

Helluva Engineer
CPJ post game: “They (Miami) were running a lot of upcharges and we were having a hard time reading the triple at times, but there on that last drive, the third-down play, we kind of caught them on the midline and caught them on the upcharge and got a big first down and once we got the first down it was kind of over.”

My guess is they were faking taking the dive, then switching to qb last second to screw up our reads. Am I right?


Helluva Engineer
They flooded the pitch lanes. We couldn't get a hat on the linebacker. They stopped the midline better than most teams. Those pass plays were BIG. Caught them off guard. Camp made a big catch over the middle.


Helluva Engineer
CPJ post game: “They (Miami) were running a lot of upcharges and we were having a hard time reading the triple at times, but there on that last drive, the third-down play, we kind of caught them on the midline and caught them on the upcharge and got a big first down and once we got the first down it was kind of over.”

My guess is they were faking taking the dive, then switching to qb last second to screw up our reads. Am I right?
I believe by upcharge CPJ meant their DT was charging upfield, ignoring the dive and going straight for the QB. Since the DT is charging hard upfield, instead of trying to read our handoff, he gets on our QB very fast, which caused TQM to get caught a few times. But we caught them gambling in that defense and our B back was past him before he could react


Helluva Engineer
I have not rewatched, but I think the read keys were changing up who they were taking (qb/bb) and that caused TQM to keep some. I think the goal of the hard charge on the midline is to make contact during the mesh to cause disruption. Miami had the speed to do that. Usually, a hard charging read key is easy to read, but if you get accustomed to the read key taking the BB on a charge and he suddenly takes the qb, it can mess with your head a little. When we did it right we hit a good gain with the bb. The key to defeating the upcharge is for the BB to fire off the snap like crazy so the read key has to declare quick and the qb can make the read without someone tackling him.


Ramblin' Wreck
CPJ post game: “They (Miami) were running a lot of upcharges and we were having a hard time reading the triple at times, but there on that last drive, the third-down play, we kind of caught them on the midline and caught them on the upcharge and got a big first down and once we got the first down it was kind of over.”

My guess is they were faking taking the dive, then switching to qb last second to screw up our reads. Am I right?

This is CPJ not knowing what he's talking about. :ROFLMAO:

I've always learned it as a mesh charge, it's when the dive key has the QB the whole way: he charges the mesh, turns his shoulders, and makes it look as if he's got the B-Back. It's designed to make the QB pull so the dive key can immediately tackle him. Bud uses it frequently and Duke used it a few weeks ago. I've got some youtube videos somewhere showing it.

I'll have to review the game to confirm but when we went to our trips formation I think Diaz' D-Line stemmed and the dive key was told to upcharge. We saw TQM eat it twice on the triple and CPJ never called that formation/play again. Then, when it was 3rd and 5 and we needed to run the clock out CPJ called Trips and ran midline knowing the dive key would upcharge. TQM read it, gave it, and we picked up something like 12 yards for the first down and we could all exhale and say "BALL GAME."

We say "cross charge", CPJ says "Easy Stunt/1-2 Exchange"
We say "mesh charge", CPJ says "Upcharge"

He should just stick to what the board says, who does he think he is making up his own terminology?


Helluva Engineer
Lovely Ducktown,Tennessee
CPJ post game: “They (Miami) were running a lot of upcharges and we were having a hard time reading the triple at times, but there on that last drive, the third-down play, we kind of caught them on the midline and caught them on the upcharge and got a big first down and once we got the first down it was kind of over.”

My guess is they were faking taking the dive, then switching to qb last second to screw up our reads. Am I right?


AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Fun fact. Roddy was the sideline reporter for Navy vs. UCF yesterday. IIrc, he said that one of the things that UCF was doing to Navy was "what we used to call an up stunt." He then described the what steebu explained, the dive key showing that he's taking the mesh but really taking QB the whole time.


Helluva Engineer
This is CPJ not knowing what he's talking about. :ROFLMAO:

I've always learned it as a mesh charge, it's when the dive key has the QB the whole way: he charges the mesh, turns his shoulders, and makes it look as if he's got the B-Back. It's designed to make the QB pull so the dive key can immediately tackle him. Bud uses it frequently and Duke used it a few weeks ago. I've got some youtube videos somewhere showing it.

I'll have to review the game to confirm but when we went to our trips formation I think Diaz' D-Line stemmed and the dive key was told to upcharge. We saw TQM eat it twice on the triple and CPJ never called that formation/play again. Then, when it was 3rd and 5 and we needed to run the clock out CPJ called Trips and ran midline knowing the dive key would upcharge. TQM read it, gave it, and we picked up something like 12 yards for the first down and we could all exhale and say "BALL GAME."

We say "cross charge", CPJ says "Easy Stunt/1-2 Exchange"
We say "mesh charge", CPJ says "Upcharge"

He should just stick to what the board says, who does he think he is making up his own terminology?
Ah, you're a sly one you are, Steebu. I always enjoy and learn from your contributions to the board, particularly as it relates specifically to Johnson's offense, which he apparently knows little about.


Helluva Engineer
Fun fact. Roddy was the sideline reporter for Navy vs. UCF yesterday. IIrc, he said that one of the things that UCF was doing to Navy was "what we used to call an up stunt." He then described the what steebu explained, the dive key showing that he's taking the mesh but really taking QB the whole time.
It's really good, isn't it, when the analysts and anchor people know the particular game well enough to explain some of its elements in language the viewer can grasp. It really adds to the appreciation one might have for an option offense, rather than the talking head shouting out that "The fullback gets it again but there's nothing there" or some such.


Helluva Engineer
It simply might have been a called predetermined give to the B-back. If so, CPJ made the right chess move.


Helluva Engineer
Surprised we never traped with then up charging so much. Center must have had a hard time with clearing the pull lane of the nose


Helluva Engineer
Funniest moment of the night was when the commentator screamed, "AND MIAMI WRAPS UP THE FULLBACK FOR A LOSS!!!!" and meanwhile TQM is optioning down the line.
As relates to that, did I miss the intro to the game when they discussed Georgia Tech? I recorded it, got the end of sports scores and then the game, and got some few minutes on the former glory of Miami U. Waited for the commercial break or some such for Tech, and then the game started. Somebody tell me I missed it somehow, because I really, really work to avoid conspiracy theories and woe-is-us and nobody likes us or they like Georgia better. It just drives me crazy, and maybe because I have done some consulting with media companies I tend to understand better than most, or think I do, and most of that teeth gnashing about bias and whatnot is silly putty, episode ignited and social media exploited. But: did they not talk about GT up front? After all, and here I go sounding out there, we have been a lot better since Miami was a lot better, and gave a damn sight better account of ourselves in the ACC championship than the Miami-Clemson train wreck last season. Anybody?


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
As relates to that, did I miss the intro to the game when they discussed Georgia Tech? I recorded it, got the end of sports scores and then the game, and got some few minutes on the former glory of Miami U. Waited for the commercial break or some such for Tech, and then the game started. Somebody tell me I missed it somehow, because I really, really work to avoid conspiracy theories and woe-is-us and nobody likes us or they like Georgia better. It just drives me crazy, and maybe because I have done some consulting with media companies I tend to understand better than most, or think I do, and most of that teeth gnashing about bias and whatnot is silly putty, episode ignited and social media exploited. But: did they not talk about GT up front? After all, and here I go sounding out there, we have been a lot better since Miami was a lot better, and gave a damn sight better account of ourselves in the ACC championship than the Miami-Clemson train wreck last season. Anybody?

Seems to me that the commentary about the duh u was considerably more that the commentary Tech received. But hey that's just my opinion (y)


Helluva Engineer
Seems to me that the commentary about the duh u was considerably more that the commentary Tech received. But hey that's just my opinion (y)
Then that tells me there was something and it has to be on my recording. I will check. Thanks. (You ain't wrong regardless. Boy, was there handwringing about QBs and LBs and tradition and ...)