Should CPJ be the coach in 2014?

Should Paul Johnson be the GT coach in 2014

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Ramblin' Wreck
Athens, GA
I went looking through this whole thread just looking at the different coaches that have been suggested, and I'm curious to see what everybody thinks. Here's what I came up with:
Ken Whisenhunt - OC for San Diego Chargers, Tech Alum
Mike Norvell - OC/QBs coach at Arizona State
Tom Herman - OC/QBs coach at Ohio State
Jake Spavital - co-OC/QBs coach at Texas A&M
Willie Taggart - Head coach at South Florida, former RBs coach at Stanford when Gerhart won the Doak Walker
Chad Morris - OC/QBs coach at Clemson
Tim DeRuyter - Head coach at Fresno State
Jeff Mullen - OC for Charlotte 49ers, coached Pat White at West Virginia
Philip Montgomery - OC/QBs coach at Baylor
Bob Stitt - Head coach at Colorado School of Mines, innovator of the "fly sweep" offense
Rod Carey - Head coach at Northern Illinois
Pep Hamilton - OC for the Indianapolis Colts, former OC at Stanford
Goose Godsey - TEs coach for the NE Patriots, Tech Alum
Dan Mullen - HC at Mississippi State
And a few more that I like:
Noel Mazzone - OC from UCLA
Tony Franklin - OC from Cal, worked under Sonny Dykes at La Tech

What do y'all think about this list? Realistic possibilities? Other options?
If I had to pick a few of these guys to decide between, I'd probably pick Whisenhunt, Norvell, Spavital, Taggart, Montgomery, and Mazzone


Staff member
Only problem I have is with the offensive line. We have had a bunch of players playing on the offensive line since 2008. It doesn't really seem to matter who plays, it is difficult for me to not admit that there is a pattern there. If there is some consistency there I think our QB play will be better.

As for the offensive scheme, I'm fine with it because I don't see how people think we're suddenly going to become a top 20 team by running the "offense du jour" that everyone else is running nowadays.


Im a 3*
Im willing to give CPJ one year, but there need to be soul searching done quick on his part. I never seen such an experienced offense look out of sorts so often. Pass protection is horrendous. What pisses me off about our pass pro is that defenses have been doing the same blitzes (get width with WDE and delay blitz the MLB through the B gap) and we have yet to adjust to it. Also, what happen to the drag routes we were running vs. VT and FSU last season. We did a lot of good things yesterday, then got away from it. I also dont think the talent is as bad some like to make it seem. We do need more playmakers but the pieces are there just need of them. I really wish CPJ have a revelation like Spurrier did at USC and realize that he need to adjust his way of doing things if he wants to succeed at this level constantly


Staff member
Also, what happen to the drag routes we were running vs. VT and FSU last season. We did a lot of good things yesterday, then got away from it.
My only theory is that Vad hasn't gotten to that point where he is comfortable with going through his progressions. I thought last year Tevin got pretty decent at dumping the ball off quickly if the deep ball wasn't there.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
Anybody still super impressed with Mr. AllSizzlenoSteak aka James Franklin?

I'll say this, it's his 3rd year at a school with zero football tradition and he's recruiting at a level unheard of there. Let's see where he is at the end of year 5. I met Coach Franklin when he first got here and was very impressed with him.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Re: Eric's question, I don't see CPJ getting fired this year IF we get to a bowl game - no matter how crappy it might be. (This assumes he' not caught doing something illegal or immoral.)

As pointed out I think a decision will be made after next year - Either move on or add at least another year or two to the contract - this is for recruiting purposes.


Helluva Engineer
I've got mixed emotions on this one. I absolutely love the scheme, but I think we lost a key piece when Monken left. The one thing you heard about during 2008 and 2009 was how good the assistants we had were at reading defenses relaying what they were seeing in terms of adjustments to make. I don't think CPJ has that confidence with all of the new coaches and, quite frankly, his playcalling has gotten progressively worse since circa NCState 2011. OL coaching has been lacking and Sewak needs to retire.

Quite frankly, I was ready for CPJ to be gone after the disaster of last season and the way things ended with recruiting. This class has a chance to be our best class since '07, and I really like the Roof and Pelton hires.

Summary: Let's wait to see how this season plays out. We cannot afford a QB controversy right now.


After a day, I'm not quite as emotional as I was immediately following the loss, but I think its clear that some change has to be made. Sewak has to go. An offensive line this experienced and talented shouldn't be getting shoved around like they are. Whatever he's selling, his kids aren't buying. He's gotta go. I'd like to see Coach Johnson take a long look at what's wrking and what isn't offensively, then look at Vad Lee. Either put him in a position to succeed, or make the change to Thomas. Don't keep trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. The defense is a work in progress. I trust Ted Roof to continue to make the necessary adjustments. Recruiting is getting better. My biggest question there is "what took so long?" I'd hate to cut bait now when there are so many things about and around this program that look like they're on the upswing. I just can't for the life of me figure out why CPJ often stubborns his way out of wins.

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
No we need to keep Coach Johnson. He needs to continue to upgrade the coaching staff and dump Sewak and Owens. He also needs to run more variations in the offense like the Diamond and the pistol to exploit Vad's talents. He needs to make Justin a kick returner and get Byerly ready to spell Vad when he needs it. He needs to run off the choir boys and get some bad *** mean SOB's in here that will knock you down and step on your throat. He needs to tell the fanbase we have too many crybabies that need to find somewhere else to take their bitching and moaning. Either get on the bus or get the hell off.

GO Jackets!


Helluva Engineer
I went looking through this whole thread just looking at the different coaches that have been suggested, and I'm curious to see what everybody thinks. Here's what I came up with:
Ken Whisenhunt - OC for San Diego Chargers, Tech Alum
Mike Norvell - OC/QBs coach at Arizona State
Tom Herman - OC/QBs coach at Ohio State
Jake Spavital - co-OC/QBs coach at Texas A&M
Willie Taggart - Head coach at South Florida, former RBs coach at Stanford when Gerhart won the Doak Walker
Chad Morris - OC/QBs coach at Clemson
Tim DeRuyter - Head coach at Fresno State
Jeff Mullen - OC for Charlotte 49ers, coached Pat White at West Virginia
Philip Montgomery - OC/QBs coach at Baylor
Bob Stitt - Head coach at Colorado School of Mines, innovator of the "fly sweep" offense
Rod Carey - Head coach at Northern Illinois
Pep Hamilton - OC for the Indianapolis Colts, former OC at Stanford
Goose Godsey - TEs coach for the NE Patriots, Tech Alum
Dan Mullen - HC at Mississippi State
And a few more that I like:
Noel Mazzone - OC from UCLA
Tony Franklin - OC from Cal, worked under Sonny Dykes at La Tech

What do y'all think about this list? Realistic possibilities? Other options?
If I had to pick a few of these guys to decide between, I'd probably pick Whisenhunt, Norvell, Spavital, Taggart, Montgomery, and Mazzone

2nd Pick right now is Taggart: He has recruiting ties into this area, young, energetic, well spoken. The problem is that the jury is still out if he is a good coach... USF is not a very good team.

My pipe dream is Whisenhunt, although I have to admit I have questions if he could recruit.


LOL Jerry. Whatever the problem is, Tim Byerly isn't the solution. I respect that he made the team as a walkon, but he isn't a D1 starter. Lamar Owens is a good recruiter. That trumps coaching ability. Sewak does neither. Have him drug out in the street and shot for all i care...


Ramblin' Wreck
Athens, GA
2nd Pick right now is Taggart: He has recruiting ties into this area, young, energetic, well spoken. The problem is that the jury is still out if he is a good coach... USF is not a very good team.

My pipe dream is Whisenhunt, although I have to admit I have questions if he could recruit.
It's only his first year. And remember, Taggart only won like four games his first year as HC at Western Kentucky before he turned them around and was part of the coaching staff that made Stanford into a national power.

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
Paul Johnson's favorability numbers top Obama's. Looks like 70% are still supporting him at least to the end of the year. Most folks today can't handle any set backs. They want to change coaches as often as they change cell phones. I don't see anyone on the proposed coaching hire wishlist that would do any better than Johnson.

Go Jackets!


Helluva Engineer
Gibson, GA
I think what makes me upset the most is that most of these guys have no chance for the NFL. Golden and Jemea are the only two I see with a real chance right now. Smelter maybe if he keeps playing well. Sims is a guy I think that could be very good if he got the ball in pro-style but he will never get that opportunity. Vad Lee has a good arm. If he had the coaching to learn the mechanics of the position, I think he could be pretty darn good and at least maybe have a shot to join an NFL team. Can't tell you how many times I see Vad Lee stepping away from the receiver while he throws. It just looks awkward. Now maybe it's because he is nervous about getting hit (rightfully so given that our O-line is playing horrible), but good coaching would instill confidence and calmness in him. Good QBs can't be afraid to get hit. Another thing I can't stand is what happened to 3 steps back, one step forward approach when the ball is hiked? Now we do this weird motion where Vad Lee is faced towards his blindside for a second or two then twists around to throw? What is the sole purpose? If it's to look at his blindside then what happens if a guy comes from the other side? Either way it's stupid. It just wastes time.
Attachou, Hunt-Days, and Mason will get drafted. Watts and Dieke could be combine phenoms. Louis Young could go late in the draft.


Staff member
This poll turned out to be pretty interesting. I was thinking the "yes/let's see" would be split closer to 50/50 with the "no" responses.

Anyone have any regrets about their response to the poll now that we've had a day? :cautious:
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Retired Co-Founder
I think we should Definitely have CPJ for 2014. A lot of reasons:
- contract still very large
- end of 14 a natural evaluation point with only two years left on contact at that point (either extend or fire after 14)
- I would like to see how this staff does without all these seniors in 2014.
- bringing in a good class.
- I would like to see another year of Vad with smelter and waller.

What worries me about the 2014 year is we lose..Jay Finch, Ray Beno, Will Jackson, Robert Godhigh, David Sims, Euclid Cummings, Dieke, Attaochu, Watts, J Thomas and Young.

That is virtually every major player we have...On offense Godhigh is the lone A back that has been consistent and providing big plays...Sims has turned into a good B back is a steady.

The OL is going to be a mess next year...We will have Mason and Chamberlain back. After that it isn't a pretty sight. We will be breaking in a new center who has no game reps...I imagine Braun will get one of the guard spots. I expected this 2013 Oline group to be really good but it hasn't lived up to that so far which makes me even more worried about next year.

Attaochu is our only pass rushing threat (besides Gotsis) and he will be gone...I have no idea who will be our DE's next year.

Losing Jemea Thomas is really going to hurt...and Louis Young is not a bad cover corner. DJ white will step in at one spot and we will be fine...but depth is going to be a big concern.

Good news is we have Wofford, @ Tulane and Ga Southern as our likely first three games...So hopefully we can get something figured out.