Program has bigger problems


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
West Cobb
Well that was a very frustrating game to watch- Poor coaching, blocking, and blown coverage while their QB runs around as much as he wants.

CPJ was forced to try to use Trick Plays because his offense was so bad. We couldn't block besides the first quarter and the Waller throw. Vad looked timid which is due to the amount of pressure he faced. Still he should handle it better. Our worst blockers are 5th year seniors which is pretty bad when you think about it.

However, this isn't just a coach problem. The academic restrictions, alumni support, lack of money, lack of marketing, support staff, and many other issues are going to be a problem for any new coach that we hire. CPJ is figuring this stuff out a little more every year. He has done a good job fixing the recruiting staff, building relationships with HS programs, upgrading facilities, getting more money, and getting some academic flexibility with admissions. But he is still fighting an uphill battle..

I am not sure the next guy will be able to combat those things successfully. CPJ is not coaching well right now but he seems to be making some progress in the other areas. Lets face it though...GT is one of the toughest gigs with all of the additional hurdles.

GT administration needs to get serious about football and help support the program more whether or not the coach is CPJ or someone new in 2015.

This is my quick little rant...I am starting to realize that there are bigger problems at GT than just bad coaching...

Lets hope this year will be better! Go Jackets!
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Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I really hope folks actually read what you had to say and don't just dismiss it as "excuse making". There are some very real hurdles faced here that just don't exist at our competitors' doorsteps. Many of them are self-inflicted and are fixable with the support of the administration. Sadly it appears the administration is proud of keeping these hurdles in place.

We can all see the on-field shortcomings. As you point out, the problems start far before our players/staff hit the field. And, perhaps most importantly in light of all the anti-CPJ rants, these problems will exist no matter who the coach is.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
West Cobb
Absolutely! What I am worried about now is that the fans(including myself somewhat) are giving up on CPJ and that makes it even more difficult to overcome these obstacles.
There are only so many James Franklin types out there and I am not sure that I would even want him. There has been some sketchy stuff going on there like the rape case and I am not so sure that he is that great of a coach. He has done a great job overcoming their hurdles though...but he doesn't have as much respect as a football coach. Again, those type of guys are not growing on trees. More than likely if we hire someone that does well he will bolt for a bigger job because everyone knows if you can succeed at GT then that is pretty impressive.

Best thing for us to do is to support the program next year since it is not even an option right now... then evaluate the program at the end of the year.


Helluva Engineer
Nah too much of this is self inflicted

However, this isn't just a coach problem. The academic restrictions, alumni support, lack of money, lack of marketing, support staff, and many other issues are going to be a problem for any new coach that we hire. CPJ is figuring this stuff out a little more every year. He has done a good job fixing the recruiting staff, building relationships with HS programs, upgrading facilities, getting more money, and getting some academic flexibility with admissions. But he is still fighting an uphill battle..

Academic restrictions.
Tech can recruit the majority of high quality football players available. Most of the top players in the state get a schollie offer from Tech.

Tech had a golden opportunity to make 92.9 Thr Game it's official station. Nope went to 106.7 and a notorious JAWJA hub 680, which you can't get a signal past Morrow. Poor decision. On top is there any type of social media strategy for the athletic department at all.

Support Staff

Fan Support
Win Baby solves problem
See also marketing


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
West Cobb
Nah too much of this is self inflicted
Academic restrictions.
Tech can recruit the majority of high quality football players available. Most of the top players in the state get a schollie offer from Tech.
I promise you that is not the case. Off the top of my head 5 star Montravious Adams and 4 star Vonn Bell from last years class and from GA didn't have a prayer of getting into GT. The sad thing is that they were not even exceptions at some schools.

Another example, Mike Rogers if he barely raises his test scores then he can get into Vanderbilt but not GT...Isn't that sad?

He is going to have to raise his test score more to get into GT than he is Vandy? It is telling that James Franklin has gotten the support of the academic arm to help out in those areas.

CPJ get 3 exceptions but he has to plead his case just to use 1...

Maybe someone else can chime in that has more knowledge on this area than I do but that is what I do know.

You are right about the marketing issues-I am amazed with how badly we handle our brand. Can't argue with Winning! Heals all!


Helluva Engineer
Notice I said most not all.
I've followes recruiting for a sec now Tech offers the majority of these kids.


Retired Co-Founder

It's a bigger problem than you think...half the guys that claim offers can't even get in. GT is holding itself back more than anything and killing ourselves.


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
Yes, Eric, I know you are right regarding these top-end players being able to qualify at Tech, but with that said, I don't think we would get them anyway.

Do you know more than a few examples of 4 and 5 star guys we could get right now, if the Hill dropped the requirements a little? I would be surprised, because now, whether true or not, these players are not just hearing the "don't play in that program because it will not get you ready for the NFL" from the other schools, but they are even hearing some "hints" of that in the TV coverage. For example, it was mentioned yesterday regarding WR's again, and of course, the commentators tried to help us that it was a myth because of BeyBey and S.Hill and CJ, but other than SHill, we really aren't getting many looks from upper 3 star or 4 star receivers....Again, perception is reality in this case.

I have been a big supporter of PJ, but I just don't see how he turns this thing around, even with more Hill cooperation. But, I usually see the glass half empty.


Helluva Engineer
Well guys been hearing the same thing about the Hill for over what fifty years and nothing has changed.GOL figured it out and so did Ross and for a time Curry.If we won then why not now.....I agree the Hill loosened up courses for kids in the past and do not think they will do so now but...............IF they dont then we sit back and take seven and five,35000 at home game,loss to Georgie and bowl performance that is not good.I really hate to think that Blaine was right when he said seven and five is all we should ask for...If we dont get help one day we will drop a class in the football world.Now that would be awful but I can see the Hill doing this.........they tried it in 57 after Dodd had a 9-1 record and only a tipped pass vs Tenn kept him from anther undefeated season and if they were trying to do it to Dodd ..........they will bear watching.

Brian Johnson

Jolly Good Fellow
Things need to change. How are we going to get a top tier athlete if they can't even get in? These kids are not the same as the regular kids that go to tech. This doesn't mean that we need to get dumb kids but it's a impossible to compete if we don't work together a little bit and realize we need to change the standards for athletes just like any college. Don't make it like ole miss and be that easy but change it a tad. This is really making me mad and it's holding us back.


Helluva Engineer
Yes, Eric, I know you are right regarding these top-end players being able to qualify at Tech, but with that said, I don't think we would get them anyway.

Do you know more than a few examples of 4 and 5 star guys we could get right now, if the Hill dropped the requirements a little? I would be surprised, because now, whether true or not, these players are not just hearing the "don't play in that program because it will not get you ready for the NFL" from the other schools, but they are even hearing some "hints" of that in the TV coverage. For example, it was mentioned yesterday regarding WR's again, and of course, the commentators tried to help us that it was a myth because of BeyBey and S.Hill and CJ, but other than SHill, we really aren't getting many looks from upper 3 star or 4 star receivers....Again, perception is reality in this case.

I have been a big supporter of PJ, but I just don't see how he turns this thing around, even with more Hill cooperation. But, I usually see the glass half empty.
Yep how many players want to come to tech to ....block and maybe catch one pass a game.I am spoiled used to see Ga Southern play and they could run and throw....we just are not attracting big time players to come to tech ....


Helluva Engineer
Mack, the standards are tougher now than they were for any of those coaches. That's a fact.
Have no doubt about that but if you are going to win you need help and we aint getting it.So if we cant compete what do we do ? I guess we take seven and five and be happy....but I dont take this as our future.We can do better.


Retired Co-Founder
Why are we offering guys that can't get in ??.

Where did I say that? I said half the guys that claim offers can't get in. For example look at Mike Rogers.

Just because a guy says he has a offer doesn't mean it's true.


Without changes to admission standards, I don't see how. The good news is, I feel like Bobinski is willing to fight that battle. Braine and Radakovich weren't.


Jolly Good Fellow
What about these top tier recruits that want to major in some kind of engineering? We don't even get many OVs from most of these 4 and 5 stars. if only a gt degree meant as much to these SAs as it does to you guys who actually put the work in to earn one we'd be getting somewhere


Most kids who come here don't end up engineers. I don't feel like that's relevant. I'd wager that less than 5% of kids who go to any school who say they want to be engineers end up engineers.

Athletes, I mean...


Jolly Good Fellow
Most kids who come here don't end up engineers. I don't feel like that's relevant. I'd wager that less than 5% of kids who go to any school who say they want to be engineers end up engineers.

Athletes, I mean...

A little bit of research on my part and it seems you are right. From what little I read, it might not even be 5%


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
West Cobb
Yes, Eric, I know you are right regarding these top-end players being able to qualify at Tech, but with that said, I don't think we would get them anyway.

Do you know more than a few examples of 4 and 5 star guys we could get right now, if the Hill dropped the requirements a little? I would be surprised, because now, whether true or not, these players are not just hearing the "don't play in that program because it will not get you ready for the NFL" from the other schools, but they are even hearing some "hints" of that in the TV coverage. For example, it was mentioned yesterday regarding WR's again, and of course, the commentators tried to help us that it was a myth because of BeyBey and S.Hill and CJ, but other than SHill, we really aren't getting many looks from upper 3 star or 4 star receivers....Again, perception is reality in this case.

I have been a big supporter of PJ, but I just don't see how he turns this thing around, even with more Hill cooperation. But, I usually see the glass half empty.

The Hill cooperation is one aspect of it. The other aspect is we need easier majors for these type of kids to go into.

Action Items:
1. Make the hill lower
2.Kids who barely clear the hill need to have a more basic/easier major(s) to choose from
3. Less restrictions on getting an exception
4. Grant more exceptions

Current process for recruiting kids that do not have it together academically: We are recruiting these types of student athletes but we stop wasting our efforts once we realize that it is too late in their senior year to turn things around academically. Kid realize we have to give up on them and in turn they give up on us which is normal. Also, those student athletes that do not care about school as much or struggle some would like to have easier options like sports management or basic education majors.

But you are essentially right...Just fixing the hill isn't going to fix our program. We have so many other needs as well!