Ok Brilliant Engineers....


Jolly Good Fellow
Charleston, South Carolina
Since so many alums/people are so upset after every loss, what is the "specific" formula to make us a perinneal top 10 program like Clemson??? Personally, I think its all about $$$ & majors. Until we pony up the $$, other teams have better assistants and better support staff to prepare the team. Right now, we are behind the competition every week! Also, depth hurts. Although we have greats players, we just don't have great players at the 2/3 deep. Why, b/c we have to develop talent versus recruiting ready to play talent. The top dogs who come in ready to play sure as hell aren't engineers, & I would wager they would struggle with the business curriculum everyone loves to insult!

In my opinion, if CPJ wasn't at Tech, we would be lucky to win 3-4 games per year. Yes, you can say his record is similar to past coaches, but since he has been here almost every other ACC school has passed GT in $$ invested into their program. CPJ is taking MIT, Caltech level students and winning 7-10 per year.

Give him some $$ and 1 major to stash athletes and I guarantee we win the NC within 5 years!

If you disagree, other than constantly complaing about CPJ, how do you think we win it all moving forward?


Jolly Good Fellow
Step 1 - Add diverse majors, easy filler classes, cut calculus requirement.
Step 2- Get our support staff numbers up to the levels of at least everyone else in the ACC
Step 3- Consistency of staff- Grew up an Oklahoma fan and one thing that went into their bowl game "chokes" was half the support staff getting poached for head coaching jobs after the regular season
After that it's just throwing money to stay on upgrades.


Jolly Good Fellow
Charleston, South Carolina
Step 1 - Add diverse majors, easy filler classes, cut calculus requirement.
Step 2- Get our support staff numbers up to the levels of at least everyone else in the ACC
Step 3- Consistency of staff- Grew up an Oklahoma fan and one thing that went into their bowl game "chokes" was half the support staff getting poached for head coaching jobs after the regular season
After that it's just throwing money to stay on upgrades.
So, in your own words, you agree with everything I said!?..


Jolly Good Fellow
Option 1:

  1. Major redevelopment of the entire stadium to make it multi-faceted asset that distinguishes GT from every other college program
  2. Get rid of the current skyboxes that serve coke & bags of frito chips. replace them with WeWork offices (co-working spaces) and sell those offices to GT's corporate innovation hub partners (e.g Coke, Delta, Amazon, NCR, etc.)...any college can have a coke ad on the scoreboard. not every stadium can have a office sign for coke's interns that are part of a word-class research partnership.
  3. Maybe even put a hotel with a large terrace overlooking the field in one of the corners. midtown needs additional hotel space. GT attracts a lot of vistors in need of a hotel...why not put one right on campus?
  4. the office space & hotel serve the purpose of making the football stadium be used more than 5 times a year. this will allow investment in actual restaurants & bathroom renovations in the stadium. why build a dining hall when you can just use the stadiums?
Atlanta Culture
  1. apologize to the entire world for wearing russel for so long
  2. make atlanta's hip-hop community part of GT athletics
  3. ludacris, TI, Outkast, Migos - these are all people who know how to build brands & have a entrepreneurial spirit. A Migos endorsement of GT would do more for this football program than anything anyone has mentioned so far. and i don't think many people realize that
  4. Connect to the beltline, allow GT alumni who live within a 5 mile radium of the stadium to get there easier / safer. get more greenspace for alumni to tailgate. connect to atlanta business culture - get more than just gt grads to come to games - get the hundres of thousands of people with offices looking down of bobby dodd to be fans too.
  5. Stop ****ing kicking people off the team for smoking pot. it's so dumb and just wrong.
Option 2:
  1. Every year, get alumni to pay 10-15 18 year old kids $50,000 to $75,000 to play for GT...might have to start off at $100k to make a splash as a new entrant in SEC territory
  2. Pay lobbyists and lawyers to collect dirt on other major schools doing this same thing as an insurance policy against anyone snitching on you
  3. Hire a "big name" coach that makes $3 - $5 million more than CPJ. Then add another $20 million for assistants and support staff
  4. Spend $100-$250 million+ building a "state of the art" dorm for athletes with a private put-put course
  5. Purchase twitter troll bot armies & a few CS kids to game the way the NCAA makes money...mess with TV viewership "numbers", make social media stories go viral, make the numbers that people with marketing degrees measure but have no idea what they mean or how unreliable they are to make it look like people really care about GT.
Option 3:
  1. continue to be "eh", with a few "eh - we're actually pretty good" sprinkled in.


Ramblin' Wreck
We're not going to be Bama, Climpsuns, or Ugag. Ever. We'll have some brilliant years every once in awhile and we've already had 2 in the last 10 years under Johnson and that ain't bad for us. And you know what, unlike all the other factory schools, Tech fans and alums tend to have more important things they focus on outside of football. Name one Tech fan that tattooed GT or Buzz on their butt cheek. I'd gladly take the 8-5, 9-4, and a couple of 11-3 seasons sprinkled in with bad ones any day and keep our identity as a top institute that creates intelligent, student athletes of character over a factory school with tons of mug shots... and btw, look at those schools. Look how far Auburn fell after their national championship. Look at Baylor (0-7) and where they are now compared to their success just a few years ago. Even FSU's having an off year. It's okay to accept Tech for who we are. And if you're really honest, while it sucks sometimes to be a Tech fan with all the frustration that comes with it, it also feels special b/c we know that Tech is a special place unlike most of the other factory schools.
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Jolly Good Fellow
Charleston, South Carolina
We're not going to be Bama, Climpsuns, or Ugag. Ever. We'll have some brilliant years every once in awhile and we've already had 2 in the last 10 years under Johnson and that ain't bad for us. And you know what, unlike all the other factory schools, Tech fans and alums tend to have more important things they focus on outside of football. Name one Tech fan that tattooed GT or Buzz on their butt cheek. I'd gladly take the 8-5, 9-4, and a couple of 11-3 season sprinkled in with bad ones any day and keep our identity as a top institute that creates intelligent, student athletes of character over a factory school with tons of mug shots... and btw, look at those schools. Look how far Auburn fell after the the national championship. Look at Baylor (0-7) and where they are now compared to their success just a few years ago. Even FSU's having an off year.
Exactly my point! 90% of FBS teams would love to have the continued success of GT football. We are spoiled. Yes, 2015 sucked, but b/c we have a great coach we bounced right back. Hey Texas, Florida, Oregon...With equal $$$ we would be RIDICULOUS!


Helluva Engineer
Get GT people to give more money.

Get GT people to admit that a VAST majority of our S/As are NOT qualified to enter MIT or caltech.

Get GT people to admit (hopefully) that, despite some very good moments , that winning 36% of the time for the last 10 years vs ugag, cu, vt, fsu, and um is not a passing grade.

Get GT people to Give More Money.


Helluva Engineer
I don’t want anymore piped in music than we already have. Watching tOSU vs Penn State was a feast for the senses: great football with no artificial atmosphere added between plays. The only non-athletic entertainment came from the bands and the cheerleaders.

*Also, no goofy sideline awards like thick gold chains, trash can dunking or costume Mad Max shoulder pads.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Since so many alums/people are so upset after every loss, what is the "specific" formula to make us a perinneal top 10 program like Clemson???

On the one hand, let's talk dollars. To compete, really compete, in FBS takes about $100MM or more. Tech, by comparison, generates about $65MM and has a heavy debt load on its AA facilities. So, it earns much less and what it does earn is paying off debt rather than upgrading facilities.

On the other hand, does Tech want to win championships? No. I think Tech is fine being competitive because its good for the brand. But beyond that ... no. I think Tech wold be delighted to go 7-5 or 8-4 every year and every 5 years or so, make a run at it. To put that number in perspective ... that's a winning percentage of 0.667 ... which is a Top 15 (lifetime) program. Tech's lifetime win rate is 0.593. So, I think their view is, "Let's put out a competitive product, but let's not go crazy out there."


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Funny how this comes up when we lose. Yes you can give money but is this going to add more majors for SA at Tech and get the SA out of calculus ? I don't know the answer but I would like to see our fans not sell their ticket to uga fans this year. But we all know it's going to happen.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
On the other hand, does Tech want to win championships? No. I think Tech is fine being competitive because its good for the brand. But beyond that ... no.
So, I think their view is, "Let's put out a competitive product, but let's not go crazy out there."

I could not agree more. We all know what are challenges are....and we all know that these challenges are the same ones that we have discussed for decades. We will stay inside our box exactly for the reason you stated...our leadership is comfortable with the status quo. The frustrating part of being a Tech fan is knowing that our leadership is content with that. Our barriers are real..but could be changed if the desire and will to do so existed WITHIN GT's leadership. It is a waste of energy for us to brainstorm ideas and solutions within the fan base and/or in cyberspace.

I don't expect everyone to agree with this. I also get that people (and they are dwindling in numbers imo) are content with things as they are. I am not saying that GT is a "dumpster fire" fwiw. i just share your opinion that GT is OK with the current state of affairs.And has been for decades. And will be going forward.


Jolly Good Fellow
The Island of Relevancy
Funny how this comes up when we lose. Yes you can give money but is this going to add more majors for SA at Tech and get the SA out of calculus ? I don't know the answer but I would like to see our fans not sell their ticket to uga fans this year. But we all know it's going to happen.

It will indeed, posted mine on Stubhub last night, seats on the 45, lower level, on the aisle. Hoping like hell that some drunk *** redneck uga fan is willing to pay sacrifice 4 months of double wide trailer payments and pay $500 apiece. If not, you will see aluminum in my four seats. Sick and freaking tired of GT playing like **** against really good teams (and don't trot out that we have beaten ugh 2 of the last 3 years, they haven't been worth a damn and you know it), looking like their little ***** and not performing as well as Clemson's scout team if against their 1st string defense.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
It will indeed, posted mine on Stubhub last night, seats on the 45, lower level, on the aisle. Hoping like hell that some drunk *** redneck uga fan is willing to pay sacrifice 4 months of double wide trailer payments and pay $500 apiece. If not, you will see aluminum in my four seats. Sick and freaking tired of GT playing like **** against really good teams (and don't trot out that we have beaten ugh 2 of the last 3 years, they haven't been worth a damn and you know it), looking like their little ***** and not performing as well as Clemson's scout team if against their 1st string defense.
Here is hoping you don't buy tickets next year.


Ramblin' Wreck
The only way to get the funding we need is to pass uGA (or get close to) in terms of state wise brand and side walk fans. Throwing money at it solves some problems, it our campus is already pressed for land and we aren't shoving people in closets. Adding Majors are an uphill battle for the space reason but also for needed faculty you will need. Most new majors have to borrow faculty from other majors and the turnoverfor faculty in most pure liberal arts programs is already extraordinarily high due to lack of funding in research relative to the other majors. Unless we get a booster situation similar to OK state, id put our program at expectations similar to every other B brand, the Texas techs, OK state, Oregon state, wazzu, northwestern of the world


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
Some of your guys act like a Clemson doesn't do this to everyone. They've lost 3 games in 3 years. They wouldn't have lost to Syracuse with a healthy Bryant. They are 67-10 since 2012 (3rd only behind Bama 72-7 and Ohio State 68-7 in Power 5 conferences). They are loaded. We are still a good football team just not quite in Clemson's level but no one else really is either.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Some of your guys act like a Clemson doesn't do this to everyone. They've lost 3 games in 3 years. They wouldn't have lost to Syracuse with a healthy Bryant. They are 67-10 since 2012 (3rd only behind Bama 72-7 and Ohio State 68-7 in Power 5 conferences). They are loaded. We are still a good football team just not quite in Clemson's level but no one else really is either.

Good points but....isn't the point of any sport (beyond maybe youth leagues) is to aim for the top? Clearly we are a decent to even good program. However, unlike the UT and Miami game where it was clear that we were fighting people in our own weight class, last night showed (what was to me) a very clear gap between tier 1 and tier 2 programs. We could play them 100 times and struggle to win 5 times. So, do we smile politely, thank them for the opportunity to play and slide on back to our own neighborhood? Our do we set goals (and plans) to play with the big boys? Yes, that is ambitious as clearly Clemson has taken a place at the table with the likes of OSU and Alabama. Of course, this is GT so I know the answer to my own question. We have decided that we CANNOT do that. So we will resume our regularly scheduled broadcast of competing with the others on our block - the UVA's, Miami's, Dukes andVT's of the world. And, when things break our way from time to time, we can have some really nice seasons.


Since so many alums/people are so upset after every loss, what is the "specific" formula to make us a perinneal top 10 program like Clemson??? Personally, I think its all about $$$ & majors. Until we pony up the $$, other teams have better assistants and better support staff to prepare the team. Right now, we are behind the competition every week! Also, depth hurts. Although we have greats players, we just don't have great players at the 2/3 deep. Why, b/c we have to develop talent versus recruiting ready to play talent. The top dogs who come in ready to play sure as hell aren't engineers, & I would wager they would struggle with the business curriculum everyone loves to insult!

In my opinion, if CPJ wasn't at Tech, we would be lucky to win 3-4 games per year. Yes, you can say his record is similar to past coaches, but since he has been here almost every other ACC school has passed GT in $$ invested into their program. CPJ is taking MIT, Caltech level students and winning 7-10 per year.

Give him some $$ and 1 major to stash athletes and I guarantee we win the NC within 5 years!

If you disagree, other than constantly complaing about CPJ, how do you think we win it all moving forward?
We would win 3 or 4 games without CPJ? Um no. With Gailey at least I never felt like we were sooo unmatched we couldn't compete. Next year is a make it or break it year for Paul Johnson as far as I'm concerned.