Next year's expectations - wants/needs


Helluva Engineer
What is an acceptable record to you for the 2020 and 2021 seasons? What are your personal expectations? You keep telling everyone to quit expecting any kind of success because it’s impossible but you don’t actually give your own opinions. We would love to hear them.

For next year I want to see us improve in all facets and to find a QB we can rely on, and not hope upon, for 2021 and the future. We haven’t had a legit QB in 3 seasons so I’m more than happy to wait even if it takes all of the 2020 season to find the right one.

In my view, we aren’t winning anything of consequence in 2020 so I want to continue to build and find the right QB because if we anoint the wrong one in a meaningless season and lose 2 to transfer then we would be hosed. You guys don’t really believe Sims and Gleason will stick around if we hand Graham the job do you? If he wins the job that is different but if we don’t give them a fair chance to play they will leave.

We are in such a hole on the lines that there is no easy fix but recruiting and time which is why I have no thoughts of grandeur for next season. And I won’t predict wins because it’s a silly exercise and usually involves turnovers, a key penalty, and a targeting call. As long as we progress I’ll enjoy the journey. I enjoyed last season because I know Collins will build our program the right way. Come 2021, Fromm will be gone, Kirby will have another season that leaves his fan base with a sour taste and GT will be showing progress with a real QB and a top 20 recruiting class.

That is why I preach patience. Now, if we gel and win 9 games next year I’ll be happy, but I’m not going to crush our coach if we don’t.


Ramblin' Wreck
Milton, Georgia
That is why I preach patience. Now, if we gel and win 9 games next year I’ll be happy, but I’m not going to crush our coach if we don’t.

You make me laugh. Are you going to "crush our coach" if he only wins 6 games? Of course not.

You keep preaching that 2020 is another throw away year. Now it takes 9 wins to make you happy...

Your last post has me perplexed.


Ramblin' Wreck
More so than wins & losses, I need to see the following:

(1) A coherent offensive strategy: I was super impressed with UL's offense in the Music City Bowl - shotgun spread with a heavy dose of running plays and options to take advantage of their athletes. There was no reason why we shouldn't have adopted the same offensive scheme this past season. We attempted way too many passes, and particularly early in the season when we had no clue what we were doing. I'm not against throwing the ball, I'm against putting our players in low % situations - good play callers nuance play selection / design based on their personnel

(2) QB development: You know we are in trouble if Graham plays as inconsistent as last year and he's still our starter. That will tell you how bad our QB coaching / development when you have a perfectly capable QB room with: 2 4*s (Sims & Yates), a high 3* w/ a uGA offer (Gleason), a great 4* athlete (Graham)


Helluva Engineer
You make me laugh. Are you going to "crush our coach" if he only wins 6 games? Of course not.

You keep preaching that 2020 is another throw away year. Now it takes 9 wins to make you happy...

Your last post has me perplexed.

What are you talking about? I’ve never said 9 wins is what I expect. I said I’d be happy if we put it together and won 9 - what GT fan wouldn’t be happy to win 6 or more? Heck, I’m happy about this past season and we only won 3. I care about our coach building a sustainable program that can compete every year. I supported and enjoyed Coach Johnson but we all knew our seasons all depended on QB play and if our defense had a pulse. Collins is building a program, through recruiting, where our defense will be a known commodity year to year and our offense won’t be solely dependent on an athlete-QB.

And yes, 2020 is another rebuilding season so enjoy watching the build. We’ll soon enjoy the fruits of Collins recruiting.


Helluva Engineer
For next year I want to see us improve in all facets and to find a QB we can rely on, and not hope upon, for 2021 and the future. We haven’t had a legit QB in 3 seasons so I’m more than happy to wait even if it takes all of the 2020 season to find the right one.

In my view, we aren’t winning anything of consequence in 2020 so I want to continue to build and find the right QB because if we anoint the wrong one in a meaningless season and lose 2 to transfer then we would be hosed. You guys don’t really believe Sims and Gleason will stick around if we hand Graham the job do you? If he wins the job that is different but if we don’t give them a fair chance to play they will leave.

We are in such a hole on the lines that there is no easy fix but recruiting and time which is why I have no thoughts of grandeur for next season. And I won’t predict wins because it’s a silly exercise and usually involves turnovers, a key penalty, and a targeting call. As long as we progress I’ll enjoy the journey. I enjoyed last season because I know Collins will build our program the right way. Come 2021, Fromm will be gone, Kirby will have another season that leaves his fan base with a sour taste and GT will be showing progress with a real QB and a top 20 recruiting class.

That is why I preach patience. Now, if we gel and win 9 games next year I’ll be happy, but I’m not going to crush our coach if we don’t.
Im not expecting grandeur next season, whatever you define grandeur to be. I am expecting improvement in the only category that really matters. Wins and losses. Im not going to games to watch us lose by 45 but its ok because the OLs technique improved slightly from the game before. Did you notice how abysmal the attendance was this season? Its going to be worse next year if we can't win games. Not many care more about moderate improvements in the biggest rebuild in sports history as much as they want to watch a competitive team they think can win. Losing games all of the time doesn't really help with recruiting either. How long do you think Collins can sell the whole biggest transformation ever message? If we go 3-9 again do you not think that is going to impact the decision of a kid deciding whether to pick us or Ohio State?


Helluva Engineer
Im not expecting grandeur next season, whatever you define grandeur to be. I am expecting improvement in the only category that really matters. Wins and losses. Im not going to games to watch us lose by 45 but its ok because the OLs technique improved slightly from the game before. Did you notice how abysmal the attendance was this season? Its going to be worse next year if we can't win games. Not many care more about moderate improvements in the biggest rebuild in sports history as much as they want to watch a competitive team they think can win. Losing games all of the time doesn't really help with recruiting either. How long do you think Collins can sell the whole biggest transformation ever message? If we go 3-9 again do you not think that is going to impact the decision of a kid deciding whether to pick us or Ohio State?

If you stay home because our team is struggling then that’s on you. When we win fans will appear and the stadium will fill up. It’s that simple. And we just won 3 games and have a top 25 class so luckily players and intelligent fans know the difference in winning 3 games in year 1 versus winning 3 games in year 8. And, yes, we will struggle next year because we are young, still lack depth, and have a tough schedule. If some GT fans can’t handle that then I guess many will be miserable. But when we start winning I expect the bandwagon to get full. And for those not watching, Jeff Sims just entered the Under Armor All American game and led his team down the field for a TD. He was the best player on the field. He’ll start from day 1.


Helluva Engineer
If you stay home because our team is struggling then that’s on you. When we win fans will appear and the stadium will fill up. It’s that simple. And we just won 3 games and have a top 25 class so luckily players and intelligent fans know the difference in winning 3 games in year 1 versus winning 3 games in year 8. And, yes, we will struggle next year because we are young, still lack depth, and have a tough schedule. If some GT fans can’t handle that then I guess many will be miserable. But when we start winning I expect the bandwagon to get full. And for those not watching, Jeff Sims just entered the Under Armor All American game and led his team down the field for a TD. He was the best player on the field. He’ll start from day 1.
As long as I believe that the players are playing their hardest and the coaching staff is doing everything they can to win every game then I will be there. You seem to think we aren’t going to do that and you are happy about it. I’ll never understand that mindset.

As for Sims, I am excited about him. If he gives us the best chance to win then I want him in there day one also. I can’t help but wonder though why you have said many times that we have to rotate several quarterbacks for several games to be sure yet now Sims is going to start day one. Personally, I would much rather Sims start day one even if he isn’t ready than have another ridiculous QB rotation.


I expect to see young Mr. Sims on the field. He looked pretty good, during the UA game. I'm actually excited. Moves like JT, with better foot work and arm accuracy.


Helluva Engineer
Next years schedule

And for all of you who think we beat UCF next year keep dreaming.

Gardner Webb
Syracuse who is not that bad
Miami terrible coaching

I just don’t see any more. I am sure we sneak up on one team. But then there is good possibility Syracuse gets us.

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So you think Miami, who has the most raw talent in the Coastal, is an automatic win? But think there’s no chance to beat any other Coastal team or UCF? That’s a pretty laughable take. UCF will be one of the most winnable games Tech plays next year. UNC will probably be the toughest Coastal team, but there’s really no reason to assume that any game against a Coastal opponent or UCF is unwinnable, especially is you’re just going to count Miami as an automatic win.