Speaking of transfers...


Helluva Engineer
Not to rekindle the discussion because lord knows it needs to be put out of its misery, but I read in the Columbia, SC newspaper that Clemson's football team returned to circus welcome, and then two players from the national champions announced they are transferring. I thought all that was something we did.


Helluva Engineer
Not to rekindle the discussion because lord knows it needs to be put out of its misery, but I read in the Columbia, SC newspaper that Clemson's football team returned to circus welcome, and then two players from the national champions announced they are transferring. I thought all that was something we did.
It probably has to do with playing time because I don't think academics would be a problem at Clemson;)(y)


Ramblin' Wreck
If you can't beat em, use childish crap to try and ridicule em
Discussing the fact that they have below 5th grade level majors is not childish. Honestly, you could flunk out of a Ga public school system and graduate from Clemson. Look at the requirements for communication majors. They have classes teaching how to tweet. The fact is Clemson sold out to have a competitive team. If you have bull**** majors add unlimited money , you can win. But don't think for one second that they give a **** about academics. Its easy to brag about graduating players with rec sport mgt and communication majors.


Helluva Engineer
If you can't beat em, use childish crap to try and ridicule em
Really, I find the line of response remarkable. Truly so. Wherein when GT has transfers there is much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair about what is wrong with that program anyway, and all this over -- in my estimation anyway -- nothing more than the normal attrition and contraction of a huge football program involving more than 100 players and 85 scholarships ... yet when it happens elsewhere it instantly migrates to academic rigor. All this despite the fact that, as with GT and its transfers, we really have no clue why two Clemson players are leaving. Sometimes the smugness just bursts at the unseemly seams. While to me the interesting link was that even a national champion football team has transfers, why such drama at Tech? (And if Clemson is all that easy and they have "sold out" then one must admit that given that assumption, academics have nothing to do with it, since 5th grade flunkees could pass there. The logic just keeps circling back.)


Helluva Engineer
When the Saints won the Super Bowl my son was in New Orleans at law school. Some neighbors of his had a used fire truck they had brought and that they took to all the Saints games as a tailgating vehicle. The Saints management knew these people well. They sent to Super Bowl Trophy - worth God alone knows how much - on a tour of New Orleans neighborhoods with designated tour vehicles in each. My son's neighbors got to parade the trophy around in his area. I have a picture of him and his best friend holding the trophy.

Now, that's class. Putting your NC trophy in a Walmart, not so much. As the old cheer went, "You can take Clemson out of the country, but …" (Only those who remember cigarette commercials will get that.)


Ramblin' Wreck
Really, I find the line of response remarkable. Truly so. Wherein when GT has transfers there is much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair about what is wrong with that program anyway, and all this over -- in my estimation anyway -- nothing more than the normal attrition and contraction of a huge football program involving more than 100 players and 85 scholarships ... yet when it happens elsewhere it instantly migrates to academic rigor. All this despite the fact that, as with GT and its transfers, we really have no clue why two Clemson players are leaving. Sometimes the smugness just bursts at the unseemly seams. While to me the interesting link was that even a national champion football team has transfers, why such drama at Tech? (And if Clemson is all that easy and they have "sold out" then one must admit that given that assumption, academics have nothing to do with it, since 5th grade flunkees could pass there. The logic just keeps circling back.)
clempson has stupid team colors, a stupid fight song and the dumbest cheer after a touchdown in college football history. Players transfer all the time. Its a normal process.


Helluva Engineer
When the Saints won the Super Bowl my son was in New Orleans at law school. Some neighbors of his had a used fire truck they had brought and that they took to all the Saints games as a tailgating vehicle. The Saints management knew these people well. They sent to Super Bowl Trophy - worth God alone knows how much - on a tour of New Orleans neighborhoods with designated tour vehicles in each. My son's neighbors got to parade the trophy around in his area. I have a picture of him and his best friend holding the trophy.

Now, that's class. Putting your NC trophy in a Walmart, not so much. As the old cheer went, "You can take Clemson out of the country, but …" (Only those who remember cigarette commercials will get that.)
You know what? I think we just don't get it. I used to be one of those lofty types until I discovered I could hit a Wal-Mart, get what I needed and be in and out inside of 20 minutes and, yep, save a little money. Alas, I am of the age that a penny saved and all that. I feel better about it now that they are treating employees better, but I used them before, too. But if Clemson has displayed the trophy at a Wal-Mart (do they even have one, because I don't know) then maybe Clemson's marketing courses are better than GT and they know their audience. Which may be why Clemson, population several, packs 82,000 in every Saturday and we struggle to hit 52,000 in Atlanta. A bit of humility might be in order, and maybe order some marketing profs into the Wal-Mart aisles for a spin. And just maybe, heaven forbid, Dollar General ...


Helluva Engineer
clempson has stupid team colors, a stupid fight song and the dumbest cheer after a touchdown in college football history. Players transfer all the time. Its a normal process.
As well as a national championship, and the most recognizable branding icon in college football.