The Journey Of Georgia Tech's Jeremiah Attaochu


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
No, I get your point and I didn't mean to suggest you were predicting it. And FWIW, I think Jerry has proven to be "questionable" in his decision-making. There's no way I'd have locked up Romo for that kind of money for 6 years. But they did.

But the point I was making is this: they have to play Romo for 4 years to eat through that guaranteed money. You can't afford to draft Manziel and either sit him for 4 years...or draft Manziel, sit him a year and then sit your $16 million per year QB as a backup to Manziel.

If they want Manziel they have to figure out a way to move Romo onto someone else's books. But even if they do that, they take a significant salary cap hit.
I can see it as a draft him and see what happens. Sit him behind Romo 2 years and he will probably play in some games due to Romo’s injury history. At that point depending on how you feel about both your QB’s you have either trade bait with Manziel (ala Kevin Kolb), you can release Romo and take the 5mil cap hit for 2 years while Manziel is probably still on a Rookie contract, or if Manziel hasn’t shown anything whatsoever you can just leave him on your team as a backup QB for longer and reevaluate each year. Trading Romo is out of the question completely. There’s no way any team will take the final 3 years of that salary and he would be too old to accept any kind of restructuring.


Ramblin' Wreck
I can see it as a draft him and see what happens. Sit him behind Romo 2 years and he will probably play in some games due to Romo’s injury history. At that point depending on how you feel about both your QB’s you have either trade bait with Manziel (ala Kevin Kolb), you can release Romo and take the 5mil cap hit for 2 years while Manziel is probably still on a Rookie contract, or if Manziel hasn’t shown anything whatsoever you can just leave him on your team as a backup QB for longer and reevaluate each year. Trading Romo is out of the question completely. There’s no way any team will take the final 3 years of that salary and he would be too old to accept any kind of restructuring.

Except your cap hit on Romo wouldn't be $5 million per year. That's my point. Your cap hit would be something like $14 million per year.


Helluva Engineer
Ok cool I wasn't taking a shot at with you with the prediction thing or anything.

But the point I was making is this: they have to play Romo for 4 years to eat through that guaranteed money. You can't afford to draft Manziel and either sit him for 4 years...or draft Manziel, sit him a year and then sit your $16 million per year QB as a backup to Manziel.

I think this is where we disagree. I think they could draft Manziel and sit him a year or two even if it would be expensive. Then find a way to get rid of Romo if they wanted to at that point. First rounders get a fifth year club option IIRC now right? So if Manziel approaches his ceiling then even only three years of that on a rookie contract could make it worth it. Not something I would do though.


Ramblin' Wreck

Thanks for the link. That data is better than the one I was looking at. I didn't realize they were able to move $5 million of the signing bonus back onto 2013's cap.

But you don't get to spread that $11.6 million hit out over multiple years. It hits your cap that year. No team could absorb an $11.6 million hit for a player that isn't playing for them.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
Thanks for the link. That data is better than the one I was looking at. I didn't realize they were able to move $5 million of the signing bonus back onto 2013's cap.

But you don't get to spread that $11.6 million hit out over multiple years. It hits your cap that year. No team could absorb an $11.6 million hit for a player that isn't playing for them.
I think you can push some of it to the next year. I could be wrong though.


Ramblin' Wreck
I think you can push some of it to the next year. I could be wrong though.

No, that's what the "Dead" means. If he drops "dead" from your roster, you take the hit that year.
Good conversation though. Thanks for the link and the good back & forth. I learned something today. I had no idea that Dallas was able to sign Romo to a deal and "back load" a portion of the signing bonus onto the 2013 salary cap.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
No, that's what the "Dead" means. If he drops "dead" from your roster, you take the hit that year.
Good conversation though. Thanks for the link and the good back & forth. I learned something today. I had no idea that Dallas was able to sign Romo to a deal and "back load" a portion of the signing bonus onto the 2013 salary cap.
I did some reading and you were right however even paying the $11 mil in dead money would still save $6mil in cap for that year which would've probably been less than Manziel's contract. But it don't matter anymore because Johnny Cleveland will be holding a clipboard for Hoyer. Just to clear myself I wasn't predicting he would go to Dallas, just explaining that I think it would make sense if Jerry Jones wanted him.


Ramblin' Wreck
I did some reading and you were right however even paying the $11 mil in dead money would still save $6mil in cap for that year which would've probably been less than Manziel's contract. But it don't matter anymore because Johnny Cleveland will be holding a clipboard for Hoyer. Just to clear myself I wasn't predicting he would go to Dallas, just explaining that I think it would make sense if Jerry Jones wanted him.

I know. And I also really enjoyed the conversation back & forth. One of the great things about this site is that people can disagree about subjects and discuss it in civil tones without one guy resorting to calling another names, etc.


Retired Co-Founder
@Eric please ban this user for his Panthers disrespect.

I was going to laugh if the Falcons took Dee Ford over Jerry, if they pass on him now then Dimitroff should pack his bags

Done haha. No, but really I liked our first pick...hope we load up on more WR's today and a good OL is needed.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
Done haha. No, but really I liked our first pick...hope we load up on more WR's today and a good OL is needed.
I think we need a tackle more and there’s more talent at WR that’ll still be around in the 2nd round (Jordan Matthews). I guess it’s better than drafting Cyrus Kuanjoe or however you spell it. Saves us about 5 false starts a game. I would’ve preferred a receiver who can run an actual route like Marqise Lee.