Sean Bedford Interview


Ramblin' Wreck
Interview with Bedford. Still one of my favorite GT players because of his on AND off field contributions.
His points regarding the NCAA are spot on and kind of humorous.

This line being one of my favorite:
"That said, I do think the first line of the “letter” has proven to be pretty prophetic: I’m glad the NCAA really put the hammer down on the guy who is supposedly responsible for not adequately complying by allowing him to take a higher paying job and forcing him to serve on the College Football Playoff Selection Committee."


Helluva Engineer
I like Sean's sense of humor...very self deprecating and humble even though he's probably the smartest guy in the room most times.

Walk-ons have been an integral part of CPJ's success here. I think it's a good thing for a program to have guys like Bedford and Godhigh succeed because there's always talented players that slip through the cracks that can be contribute to the team.


Ramblin' Wreck
I was looking at the bar passage list that came out today for a friend. Sean passed.
Thanks for posting that. Although I'm pretty sure we all expected that, knowing the way the young man attacks a problem.

Hell of a read. Love the "To Hell With Georgia" at the end! :jimlad:


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
"... come to terms with the fact that very little of what the NCAA says or does makes sense."

This is so true. Trade shirts for tattoos and get your team on probation in the future because they are Tile Contenders. What a crock of ---- that was.


Ramblin' Wreck
Featured Member
Loved watching this dude play. Love him as a person even more.

"(I still have my “thanks, but no thanks” letter from Duke, and you better believe I enjoyed beating the heck out of them every year)."


"I don’t know if it’s really fair to say I was “underrated as a prospect” because I was every bit as small and slow as they thought."


"One of the strangest characteristics of NCAA investigations is that potential violators are more or less judged by how well they cooperate, rather than the egregiousness of the wrongdoing. The NCAA has no subpoena power, so they’re forced to rely on the universities to investigate and punish themselves, which I think is absurd. As a result, the alleged violator is essentially guilty until they demonstrate that they’re adequately cooperative and repentant, regardless of the actual facts surrounding the alleged violation."
