did there is another kind of coachspeak; Juanyeh should have had the “don’t catch inside the 5” habit ingrained by now. Collins was coaching and helping Juanyeh develop a short memory where he needs to have one.

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I went back and replayed the moment he spoke with Juanyeh during the live coverage and you’re right he repeatedly said “that’s my fault”. This kind of thing pays dividends in the future. He isn’t stupid, he knew he screwed up but by coaching him and saying we are a team, I am the head coach and I will own the outcomes he allows his guys to play loose and fast without overtly worrying too much. Practice time will without doubt see reps of this scenario. That’s where you fix things.

Fix it practice, support when playing. That’s the rule moving forward.

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Jolly Good Fellow
That was the roundabout reason to mention them being a good defense to highlight the excellent job the OLine did today
I agree the OLine did very well today considering. This is what worries me the most. I don't think our player talent is as low as it's claimed. I see al of good players, maybe not all ELITE caliber, but not horrible. I understand bthe youth and inexperience and transition. But it does seem we are getting out coached too often. And to clarify, I'm not blaming Collins.


Helluva Engineer
I agree the OLine did very well today considering. This is what worries me the most. I don't think our player talent is as low as it's claimed. I see al of good players, maybe not all ELITE caliber, but not horrible. I understand bthe youth and inexperience and transition. But it does seem we are getting out coached too often. And to clarify, I'm not blaming Collins.

I don't see what's "worrying" about it. It took time to get them playing well in the new system, and now they're better. But still not good enough, which will come with better recruiting. Youth, inexperience, transition - it takes time. As long as we're improving, that's the main thing. The trajectory is up.


Helluva Engineer
The offense is better because the offensive line has gotten dramatically better. This has very little to do with Graham. Johnson came in last week and proved he could move the team until he got hurt.

Key is our top rated coach and it shows there. To me in most other areas we look about the same. That’s why I have some concern. We should be getting better and it seems like we are treading water or slightly worse especially on defense.

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Defense did very well against Miami and Pitt, then not so great against Virginia. Seems the overall upward trend line is intact, though. They've allowed a total of 12 points in the last three 2nd halves combined. First halves weren't so great, but it would appear 2nd half adjustments are working. Or, they got stronger as the games wore on. Maybe it's better conditioning. Whatever it is, we're playing a lot better in the 2nd halves over the last three games.


GT Athlete
Hartselle, AL
Defense did very well against Miami and Pitt, then not so great against Virginia. Seems the overall upward trend line is intact, though. They've allowed a total of 12 points in the last three 2nd halves combined. First halves weren't so great, but it would appear 2nd half adjustments are working. Or, they got stronger as the games wore on. Maybe it's better conditioning. Whatever it is, we're playing a lot better in the 2nd halves over the last three games.

Realizing some of this is self-perpetuating, some the fault lies with the O in the 2nd half doing 3or4&Os, some ST, but there's a coupla telling stats that point to why the D had 2nd half probs:

At the half, TOP was even GT 14:27 UVa 15:33. In the 2nd half it was GT 10:19 UVa 19:41 final total GT 24:46 UVa 35:14.

Total Plays GT 54 (29+23) UVa 72 (36+36) after being fairly evenly split at the half, in spite of our quick opening drive & score.

It is much more physically taxing to play D than O. Given the number of DLs we have lost to injuries, and now some of the 2nd & 3rd level are going down, too, D performance is also influenced by how long the O can sustain their push/BigMo.

Guess that's why it's called a team.