Trends in GT Recruiting


Jolly Good Fellow
Very nice work! I would like to see some data showing the number of recruits from Atlanta that went to other schools. I fear that this would show even though we are improving our efforts in ATL we are still losing the battle in our own backyard.


Helluva Engineer
Columbia, SC
Excellent info. There has been talk of increasing our recruiting efforts nationwide with respect to students/schools with high academic standards. Is that being done and if so are we seeing any fruits from those efforts?


Jolly Good Fellow
Excellent info. There has been talk of increasing our recruiting efforts nationwide with respect to students/schools with high academic standards. Is that being done and if so are we seeing any fruits from those efforts?

I think we slowed up on that because we lost a lot of our Northern connections when we fired Groh. We also gained a lot of local connections when we hired Roof, so we've brought the focus back home. I don't personally buy that we should be focusing more on out of state schools because of local academics. There are plenty of talented in-state recruits who can make it at Tech. Are there some top recruits not able to make it in? Absolutely, but I don't think it's as big of an issue as some fans make it out to be. Let's not forget that CPJ can use exceptions, and there are many resources available to those who are willing to put in the work required to succeed. Only really bad thing about our academic situation is our lack of majors. That one does hurt. If we can continue to build our recruiting and continue to win(especially against that school from Athens), then the top guys will give us more looks.

Aaaaaaaand I just realized I started an academics/The Hill thread..........I'm so sorry....................


Helluva Engineer
Nice post and thanks for the work up.

Funny, I remember on one GT board during the Chan the Scam era, that some guy posted, regarding recruiting, that we could not recruit ANY S/As from Georgia due to academics. Not one single player :wacky:


Helluva Engineer
Good analysis. I wonder if a certain hypothesis of mine could be validated or not. From following recruiting on this site the last few years, it has occurred to me that we have shifted our focus somewhat. Targeting kids with high character and academic aptitude has always been a priority, but it seems to me we have been spending more effort on the upper end of the academic spectrum of late. Call it the Myles Autry or Travis Custis Effect if you will, but it seems we've shied away from the riskier lower end and focused more on the upper.

In addition to kids achieving and keeping eligibility, an added benefit of this effort is keeping kids on board in the final weeks leading up to NSD. Kids with an eye on academics and a future after football (the 40 year plan) are more likely to see the high value of a GT degree and be less likely to be courted away by factories at the last minute.

As we have witnessed, we had no academic casualties and only one defection (blessing in disguise) in the last class. Moreover, we had some great last minute flips of our own, though I don't think any of those are a result of my hypothesis outside Brad Stewart.


Helluva Engineer
Well, this is due to the Hill, in part. Or, to be more exact, to the way Coach's success with getting our players graduated finally made them sit up and take notice. As the cheeseman says, we didn't stretch the field much with this class, but we also would have had a harder time getting a few of them in last year. If we can keep the admittance people's trust in the coaching staff's judgment, then I anticipate that we'll do just fine going forward.