Post Season Musings


Jolly Good Fellow
I have been a tech fan for 40 years. The enjoyment from this season has been, at worst, in the top 3 of all of the time I have been watching tech football. 1990 is at the top for obvious reasons. 2014 is at or better than 1998 and exceeds 2009. 1998 was great in that we ended up with a #9 ranking, beat UGA and then Notre Dame in the Gator Bowl, but lost the conference to Florida State (pre ACCCG). While 2009 was great in that we won the ACC title in the CG against Clemson, we still lost to UGA and then to Iowa in the OB. 2014 was better than 2009. Beating UGA is still more important than winning the ACC.

This year had other positive happenings as well.

1. We won the damn Orange Bowl !!! Hasn't happened in my lifetime. In 1990 we won the NC. At that time, GT hadn't won the NC in my lifetime. Winning the OB isn't the NC, but it is really special.

2. The manner in which we played this year was magical. Never gave up in any game. The 'kick and the pick' is already folklore that is worthy of an additional chapter in Clean Old Fashion Hate. The dominant beauty of option football when executed at a high level with the right personnel. The death marches against Miami. The pick 6 that broke the back of Clemson. DJ White's incredible speed at Pitt. The total shutdown of Nick Chubb in the second half of the UGA game. JT blowing past all of that Miss State "SEC Speed" in the Orange bowl. There were more incredible moments in this season than I can recount.

3. The chemistry of this team. You may never see it again. I can't recall ever seeing this kind of chemistry in a GT football team in the past. That show of support for Snoddy should be posted on the wall in the locker room and remembered forever.

4. The team speed. This was noticeable early on, but still surprising. I actually went back and looked at replays of game segments from 1990, 1998 and 2009. This team is just faster than those teams, including 2009 with Dwyer and Thomas. Who knew?

5. The statistics. The team rushing numbers. JT getting 1,000 yards. (I never thought I'd see that again after Nesbitt did it. It only took 5 years.) Fewest punts in CFB. The highest FEI rating in the land. The 3rd down conversion percentages, etc. etc. etc.

6. We had a lot of injuries to key people and never seem to miss a beat. I think this has to do with #5, but going into a bowl game without Snoddy and Smelter had me concerned. Not to mention the guys we lost at the beginning of the season, which had our prospects for success looking grim. With guys going down, other guys started stepping up. I had no idea that we had that kind of depth. It is amazing when you think about it.

7. The foundation for the future. Not to quote a puppet, but as Yoda states about the future, it is difficult to see. Perhaps so, but it looks promising. Really promising. The talent is there. The coaching is there. If the chemistry can be maintained, if we avoid key injuries, then wow.

8. The total collapse of the SEC (myth). As Gore Vidal said, "it is not enough that I succeed, my enemies must also fail."

The 0-4 SEC East record against the ACC, followed by the 2-5 record in bowl games by the SEC West. In short, the alleged best conference in football sucked when it came down to playing the power teams from other conferences. Auburn not withstanding, the SEC is Alabama. Take away Cam Newton and 2 divine plays in 2013 and Auburn's program is nowhere near the top 10. Florida is in disarray - they are now happy to beat East Carolina in the whogivesacrap bowl. UT has been in disarray for years. LSU is down. TAM without Johnny Football is middle of the pack. Missouri is the premier team in the East and there isn't a coach on the planet who does 'less with more' than Mark Richt. Despite all of this, the talking heads on Atlanta sports radio and ESPN wanted at least 2 teams and as many as 4 teams from the SEC in the playoff. The preseason narrative from these clowns next year should be comical.

9. The CFB playoff format. (Which also helped demolish the myth of the SEC.) It makes one wonder if the SEC would have won all of those NCs had we had a playoff format during that period. Without a playoff this year, it would have probably been FSU and Alabama in the NC game. The playoff changes it all. No doubt in my mind that Auburn would have never made it to the NC game last year if they had to run the gauntlet outside the SEC.

To those of you who are younger than I, which probably is most of you, I say 'enjoy this'. In my experience, seasons like 2014 don't come around very often. I hope 2014 is a prelude to the future for GT, but until I see it as so, I am banking this one for years to come.

DC Bee

Ramblin' Wreck
Springfield, VA
Yup. 1990 was awesome fun, but there was no ACC CG. That 41-38 win at UVa and the impromptu party on Techwood and 3rd St is legendary. It's been a long, long time since I can remember being so impressed with a GT team in defeat as I was this year against F$U. It made the leading up to the Orange Bowl almost unbearable, as apprehension was killing me because of past history. But man, did this team come to play and it was obvious when the game started.

This was a year of great success, but also a year of what could have been. What if we had beaten UNC? Would the defense have stepped up like it did? We'll never know.

The bar has been set, and the pressure next year will be unreal. I think managing the expectations and pressure will be the most difficult challenge for the team and coaching staff. As another thread warned, remember 1999, but regardless, we get a nice offseason to bask in the glory of this team's accomplishments.


Helluva Engineer
First, wonderful idea for a post Js.
Second, I totally agree, option offense is football sat its purest. Love this sentence: "The dominant beauty of option football when executed at a high level with the right personnel."


Jolly Good Fellow
I hope that this team's attitude and success will breed a permanent "culture of success" at Tech. These guys showed how it is done, and I think the results speak for themselves and are a great demonstration to the new guys coming in.



Jolly Good Fellow
Herndon, VA
I am 50 years old, BEE '87, and 1990 was indeed magical... I just knew it was gonna be special, and to that end, I even drove to Atlanta from DC back to back weekends for the Clemson and USCe games... I would stalk the only news-stand in the area midweek to get a copy of the AUC, just to be able to read about Sean Jones, Willie Clay, William Bell, and Ken Swilling... I was at the UVA game with my mom, who said it was better than the 7-6 Alabama game in 1962, which she and my dad attended...

This past season was certainly memorable, and certainly the greatest since 1990 to me... But one thing that cannot be understated in comparing this season with past ones is the impact of the Internet, ubiquitous sports coverage, HDTV, and surround sound... It is hard to overstate for those too young to remember the world before these things what it was like to (try to) follow GT from 600 miles away... In the 90's I remember how special it was that GT would be on ABC or ESPN... We might get to see three or four games a season, an those on my fancy, huge 27" TV that weighed 150 lbs...

Yes, this season will always be one of the most memorable in the last 30 years for me, but it is doubly so because of how I was able to experience it...


Ramblin' Wreck
Had the same thought as the OP as I sat in the OB after the game Wednesday night. This team has replaced the 1990 team as my favorite because they did more with less. In '90, we were loaded and we knew it. As much satisfaction as I got from the '90 UVA, Clemson, and Nebraska games, all three combined were not as gloriously wonderful as uga '14. To get up off the mat with 18 seconds left in Athens, with those officials, that crowd, and our history of late chokes against the vomit eaters means this will always be my favorite GT game. You cannot appreciate what that means unless you had your heart ripped out in 60, 64, 71, 76, 78, 83, 91, 95, 97, 06, 09, and 13. I can take a loss like a man, but a dozen times in the 50+ years I've followed the Jackets, the games slipped away usually in the most painful fashion possible just as you began to hope. This team DID NOT let #13 happen. And for that I will be forever grateful. What a game.

We also have to fess up that a few of our preseason predictions on this board didn't pan out:

- Everybody is just going to line up and run it down our throats with this DL (Chubbs who?)
- Godhigh is gone and took all our A Back blocking with him
- Looks like the light will never come on for Snoddy
- JT is too fragile and won't make it thru an entire season
- Chamberlain won't be the starter for long
- PJ will never beat the Big 4 in the same season
- We own Duke and UNC

Mea Culpa - When Georgia Southern had the lead late in the 4th and was driving for the kill, I told my wife, "It will be 4-5 years before we get over losing this game. Johnson is gone and we will have to start over from scratch." Could anyone have predicted then 11 wins and an Orange Bowl victory over the team that spent the most weeks at #1? For the sheer satisfaction and thrill of the ride this year, no team in my memory can match it.


Ramblin' Wreck
We also have to fess up that a few of our preseason predictions on this board didn't pan out:

- Everybody is just going to line up and run it down our throats with this DL (Chubbs who?)
- Godhigh is gone and took all our A Back blocking with him
- Looks like the light will never come on for Snoddy
- JT is too fragile and won't make it thru an entire season
- Chamberlain won't be the starter for long
- PJ will never beat the Big 4 in the same season
- We own Duke and UNC

Mea Culpa - When Georgia Southern had the lead late in the 4th and was driving for the kill, I told my wife, "It will be 4-5 years before we get over losing this game. Johnson is gone and we will have to start over from scratch." Could anyone have predicted then 11 wins and an Orange Bowl victory over the team that spent the most weeks at #1? For the sheer satisfaction and thrill of the ride this year, no team in my memory can match it.[/QUOTE]

As coaches say: if you start listening to the fans then it won't be long before you're sitting with them. Apparently the GT players follow that same ideology. This team grew up and learned each and every game. Even in the losses GT still had a chance to win. That type of consistency is what gets not only a team, but more importantly; a program over the hump moving forward. I'm looking forward to 2015.


Jolly Good Fellow
Had the same thought as the OP as I sat in the OB after the game Wednesday night. This team has replaced the 1990 team as my favorite because they did more with less. In '90, we were loaded and we knew it. As much satisfaction as I got from the '90 UVA, Clemson, and Nebraska games, all three combined were not as gloriously wonderful as uga '14. To get up off the mat with 18 seconds left in Athens, with those officials, that crowd, and our history of late chokes against the vomit eaters means this will always be my favorite GT game. You cannot appreciate what that means unless you had your heart ripped out in 60, 64, 71, 76, 78, 83, 91, 95, 97, 06, 09, and 13. I can take a loss like a man, but a dozen times in the 50+ years I've followed the Jackets, the games slipped away usually in the most painful fashion possible just as you began to hope. This team DID NOT let #13 happen. And for that I will be forever grateful. What a game.

We also have to fess up that a few of our preseason predictions on this board didn't pan out:

- Everybody is just going to line up and run it down our throats with this DL (Chubbs who?)
- Godhigh is gone and took all our A Back blocking with him
- Looks like the light will never come on for Snoddy
- JT is too fragile and won't make it thru an entire season
- Chamberlain won't be the starter for long
- PJ will never beat the Big 4 in the same season
- We own Duke and UNC

Mea Culpa - When Georgia Southern had the lead late in the 4th and was driving for the kill, I told my wife, "It will be 4-5 years before we get over losing this game. Johnson is gone and we will have to start over from scratch." Could anyone have predicted then 11 wins and an Orange Bowl victory over the team that spent the most weeks at #1? For the sheer satisfaction and thrill of the ride this year, no team in my memory can match it.

Seems like only us older guys have the perspective (or perhaps wisdom) of time. Had Golden not forced that fumble against Southern early in the season, the entire 2014 narrative would have changed. As an old mentor once told me, you have to treat every play as if it can mean the game, because it can. I have since learned that not only can one play mean the difference in a game, one play can mean the difference in a season, or even a career. Gary Lee, John Dewberry, Roddy Jones can all attest.

I too thought that coming out of the 2013 season that if CPJ didn't turn the corner soon, we'd be looking at another rebuilding situation if we lost him. The promise and excitement from 2008 and 2009 had gone and his tenure was beginning to resemble Chan's. Couldn't develop a QB or a defense. Lose him and we run the risk of another Chan and perhaps a generation of mediocre GT football. 2014 has flipped the narrative. It 'feels' like the program has turned the corner with the base of talent, the recruiting and the identity that this team has brought to GT.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
All the teams are different. I love the 2009 team because it brought back hope. I love the 1990 team because they came from no where to win it all. I love this team because they made their breaks and beat UGAg in a soul draining way.

If a single player or fan thinks we "should" win 11 games with ND, Clemson, FSU, UGAg for out of division play, they are delusional. We made and got breaks this year, but all that really matters is that the players totally committed and never gave up. Can't ask for more.


Helluva Engineer
Midway point of this season I was already dreading next seasons schedule. I feel we will do just fine now that this season finished like it did. Every game on the schedule is winnable if we play like this seasons team did.

worthco jacket

Georgia Tech Fan
Albany, Georgia
I have been a tech fan for 40 years. The enjoyment from this season has been, at worst, in the top 3 of all of the time I have been watching tech football. 1990 is at the top for obvious reasons. 2014 is at or better than 1998 and exceeds 2009. 1998 was great in that we ended up with a #9 ranking, beat UGA and then Notre Dame in the Gator Bowl, but lost the conference to Florida State (pre ACCCG). While 2009 was great in that we won the ACC title in the CG against Clemson, we still lost to UGA and then to Iowa in the OB. 2014 was better than 2009. Beating UGA is still more important than winning the ACC.

This year had other positive happenings as well.

1. We won the damn Orange Bowl !!! Hasn't happened in my lifetime. In 1990 we won the NC. At that time, GT hadn't won the NC in my lifetime. Winning the OB isn't the NC, but it is really special.

2. The manner in which we played this year was magical. Never gave up in any game. The 'kick and the pick' is already folklore that is worthy of an additional chapter in Clean Old Fashion Hate. The dominant beauty of option football when executed at a high level with the right personnel. The death marches against Miami. The pick 6 that broke the back of Clemson. DJ White's incredible speed at Pitt. The total shutdown of Nick Chubb in the second half of the UGA game. JT blowing past all of that Miss State "SEC Speed" in the Orange bowl. There were more incredible moments in this season than I can recount.

3. The chemistry of this team. You may never see it again. I can't recall ever seeing this kind of chemistry in a GT football team in the past. That show of support for Snoddy should be posted on the wall in the locker room and remembered forever.

4. The team speed. This was noticeable early on, but still surprising. I actually went back and looked at replays of game segments from 1990, 1998 and 2009. This team is just faster than those teams, including 2009 with Dwyer and Thomas. Who knew?

5. The statistics. The team rushing numbers. JT getting 1,000 yards. (I never thought I'd see that again after Nesbitt did it. It only took 5 years.) Fewest punts in CFB. The highest FEI rating in the land. The 3rd down conversion percentages, etc. etc. etc.

6. We had a lot of injuries to key people and never seem to miss a beat. I think this has to do with #5, but going into a bowl game without Snoddy and Smelter had me concerned. Not to mention the guys we lost at the beginning of the season, which had our prospects for success looking grim. With guys going down, other guys started stepping up. I had no idea that we had that kind of depth. It is amazing when you think about it.

7. The foundation for the future. Not to quote a puppet, but as Yoda states about the future, it is difficult to see. Perhaps so, but it looks promising. Really promising. The talent is there. The coaching is there. If the chemistry can be maintained, if we avoid key injuries, then wow.

8. The total collapse of the SEC (myth). As Gore Vidal said, "it is not enough that I succeed, my enemies must also fail."

The 0-4 SEC East record against the ACC, followed by the 2-5 record in bowl games by the SEC West. In short, the alleged best conference in football sucked when it came down to playing the power teams from other conferences. Auburn not withstanding, the SEC is Alabama. Take away Cam Newton and 2 divine plays in 2013 and Auburn's program is nowhere near the top 10. Florida is in disarray - they are now happy to beat East Carolina in the whogivesacrap bowl. UT has been in disarray for years. LSU is down. TAM without Johnny Football is middle of the pack. Missouri is the premier team in the East and there isn't a coach on the planet who does 'less with more' than Mark Richt. Despite all of this, the talking heads on Atlanta sports radio and ESPN wanted at least 2 teams and as many as 4 teams from the SEC in the playoff. The preseason narrative from these clowns next year should be comical.

9. The CFB playoff format. (Which also helped demolish the myth of the SEC.) It makes one wonder if the SEC would have won all of those NCs had we had a playoff format during that period. Without a playoff this year, it would have probably been FSU and Alabama in the NC game. The playoff changes it all. No doubt in my mind that Auburn would have never made it to the NC game last year if they had to run the gauntlet outside the SEC.

To those of you who are younger than I, which probably is most of you, I say 'enjoy this'. In my experience, seasons like 2014 don't come around very often. I hope 2014 is a prelude to the future for GT, but until I see it as so, I am banking this one for years to come.

Excellent post. I might add that the buzz surrounding this team is unlike anything associated with Georgia Tech football in the past. The foundation as you said has been laid. We need to have a good closing to a fine recruiting class, work our new Bbacks into the offense, (this may be a formidable challenge), find a couple of more A backs and replace Mason (almost impossible) It is critical to improve on defense especially the line because we might have some hiccups early on with timing on offense. Fortunately, it would appear that we will have Alcorn State and Tulane to start off the year. I really would not want to face FSU or Notre Dame right off the bat with freshmen B backs and and unsettled A back situation. The schedule is challenging and we may not win every game but I expect we will continue to surprise people especially "experts".


Helluva Engineer
Hartwell, GA
Had the same thought as the OP as I sat in the OB after the game Wednesday night. This team has replaced the 1990 team as my favorite because they did more with less. In '90, we were loaded and we knew it. As much satisfaction as I got from the '90 UVA, Clemson, and Nebraska games, all three combined were not as gloriously wonderful as uga '14. To get up off the mat with 18 seconds left in Athens, with those officials, that crowd, and our history of late chokes against the vomit eaters means this will always be my favorite GT game. You cannot appreciate what that means unless you had your heart ripped out in 60, 64, 71, 76, 78, 83, 91, 95, 97, 06, 09, and 13. I can take a loss like a man, but a dozen times in the 50+ years I've followed the Jackets, the games slipped away usually in the most painful fashion possible just as you began to hope. This team DID NOT let #13 happen. And for that I will be forever grateful. What a game.

We also have to fess up that a few of our preseason predictions on this board didn't pan out:

- Everybody is just going to line up and run it down our throats with this DL (Chubbs who?)
- Godhigh is gone and took all our A Back blocking with him
- Looks like the light will never come on for Snoddy
- JT is too fragile and won't make it thru an entire season
- Chamberlain won't be the starter for long
- PJ will never beat the Big 4 in the same season
- We own Duke and UNC

Mea Culpa - When Georgia Southern had the lead late in the 4th and was driving for the kill, I told my wife, "It will be 4-5 years before we get over losing this game. Johnson is gone and we will have to start over from scratch." Could anyone have predicted then 11 wins and an Orange Bowl victory over the team that spent the most weeks at #1? For the sheer satisfaction and thrill of the ride this year, no team in my memory can match it.
redmule is my favorite poster


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
The foundation is here. New players coming in that have great attitudes.

If the team chemistry gels we may have a better team yet only win 8, 9 or 10 games. Then again we could win 11 - 15 games. Who really knows?

As has been said, enjoy and remember this past season for what it was.

THWG and Go Tech!

jacket fan in dairyland

Jolly Good Fellow
I have been a tech fan for 40 years. The enjoyment from this season has been, at worst, in the top 3 of all of the time I have been watching tech football. 1990 is at the top for obvious reasons. 2014 is at or better than 1998 and exceeds 2009. 1998 was great in that we ended up with a #9 ranking, beat UGA and then Notre Dame in the Gator Bowl, but lost the conference to Florida State (pre ACCCG). While 2009 was great in that we won the ACC title in the CG against Clemson, we still lost to UGA and then to Iowa in the OB. 2014 was better than 2009. Beating UGA is still more important than winning the ACC.

This year had other positive happenings as well.

1. We won the damn Orange Bowl !!! Hasn't happened in my lifetime. In 1990 we won the NC. At that time, GT hadn't won the NC in my lifetime. Winning the OB isn't the NC, but it is really special.

2. The manner in which we played this year was magical. Never gave up in any game. The 'kick and the pick' is already folklore that is worthy of an additional chapter in Clean Old Fashion Hate. The dominant beauty of option football when executed at a high level with the right personnel. The death marches against Miami. The pick 6 that broke the back of Clemson. DJ White's incredible speed at Pitt. The total shutdown of Nick Chubb in the second half of the UGA game. JT blowing past all of that Miss State "SEC Speed" in the Orange bowl. There were more incredible moments in this season than I can recount.

3. The chemistry of this team. You may never see it again. I can't recall ever seeing this kind of chemistry in a GT football team in the past. That show of support for Snoddy should be posted on the wall in the locker room and remembered forever.

4. The team speed. This was noticeable early on, but still surprising. I actually went back and looked at replays of game segments from 1990, 1998 and 2009. This team is just faster than those teams, including 2009 with Dwyer and Thomas. Who knew?

5. The statistics. The team rushing numbers. JT getting 1,000 yards. (I never thought I'd see that again after Nesbitt did it. It only took 5 years.) Fewest punts in CFB. The highest FEI rating in the land. The 3rd down conversion percentages, etc. etc. etc.

6. We had a lot of injuries to key people and never seem to miss a beat. I think this has to do with #5, but going into a bowl game without Snoddy and Smelter had me concerned. Not to mention the guys we lost at the beginning of the season, which had our prospects for success looking grim. With guys going down, other guys started stepping up. I had no idea that we had that kind of depth. It is amazing when you think about it.

7. The foundation for the future. Not to quote a puppet, but as Yoda states about the future, it is difficult to see. Perhaps so, but it looks promising. Really promising. The talent is there. The coaching is there. If the chemistry can be maintained, if we avoid key injuries, then wow.

8. The total collapse of the SEC (myth). As Gore Vidal said, "it is not enough that I succeed, my enemies must also fail."

The 0-4 SEC East record against the ACC, followed by the 2-5 record in bowl games by the SEC West. In short, the alleged best conference in football sucked when it came down to playing the power teams from other conferences. Auburn not withstanding, the SEC is Alabama. Take away Cam Newton and 2 divine plays in 2013 and Auburn's program is nowhere near the top 10. Florida is in disarray - they are now happy to beat East Carolina in the whogivesacrap bowl. UT has been in disarray for years. LSU is down. TAM without Johnny Football is middle of the pack. Missouri is the premier team in the East and there isn't a coach on the planet who does 'less with more' than Mark Richt. Despite all of this, the talking heads on Atlanta sports radio and ESPN wanted at least 2 teams and as many as 4 teams from the SEC in the playoff. The preseason narrative from these clowns next year should be comical.

9. The CFB playoff format. (Which also helped demolish the myth of the SEC.) It makes one wonder if the SEC would have won all of those NCs had we had a playoff format during that period. Without a playoff this year, it would have probably been FSU and Alabama in the NC game. The playoff changes it all. No doubt in my mind that Auburn would have never made it to the NC game last year if they had to run the gauntlet outside the SEC.

To those of you who are younger than I, which probably is most of you, I say 'enjoy this'. In my experience, seasons like 2014 don't come around very often. I hope 2014 is a prelude to the future for GT, but until I see it as so, I am banking this one for years to come.
You summed up my feelings exactly ! I consider myself an " old timer " ( 1972 grad ) and I can't recall a year that compares to this one. We had a lot of close calls, where the season could have turned out differently, but somehow they found a way ! Extremely excited for next year, too !


Mello Yellow-Jacket
After 49 years of side walking, close to 400 games...being at Cesspoolian Village recently with my son was the most gratifying event(over ND wins, the tie, the other Mutt victories, etc.)through all of it. The last 18 seconds could be equated to the movie, "Wait Until Dark" after Audrey finally pulled the refrigerator plug to even the score(blind woman vs. man with sight and long blade).

Great thread, thanks to the OP. The only thing to add is the strength and conditioning. We held up nicely throughout the season. Never seemed manhandled, especially on D, usually giving 20-50 lbs. per match up front. Kudos to Sisk, his staff, Pelton, Sewak(technique and staying low and power on pass protection).