New Nike Rollout


Helluva Engineer
I saw estimates they got $50M in publicity
Stock price was down 3% in a basically flat market today. Loss of a little more than $3B in market cap.

Whether the market cap stays depressed who knows. they made a calculated decision. We'll see how it turns out. If I remember to look or even care to look.


Milwaukee, WI
I love the fake stance by Nike. "The people boycotting and burning our clothes and shoes, we don't want them as customers anyway." Yea, sure you don't. This is a money grab by Nike, and I'm not hating them for it. It's smart business. They're gonna take advantage of liberals and the left, particularly the African-American community, the same way the Dems have been doing for decades. People still don't realize that this whole topic was built on lies and exploitations by Kaep. We followed Kaep for many years and he never said a word about the crap he's spewing lately, he was happy as all hell when he was a starting quarterback in the National Football League and on top of the mountain. He only took his fake "stance" AFTER he lost his job in the NFL. It's quite an anomaly, and the Kaep backers continue to believe the fake narrative that this man had everything in the world, but he sacrificed it all and gave it up so black Americans would get a fair shake. That hypothetical cause actually would be noble if it were in fact true, but this dude ONLY started his theatrics AFTER HE LOST HIS JOB AS A STARTING QUARTERBACK IN THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE BY BEING BEAT OUT BY A TEAMMATE. He didn't "sacrifice" or "give up" anything, he was benched, period. So his way of pouting because he was outplayed was to pull the racist card. The liberals and a lot of the African American community continue to believe the fake narrative that this guy was this dominating starting quarterback in the National Football League and gave it all up because he cares about "the people". The dude literally lost his job, he didn't sacrifice a damn thing. It was already snatched from him by a better qb. If he was good enough to win his job, he'd be playing every Sunday and living the privileged life he lived for a few years when you didn't hear a PEEP from him about this so called "unfair shake".

I'll finish with this for anyone who is supporting him in this so called "cause": He was happy as a clam when he took SF to the Super Bowl; miraculously he didn't think he was being cheated or conspired against at that point. Reasonable people know he wasn't upset when he was good enough to be the starter. Take it like this, one of your executives at work live the good life and enjoy the spoils...until one day they're fired or replaced. Then they start attacking everyone that made it possible for them to be on top of the mountain when they were putting up numbers for your company. I know that's a weird analogy, but it's the same thing guys. If you buy into this dude's fake rhetoric then you are just the naïve patsy that they want you to be and they will continue milking you, as long as Fake Outrage gets you bent out of shape.

In closing, and I want to be 100% clear about this: Kaep didn't sacrifice a single damn thing, he'd already lost it all due to his lackluster performance so he reached to the black community and hoped they'd get behind him without knowing the facts. It worked for him, some naïve people thing this dude was the starting quarterback for the 49ers and he gave it all up to spread the message of blacks not getting a fair shot. He's such a martyr, a modern day MLK and Ralph David Abernathy...that's what his team wants to put out there. And liberals and African Americans are actually falling for this stuff.

Kaep didn't sacrifice anything for you, himself, or anyone else. He lost his job in a competitive situation, like many of us probably have over the course of our careers. Well, except for me. I'm mercurial and I handle my business.

Long story short: Stop believing this guy is some martyr that sacrificed for a cause when the reality is he lost his job (could happen to any of us) and THEN PLAYED HIS CARD. That card was nowhere to be found when he was good enough to play and live the good life of a high profile athlete which he earned on the field.

Rant over, I apologize for the multiple points driven home in regards to the same crap narrative that this clown has pitched to all of you who think he's making this enormous sacrifice. The dude lost his job, looked around for a stunt, and figured "I can play this card, and as long as I kneel, that will make it seem like I'm blackballed, and these naïve libs won't even think about the fact that I lost my job cause I couldn't perform.


Helluva Engineer
;) When I finished that rant I immediately reached for the Tylenol. God I cant stand that clown and the people that buy into his story.


Jolly Good Fellow
I didn't convey my sarcasm well. Here are the facts that I feel were neglected:

He didn't "sacrifice" or "give up" anything, he was benched, period. So his way of pouting because he was outplayed was to pull the racist card.
He was happy as a clam when he took SF to the Super Bowl; miraculously he didn't think he was being cheated or conspired against at that point.
Yeah - of course he was happy then. He didn't feel injustice until 2017 AFTER no one would hire him AFTER he protested in 2016. He was happy in 2013 because it was 4 years BEFORE he felt the blackballing occurred. Remember he played for the 49ers in late 2016 (3 months after his protests started), it's the search for a job in the off season going into 2017 where he felt he was unfairly treated. Follow the timeline.

See this quote:
This time, it was in Seattle, and there was none of the hemming and hawing about Kaepernick’s numbers not being good enough or his playstyle not being the right fit for the offense. No, instead, an NFL source told ESPN’s Adam Schefter that Seahawks officials cancelled Kaepernick’s workout after he refused to commit to ending his kneeling protests during the national anthem during the 2018 season.
Source - this is why Kaepernick's beef with the league and accusations of collusion started.

Kaep was benched in the 2015 season some 9 months before he began protesting. If he only protested because he got benched, why wait so long?

Kaep's protests came in the wake several high-profile incidents between police and black men in the summer of 2016 - it was the second biggest media story that summer, behind only the election, with a lot of attention and exposure. Examples include Alton Sterline, Philandro Castile, and the Dallas police shootings. Again remember his protests started to bring attention to police issues, not a labor dispute or racism by league owners. I feel you are missing Kaep's point, or you disagree with Kaep's point so you're trying to frame it as something else.

Who knows the true reason? I personally think he shouldn't be a starting QB in the league - 2013 was good but he went downhill. But I can also see a group of billionaires making a calculated decision to collude together to keep him out of the league to silence the protests if they think that is what is best for business. I am surprised he's not at least a backup somewhere, but at least he's doing a lot of good charitable work these days and serving a purpose to society beyond entertainment on the field.

We'll find out as his grievances are addressed.


Helluva Engineer
But I can also see a group of billionaires making a calculated decision to collude together to keep him out of the league to silence the protests if they think that is what is best for business.

I think collusion would be hard to prove without a substantive paper trail. In other words, even if every single owner decided he was bad for their own franchises, it doesn’t make it collusion. It’s just a group of people making the same decision.

I guess we will see but I think the owners will point to the drop in the Nielsen ratings over the aforementioned period and that will be the end of this story. Maybe a settlement of an undisclosed amount and a NDA.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Some people will vote with their wallet which is the beauty of this country! They will buy Nike because they support Kap. Others will keep doing what they’ve been doing because this amounts to nothing. Some will take their money & go elsewhere. Freedom, folks!

I know it’s not a popular position with the socialists, but this was a very capitalist move. Somebody at Nike obviously calculated that they’d make more money with Kap representing them. That person will either prosper by virtue of being precient or will have committed career suicide by being wrong or it will be neither & they’ll live to fight another day. The joy of being where the buck stops!
Somebody bolstered their career significantly. Bold move by a shrewd person it appears.