New radio promo throw some shade!


Helluva Engineer


Helluva Engineer
You go Joe! Very nice, and "What's the Good Word?" indeed!
My wife and I took my son to his follow up appointment yesterday. As we were leaving the building, a UPS man was outside his truck. I was wearing my yellow “TECH” hoodie and i hear him say “GEEORGIA TECH? WHATS THE GOOD WORD?!”
I can honestly say it took me so off guard, i had to analyze what he was saying. Then I realized there was only one appropriate answer. “TO HELL WITH GEORGIA!”

Now my wife, shes a military brat and from all over, but not from which a place that knows about college football or GT for that matter so she is still learning the ropes. She kind of looked at me puzzled at what just happened. I told her “if someone ever asks that, just know they know whatsup.” It made my day to hear that question from a complete stranger 😂

But to follow up on his part...
HOW BOUT THEM dawgssss?!


Helluva Engineer
It's actually very relevant to 18 - 22 year olds. Times change, what's cool changes. I'm glad we are connected enough to get it.
Anyone who doesn't realize this who is older doesn't remember how rock and roll was perceived when it started to become popular. I'm 24 and hip hop/rap/trap or whatever you want to call it is the culture of young people regardless of race. It is by far the most popular music genre in the country, just go look at the billboard 100. To say that you don't like this sort of a move from the athletic association just shows me that you're...well, old. So anyone who wants to say that this is "too black, HBCU like" etc needs a reality check and needs to ask themselves how they feel about race.