Paul Johnson recruiting Q&A with AJC


Helluva Engineer
Pretty good article, though I feel like we have heard virtually all of these answers from him at one time or another in the last year. I am not saying he necessarily should be, but CPJ doesn't even try to be friendly with the local media. He seemed very defensive and I can just hear the annoyance in his voice as he answers Carvell's questions. For some, I get it. I do. However, when asked about guys like Autry and Leggett, I wish I could see a little more excitement from him. That is CPJ though. He never tries to get too high or too low on any player. That makes sense from a coaching perspective, but doesn't make for great program marketing IMHO.


Jolly Good Fellow
Atlanta, GA
You can't blame CPJ for tamping down the hype after what happened with Vad this past year. He tried to measure expectations and people were still disappointed.


Helluva Engineer
You can't blame CPJ for tamping down the hype after what happened with Vad this past year. He tried to measure expectations and people were still disappointed.

No, I agree. And people still to this day hang on some good words he said about Vad's development after his first week of practice. That said, always being level headed does not generate excitement, which this program does need right now.


Helluva Engineer
Hmmm... I didn't see him wishing Miles Taylor the best of luck.

Just goes to show how insane it is trying to make judgments on how kids are handled when only one side of the issue gets publicity. Taylor made CPJ look like a douche bag with his public comments and it turns out he's the douche. He wanted the security of GT's commitment to him without being committed, himself, to GT. Nice. Looks like it worked out for the best anyhoo.


Helluva Engineer
Pretty good article, though I feel like we have heard virtually all of these answers from him at one time or another in the last year. I am not saying he necessarily should be, but CPJ doesn't even try to be friendly with the local media. He seemed very defensive and I can just hear the annoyance in his voice as he answers Carvell's questions. For some, I get it. I do. However, when asked about guys like Autry and Leggett, I wish I could see a little more excitement from him. That is CPJ though. He never tries to get too high or too low on any player. That makes sense from a coaching perspective, but doesn't make for great program marketing IMHO.
What do you expect? I, for one, am damn glad he refuses to cower to and lick the boots of the media who ask him the same damn questions year after year after year. They already know the answers, they just want to goad him into saying something controversial. Douche bag media.


Helluva Engineer
PJ was honest and candid. No PC answers from him. And the commenters beat him up for that. I think a lot of the media, especially the print guys, like PJ's honesty and candor. In fact, I know they do. Carvell did a good job in his questions and knew not to go over the same ground over and over, and PJ got to reiterate his belief on commitments.

Rodney Kent

Ramblin' Wreck
McDonough, GA
The AJC has been anti-Tech and pro UGA since Dodd left. He had them eating out of his hands because they needed Tech to sell papers for them with Tech's high profile national winning tradition. Since then, the AJC has strictly been against Tech and for UGA. If you browse through the on-line AJC, you will find that the only articles you can read without paying to read them, are articles that show a negative side of news for GT. They want to have free reading for all negative articles so the recruits and Georgia population will not pull for GT.

So, the negativism coming from them is nothing new. They are anti-Tech and nothing can be done to change this unless we become huge winner and they need our team to help them sell papers. The biggest disappointment I see are the Tech fans themselves. There should not be one Tech fan who pays for a subscription to the AJC, or pay for reading the on-line articles. Every last Tech fan who pays for a subscription or for on-line articles are helping the AJC in their attempt to show Tech in a negative way. So, all Tech fans who pay for a subscription or on-line articles are also part of the problem.\

Quit taking a subscription or paying for on-line articels and most of the negativity will stop. Even the writer who covers Tech is part of the problemk, he also writes negative articles for free reading.

The only way I see that this can be changed is for a booster to set up a web site for GT sports that is not part of the school, yet writes many positive articles each day for Tech athletes and prospective Tech athletes. They like reading about themselves, and would read the articles and be pleased with the site. Also, Tech fans would also visit the site to read the articles. Of course, in this situation, you would not want anyone being able to respond to the articles as negative remarks should not be allowed on this type of sports reporting; we have enough boards for this type of activity. I feel sure some students at Tech or other colleges in the State who are studying journalism would give of their time for the chance to write for this type of web site.

I gave up my subscription to the fish wrapper over 40 years ago. I read their on-line articles, but will not pay any money for subscriptions or on-line payments for reading any of their articles.


Jolly Good Fellow
The AJC has been anti-Tech and pro UGA since Dodd left. He had them eating out of his hands because they needed Tech to sell papers for them with Tech's high profile national winning tradition. Since then, the AJC has strictly been against Tech and for UGA. If you browse through the on-line AJC, you will find that the only articles you can read without paying to read them, are articles that show a negative side of news for GT. They want to have free reading for all negative articles so the recruits and Georgia population will not pull for GT.

So, the negativism coming from them is nothing new. They are anti-Tech and nothing can be done to change this unless we become huge winner and they need our team to help them sell papers. The biggest disappointment I see are the Tech fans themselves. There should not be one Tech fan who pays for a subscription to the AJC, or pay for reading the on-line articles. Every last Tech fan who pays for a subscription or for on-line articles are helping the AJC in their attempt to show Tech in a negative way. So, all Tech fans who pay for a subscription or on-line articles are also part of the problem.\

Quit taking a subscription or paying for on-line articels and most of the negativity will stop. Even the writer who covers Tech is part of the problemk, he also writes negative articles for free reading.

The only way I see that this can be changed is for a booster to set up a web site for GT sports that is not part of the school, yet writes many positive articles each day for Tech athletes and prospective Tech athletes. They like reading about themselves, and would read the articles and be pleased with the site. Also, Tech fans would also visit the site to read the articles. Of course, in this situation, you would not want anyone being able to respond to the articles as negative remarks should not be allowed on this type of sports reporting; we have enough boards for this type of activity. I feel sure some students at Tech or other colleges in the State who are studying journalism would give of their time for the chance to write for this type of web site.

I gave up my subscription to the fish wrapper over 40 years ago. I read their on-line articles, but will not pay any money for subscriptions or on-line payments for reading any of their articles.

Whoa dude. Nice conspiracy theory.


Helluva Engineer
What do you expect? I, for one, am damn glad he refuses to cower to and lick the boots of the media who ask him the same damn questions year after year after year. They already know the answers, they just want to goad him into saying something controversial. Douche bag media.

I am not sure you understood my post. I don't want him to cower to the local media at all or to lose his honest, forthright nature. What I would like is for him to show some excitement and optimism about the program. That has nothing to do with who is asking him the questions. The program needs that right now.


Helluva Engineer
I really, truly don't think that there is much relationship between how a coach treats the media and either school image or recruiting. Ross was no winner with the media either. Like some above, I like Coach's candor.

Well, I ought to temper that: if you coach at USCw or UCLA, you need to be a media star. Seems to go with the job out there.


Helluva Engineer
Good interview I wish CPJ was more gracious but some of yall like his cantankerous demeanor.
The whole TE being a 2* and moving to 3 once UGA signed him was damning.


Helluva Engineer
Some good info
-interesting what he said about Taylor
-is Whitehead for sure coming this yr?
-PJ played fast and loose about recr rankings--he said VT didn't have rankings like uM,UNC and uva--that is not true-VT for sure had better ranking 13 and 12 and I believe as good before
-I didn't quite understand about his comment on commitments-when does a recruit lose his commitment?
-funny to me how Autry treated us (seemingly) and how PJ spins the relationship


Helluva Engineer
Some good info
I didn't quite understand about his comment on commitments-when does a recruit lose his commitment?
He always tell recruits and the media "If you're still looking, we're still looking." That means if a kid commits then goes on visits, his spot is not safe. It's open for any other recruit with an offer at the same position to take. If someone else commits at his position, he no longer has an offer.


Helluva Engineer
CPJ sure didn't mince words on how he felt about Taylor.

I think CPJ could have been more diplomatic about things, but at the same time, if he wins none of it matters. The key is to win more.