Posted a thread on Miami's board as a response to them complaining about the officiating. Was I too harsh?


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
It appears that you created an account on their board specifically to tell them how to conduct themselves after a brutal loss. i know you are young and therefore new to the whole "message board" thing but I don't think this is going to work as you had hoped. your best move would be to go delete that post and your account imo.


Helluva Engineer
It appears that you created an account on their board specifically to tell them how to conduct themselves after a brutal loss. i know you are young and therefore new to the whole "message board" thing but I don't think this is going to work as you had hoped. your best move would be to go delete that post and your account imo.
okay. I'm not trying to troll but I'm just upset that all these canes fans think this is some fixed game. It makes me sick. Refs are human, they make human mistakes. If they took a knee it wouldn't be in their hands. Miami was supposed to be the ACC's juggernaut but all they've done is stumble around for two decades.


Helluva Engineer
It appears that you created an account on their board specifically to tell them how to conduct themselves after a brutal loss. i know you are young and therefore new to the whole "message board" thing but I don't think this is going to work as you had hoped. your best move would be to go delete that post and your account imo.
I just tried to delete it and... well I can't it won't let me.

I might as well log out and let this whole thing play out and move on with my day.


Helluva Engineer
While I can’t disagree with what those above me said, I think that thread has real potential. I wish I had time to go fan the flames. :D Don’t lose our link!

Of course the ACC favors us! About a decade ago, we were ready to walk and the ACC begged us to stay. Obviously, we held all the cards… with a nod and a handshake, we told them that someday, sometime, we are going to need a call. Maybe a timely penalty, maybe an inconclusive review, but when the time comes, we expect the ACC to make that call. Well, it paid off in spades Saturday night. I don’t know how the Canes found out about our agreement, but no matter. Trading Big Ten membership for a chance at a lower tier bowl game a decade later was TOTALLY worth it.


Helluva Engineer
I think the funniest part of all this banter is that there is a rogue conspiracy to throw a game for *Georgia Tech*, of all teams. Dead. 💀

Fyi the head ref used to ref my church flag football games in another moon. He has worked his way up to basically being considered an elite official. (Has done playoff games. Etc)


Helluva Engineer
I think the funniest part of all this banter is that there is a rogue conspiracy to throw a game for *Georgia Tech*, of all teams. Dead. 💀

Fyi the head ref used to ref my church flag football games in another moon. He has worked his way up to basically being considered an elite official. (Has done playoff games. Etc)
I’m picking up what you’re puttin down…

Thank you for your efforts. If the flag football league is in need of any equipment, you just let me know. You know where to find me.


Helluva Engineer
I’m picking up what you’re puttin down…

Thank you for your efforts. If the flag football league is in need of any equipment, you just let me know. You know where to find me.

This is actually not sarcasm. His name is Jeff Heaser. Really nice guy.


Helluva Engineer
okay. I'm not trying to troll but I'm just upset that all these canes fans think this is some fixed game. It makes me sick. Refs are human, they make human mistakes. If they took a knee it wouldn't be in their hands. Miami was supposed to be the ACC's juggernaut but all they've done is stumble around for two decades.
Absolutely, and that applies whether calls go in our favor or against us. Everybody on the field makes mistakes, including the zebras.


Jolly Good Fellow
It’s Miami so I’ll let it slide, but who cares if they think our win is valid or not, and I don’t think it was your intention to troll, but if it was you trolled us more by calling us the “Northwestern of the ACC”. Which I guess we are, but I’m not gonna admit it just yet 🤣 I would stay of other teams message boards completely, with the exception of the mentally ill people that bark at people

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
okay. I'm not trying to troll but I'm just upset that all these canes fans think this is some fixed game. It makes me sick. Refs are human, they make human mistakes. If they took a knee it wouldn't be in their hands. Miami was supposed to be the ACC's juggernaut but all they've done is stumble around for two decades.
You won the pot. No reason to tell people who just lost their shirts in a poker game that they have no right to complain and make excuses. Just walk away with your winnings and smile.


Helluva Engineer
okay. I'm not trying to troll but I'm just upset that all these canes fans think this is some fixed game. It makes me sick. Refs are human, they make human mistakes. If they took a knee it wouldn't be in their hands. Miami was supposed to be the ACC's juggernaut but all they've done is stumble around for two decades.
It would be better for you to not give a rats *** what other team fans think. There is no value in it for you. Do you want other team’s fans judging your feelings?