Some things CPJ could change next season


Helluva Engineer
please don't make this an offense "scheme" post.

1. Rotate the bbacks more. Wasted Howard's redshirt.

2. Bring back the pitch. Abacks were under used.

3. Open competition at OT. The G-C-G was great all season the Tackles struggled.

4. Passing game. Either the QB isn't trusting the throws or the WR weren't getting open, but the passing game was atrocious.

5. This is more radical but rotate the QB. The QB takes a beating in the offense. Marshal is not a big guy. Using the backup QB in this offense may have some benefit.

Just some quick thoughts.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
please don't make this an offense "scheme" post.

1. Rotate the bbacks more. Wasted Howard's redshirt.

2. Bring back the pitch. Abacks were under used.

3. Open competition at OT. The G-C-G was great all season the Tackles struggled.

4. Passing game. Either the QB isn't trusting the throws or the WR weren't getting open, but the passing game was atrocious.

5. This is more radical but rotate the QB. The QB takes a beating in the offense. Marshal is not a big guy. Using the backup QB in this offense may have some benefit.

Just some quick thoughts.
Throw more to the A-backs


GT Athlete
Featured Member
please don't make this an offense "scheme" post.

1. Rotate the bbacks more. Wasted Howard's redshirt.

2. Bring back the pitch. Abacks were under used.

3. Open competition at OT. The G-C-G was great all season the Tackles struggled.

4. Passing game. Either the QB isn't trusting the throws or the WR weren't getting open, but the passing game was atrocious.

5. This is more radical but rotate the QB. The QB takes a beating in the offense. Marshal is not a big guy. Using the backup QB in this offense may have some benefit.

Just some quick thoughts.
I actually like 1 and 5. It would also keep the defense from getting comfortable defending 1 style.
2 isn't something you can plan to do, it is a function of the defense.
3. I'm quite sure the competition at OT was open and that he had the best guys out there he had available. The best we had at that position was injured. It's a unique position - so much agility involved.
4. Yep, passing game needs to improve. Marshall can improve, but he's got some limitations in that area. In a way he's like Tevin in that regard and the best way to improve our passing game is for him to be extremely comfortable in the offense in what to expect and read in the passing game AND more importantly the run game has to be GREAT for the passing game to be good. Like most offenses, if the run isn't threatening, the passing game will suffer ... and vice versa.


Helluva Engineer
please don't make this an offense "scheme" post.

1. Rotate the bbacks more. Wasted Howard's redshirt.

2. Bring back the pitch. Abacks were under used.

3. Open competition at OT. The G-C-G was great all season the Tackles struggled.

4. Passing game. Either the QB isn't trusting the throws or the WR weren't getting open, but the passing game was atrocious.

5. This is more radical but rotate the QB. The QB takes a beating in the offense. Marshal is not a big guy. Using the backup QB in this offense may have some benefit.

Just some quick thoughts.
Howard would have helped himself get playing time by not fumbling. The option pitch requires a QB who a) can make the read and b) make the pitch. O line certainly. Passing? Nothing new that everybody on the board doesn't know: Marshall was a converted A back who can't pass a lick, but he was the best he had. As for rotating QBs, first he just needs to find one QB before he worries about two.

Other than that, sure.


Helluva Engineer
Not tackles. Add 2 tight ends (or second string DE).
Sometimes like when we aren't facing clemson or uga sized d e, keep the FASTER MORE AGILE smaller type d t to GO IN SPACE AND BLOCK THE DAMN LB.

I always desired a TE in this offense but CPJ probably wouldn't add one anytime soon.


Helluva Engineer
1. Name LJ the starter.
2. TQ = A Back. Please god not another year of watching this ball hog not pitch it and run 20 QB Keepers per game.
3. More non-hail-mary-bomb pass plays.
4. More wheel routes to A-backs
I don't think he was hogging it. More like Johnson knew his limitations and thus limited the playbook. Much like the Navy coach did with his A back moved to QB: run midline or such and look to keep and turn up field. Navy's guy is just much faster and better at it.


Helluva Engineer
If Taquan is the starter, I'd also like to rotate QBs a little more. Give LJ a package ala Vad Lee in 2012 when Tevin Washington was the starter. For the "Oh, the QB needs as many reps as possible, and the offense needs to get use to the QB" crowd: Our offensive FEI in 2012 was #11 that year.

We need a legitimate passing threat. It's not as if LJ can't run either...the guy can scoot, and he's also bigger than TQM.


Helluva Engineer
Not tackles. Add 2 tight ends (or second string DE).
Sometimes like when we aren't facing clemson or uga sized d e, keep the FASTER MORE AGILE smaller type d t to GO IN SPACE AND BLOCK THE DAMN LB.

I like that idea, then throw it to one of them every once in a while to keep D's honest


Helluva Engineer
The words "hell" and "freezes over" mean anything?
I don't think he was hogging it. More like Johnson knew his limitations and thus limited the playbook. Much like the Navy coach did with his A back moved to QB: run midline or such and look to keep and turn up field. Navy's guy is just much faster and better at it.
If Taquan is the starter, I'd also like to rotate QBs a little more. Give LJ a package ala Vad Lee in 2012 when Tevin Washington was the starter. For the "Oh, the QB needs as many reps as possible, and the offense needs to get use to the QB" crowd: Our offensive FEI in 2012 was #11 that year.

We need a legitimate passing threat. It's not as if LJ can't run either...the guy can scoot, and he's also bigger than TQM.

Agreed on all that but TQ needs to not be under center unless it's some sort of special wildcrap package or something. He is no threat in the passing game and we must pass well to set up the rest of our offense. See 2014 and 2009. TQ is not a legit passing threat.
BB Option.
BB Toss.
BB Screen.
Fake Dive Flea Flicker.
Just innovate! Give people looks, I’m tired of our one go to play being the counter option.

If CPJ lined up some big OL man as a TE and let him run a post pattern on 4th and short, it'd fool every single DC in America.

If CPJ ran some version of a hurry-up / no-huddle, that too would fool DCs.

Here's guessing that, instead, CPJ plays it even closer to the vest, with more dives and less passing and still taking 15 seconds / play to run the play in from the sideline. It's just archaic.


Staff member
I always desired a TE in this offense but CPJ probably wouldn't add one anytime soon.
I'm not sure if we have big WRs or skinny TEs split out wide. I wouldn't mind moving them around, or occasionally putting a bigger A-back out there (like one of our B-Backs at A-Back for a little more size on a block). Might be fun to see a bigger WR cheat inside a little to block inside and help us get outside.

Run a jumbo set with 3 B-Backs (the players, not the position).

Split the A-Back out for a WR screen. Split the B-Back out wide and have an option for an inside run from the two A-backs.

Do we have a run/pass option where we can throw it out wide if everyone is crashing in?