Other football fans are clueless


Helluva Engineer
Why the gap in GT's performance against these two teams over the years?

It seems to me that GT has been close to Clemson and UGA in the CPJ era, but judging by different measures.

GT vs Clemson: There have been 9 games. 3 of those games were 1 score games. The other 6 were blowouts. If you count the vacated ACCCG, GT is 5-4, but most of the games were not close.

GT vs UGA: There have been 8 games. Only 2 of those games were greater than 1 score games. GT is only 2-6, but was within a play or two in most of the losses, and within a play or two in both wins.

I do agree that wins is what matters. However, if you are trying to simply judge performance against two different teams, do you count blowout wins and losses as better than a series of very close games? Are we closer to Clemson because we evenly split blowouts, or are we closer to UGA because almost every game is decided by one or two plays?


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
LOL. I asserted that better talent overall has been the driving issue, and one genius responds recruiting rankings are irrelevant.

Let's be clear, because it seems some geniuses are confused: two teams play in each game. You can't hold one team constant, and act like GTs psychology is the only variable.

A talented team which craps bricks all season can get psyched up for a rivalry game. A less talented team which has over-performed can come in over confident.

The point being debated is whether GT loses to a worse georgie team because they are psyched out. Yall haven't shown they had less talent.
I don't know why I even respond to your posts. You're like a canker sore; even though it hurts, you can't help but to tongue it.

Your question was "when did we ever have the better team and lost?" I provided a valid answer to that question.

In terms of the performance of those two teams that year, the recruiting rankings were irrelevant. There's nothing genius about that: it's fairly self-evident. Georgia Tech was the better team that year, but we lost. Are you disagreeing with that?

Just because you don't like my answer (an answer which any knowlegeable college football follower would agree with), doesn't mean that I'm wrong, regardless of how you try to belittle me. I work in litigation support, and I had a seasoned attorney tell me once "when the law and the facts are against you, discredit the witness." It amazes me how aggressive you become sometimes. We're just here to share some information and discuss a team we all love. Sometimes I just don't understand what motivates you to try to tear others down.

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
Well, by your definition Tech has always "sucked at recruiting." Perhaps it shows up, as some have suggested, in the lack of depth as a game wears on. Still does not explain why Tech loses to uga, even when Tech has the better team, and the reverse seems to almost never happen.

I think most of those close losses to UGA were the talent difference in the QB. UGA has had a long string of great QBs (2014/2015 being exceptions). UGA seemed to make that fourth Q drive to win the game on the back of a great QB. Tech generally had lesser talent at the QB position and just could not pull out that last drive needed to win the close game. (The poorer Tech defenses sometimes played a role along with some great UGA receivers.)

I always thought R Ball was a pretty good QB but he seemed to play his worst games against UGA and we lost all four. In two of those games we definitely had the better team but got outplayed at the QB position noticeably. That happened in other games with other QBs as well. Our wins against UGA seemed to come when we just manhandled them physically, not counting on our QB to outplay theirs.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I don't know why I even respond to your posts. You're like a canker sore; even though it hurts, you can't help but to tongue it.

Your question was "when did we ever have the better team and lost?" I provided a valid answer to that question.

In terms of the performance of those two teams that year, the recruiting rankings were irrelevant. There's nothing genius about that: it's fairly self-evident. Georgia Tech was the better team that year, but we lost. Are you disagreeing with that?

Just because you don't like my answer (an answer which any knowlegeable college football follower would agree with), doesn't mean that I'm wrong, regardless of how you try to belittle me. I work in litigation support, and I had a seasoned attorney tell me once "when the law and the facts are against you, discredit the witness." It amazes me how aggressive you become sometimes. We're just here to share some information and discuss a team we all love. Sometimes I just don't understand what motivates you to try to tear others down.

My question did not start a thread. It was a reply to a post and had context. When you answered it, I assumed you understood the context in which it was asked. I apologize that I did not assume you would jump in and take my question out of context to change its meaning.


Ramblin' Wreck
Are all you johnson defenders going to be happy with another 6-7 win season and say that it's the best we can hope for and that johnson is the best coach Tech can get? If so, be happy because he will be around for 4 more seasons.


Helluva Engineer
The way I see the rivalry, UGA has a psychological edge that may just be the little push that gets them over the hump most years. Both teams are fired up for the rivalry so neither comes out flat no matter the records that particular year. However, one team expects to win, while the other hopes to win. That expectation has been built over many years and is based mostly on the w/l record and secondly on recruiting hype. The mutts expect to win each year and so do their fans. We hope to win, we battle valiantly but usually find a way to lose in the end.


Helluva Engineer


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
What has happened to GT against UGA in the last 30 years or so? Is it talent? Is it psychological? Is it coaching? Why is the record so bad? My synopsis starts with zero respect for the "stars system" of recruiting rankings:

UGA has generally had better QBs (as has been stated)
UGA has typically had better depth (as has been stated)
TECH has "wanted it" a little too much, especially after losing a few in a row and the biased ATL press giving a ton of love to all things "leg humper and SEC". When you are young and embroiled in heated competition, wanting something sooooooo badly, you rarely are composed enough to play at your best, especially when it matters most. That is my experience coaching young people. UGA had a bit of a streak. That engendered confidence and relieved some pressure on them and increased it on us.

The best thing that could happen to TECH in the next UGAg game would be to download a false history in every TECH player's brain that we actually had a 70-30 win ratio against the mutts over the last 30 years. That would do it.

I don't think we recruit better than them. I also don't think they have been THAT MUCH better than us over this time span either.

Don't get me started on the refs and some of the BS calls, it will just sound like sour grapes. They have Jasper Sanks in 1999 and Hamilton's no fumble in 1998. What do we have? about 30 ridiculous calls in their favor over the same time span.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
However, one team expects to win, while the other hopes to win. That expectation has been built over many years and is based mostly on the w/l record and secondly on recruiting hype.
This fits my experience with bulldog nation. They NEVER expect to lose to us. The stunned silence at the end of the 2014 game was partly the incomprehension over what had just happened.


Helluva Engineer
Are all you johnson defenders going to be happy with another 6-7 win season and say that it's the best we can hope for and that johnson is the best coach Tech can get? If so, be happy because he will be around for 4 more seasons.
I really like this straw man you've built up of fans being totally content with 6-7 wins and saying "well, at least that's the best we can do". It's possible to believe our coach can succeed here (as he has already shown to be able to do with an ACC title and 2 Orange Bowls under his belt) and still want to improve in virtually all facets. I'm sure there are other coaches out there who might be as successful or more in his place, but I am comfortable with the man in charge. Even if we changed coaches, there is no guarantee it'd be an upgrade. Seems like it'd be kind of foolish to run off a coach one season removed from a top 10 finish without having any clue that the (unnamed) replacement would be able to do better. So my question to you...do you have anything constructive to add or are you just here to be contrarian?


Helluva Engineer
On the tangent subject
6-6 with lopsided victories over 2 patsies is really a worst case. That is really 4-6.

On uga subject
We have less depth and seem to get so amped up they stop our comeback w the same dump pass over middle to full or tight end . .
With continued improvement in recruiting on pace as last 2 years we should make subjects listed above moot


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
IIUC, we have a few former GT players that contribute here. I would love to hear what they have to say about the talent differential that they saw on the field when comparing the two teams in question here (Uga vs. Clempson). Assuming that they can speak to this point without bias. As I said above, I always thought of these 2 teams as being the same but with different color jerseys. AE's post comparing draft picks strongly suggests otherwise. Any of you ex-Gt FB'ers willing to comment?


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Nothing like a recruiting thread - I've played in the past and nothing has changed.

Recruiting rankings matter to a large extent more than any other definable variable other than the win-loss record.

About 40% of a team's performance is correlated to the recruits rankings by my study, that leaves 60% to other stuff overall:
Here's the original post in 2014: https://gtswarm.com/threads/how-goo...on-power-ranking-performance.2122/#post-40703

According to SBNation study, recruiting rankings are usually, but not always, right. http://www.footballstudyhall.com/20...-matters-why-the-sites-get-the-rankings-right

We had a 3-9 record last year and the 67th ranked incoming class. So if we go to a bowl this year, I'll be happy. I've noticed the other team sort of wants to win too. (tic)


Ramblin' Wreck
Re-watched the 2012 Clemson game yesterday. They were 8-0, #5 in the nation, on a roll, talking about NC, had Sammy Watson and Tajh Boyd. We were 5-3, had Groh as DC, and Tevin Washington was struggling. The first two series, we gained 6 yds. Clemson marched down the field and went up 3-0. On their second drive, they fumbled. Johnson or somebody must have seen something because the TO got into high gear and Clemson despite all their talent was helpless to stop it. We were up in the 4th qtr 31-10 and killed off most of that qtr with a Death March. Final 31-17 and we had 400 yds rushing. Amazing! My Clemson friends absolutely hate CPJ, and I don't think you can ask for a better recommendation than that. IMHO, CPJ and the TO give us the best chance to be successful right now against the better teams. We are the last non-FSU ACC team to beat Clemson. We are the last non-Clemson ACC team to beat FSU. Johnson has a winning record against both. He has made uga fight for their lives against us despite their advantages. I went 43 years without the chance to see Tech play in the Orange Bowl, and then I went twice in six years. We have a great graduation rate. If we go 3-9 this year, I still won't be ready to fire him with the chaos that will bring. I didn't want to fire Ross either after he went 2-9 and 3-8 back to back.


Ramblin' Wreck
I really like this straw man you've built up of fans being totally content with 6-7 wins and saying "well, at least that's the best we can do". It's possible to believe our coach can succeed here (as he has already shown to be able to do with an ACC title and 2 Orange Bowls under his belt) and still want to improve in virtually all facets. I'm sure there are other coaches out there who might be as successful or more in his place, but I am comfortable with the man in charge. Even if we changed coaches, there is no guarantee it'd be an upgrade. Seems like it'd be kind of foolish to run off a coach one season removed from a top 10 finish without having any clue that the (unnamed) replacement would be able to do better. So my question to you...do you have anything constructive to add or are you just here to be contrarian?
Never said that Tech needed to change coaches .Just pointed out that the majority of posters on this thread seem to believe that all in all Tech football is in good shape and are happy that PJ is doing a satisfactory job and he has 4 years left. In my opinion Tech, at this time is not on an equal footing talent wise, coaching wise,money wise with ugag, VT, Miami,Clemson, NC, FSU and may never get there. Meanwhile, I will continue buying my 6 season tickets and hope for the best.


Helluva Engineer
Never said that Tech needed to change coaches .Just pointed out that the majority of posters on this thread seem to believe that all in all Tech football is in good shape and are happy that PJ is doing a satisfactory job and he has 4 years left. In my opinion Tech, at this time is not on an equal footing talent wise, coaching wise,money wise with ugag, VT, Miami,Clemson, NC, FSU and may never get there. Meanwhile, I will continue buying my 6 season tickets and hope for the best.
We will never be on equal footing talent or money wise with schools like UGA, Clemson, FSU, or Miami (they have built in advantages where we have built in handicaps), but I don't think we are lagging much on the coaching side. Jimbo, Dabo, and Richt have all been more successful than Johnson in recent years, but if you flipped coaches with those teams how do you think that'd work out? I honestly believe Johnson would equal or surpass their accomplishments, while those guys would all struggle mightily at Tech (and you also bring in UNC and VT, who I don't know how you could argue have better coaches than Johnson). You may not have been directly arguing to change coaches, but you sure as hell implied that it's Johnson holding us back.