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Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Caught 'Operation Fortune' on a plane. Decent, typical, entertaining. I didn't hate it.

I tried to watch that new Christmas Story on the flight back. I had to turn it off. I preferred to *shudders* talk to the slack-jawed yokel next to me.

Freezing Major League Baseball GIF by MLB

Lotta Booze

Ramblin' Wreck
I'm one of those who did the Barbenheimer double feature this past weekend and honestly it was a great time.

Oppenheimer was excellent. I went in expecting it to be good (because duh, Nolan) but a little skeptical of the 3 hour runtime and the potential for it dragging on but I was fully engaged the whole time. Nolan did a great job telling that story, I learned quite a bit and it was just....intense. Really exceeded my expectations. And what they did with sound in the film mixed with rising tension of shots...just worked.

Then after dinner and a drink popped over to another theater to watch Barbie and was thoroughly entertained. Very funny bits throughout the movie, really self-aware and poking fun at itself at times. When I first heard of a Barbie movie I thought it would be some basic cash-grab formulaic cut and paste story that's really just a long commmercial but was impressed with the direction they took it and kind of surprised Mattel signed off on all the bits in the script, but I'm sure they're the ones laughing all the way to bank.

Overall it was just fun going back to the movies again.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I'm one of those who did the Barbenheimer double feature this past weekend and honestly it was a great time.

Oppenheimer was excellent. I went in expecting it to be good (because duh, Nolan) but a little skeptical of the 3 hour runtime and the potential for it dragging on but I was fully engaged the whole time. Nolan did a great job telling that story, I learned quite a bit and it was just....intense. Really exceeded my expectations. And what they did with sound in the film mixed with rising tension of shots...just worked.

Then after dinner and a drink popped over to another theater to watch Barbie and was thoroughly entertained. Very funny bits throughout the movie, really self-aware and poking fun at itself at times. When I first heard of a Barbie movie I thought it would be some basic cash-grab formulaic cut and paste story that's really just a long commmercial but was impressed with the direction they took it and kind of surprised Mattel signed off on all the bits in the script, but I'm sure they're the ones laughing all the way to bank.

Overall it was just fun going back to the movies again.
Me too.


Mello Yellow-Jacket
What's the controversy about this movie? I've seen headlines but would rather hear what yall think.
True story of one man Tim Ballard(a former Federal agent)who rescued approximately 150 children who were enslaved by human trafficking. Tim had to agree for changes to a few code words, for legal reasons. It was filmed a few miles of the actual location of the events due to a cartel in the area. Tim chose Jim Caviezel to star in his role. Jim played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ, a few decades ago. In an interview, they both spoke of why it took so long to get the film released. When showing up to the shoot, they only had about three weeks of budget to film. It’s about a calling of faith, per the two I mentioned and according to the Director. They also spoke about the heat conditions & the locale.
Over one million children are trafficked for the sex trade every year. Approximately 30 million children have lost their childhood to human trafficking in the past 30 years. Some children forced into human trafficking are as young as 4 years old. 4 million people are living in forced marriages. The United States is the leader all-time in legal or illegal slavery.

It is a story that needed to be told, IMO. To me, it has nothing to do with politics. It’s a human problem. Worth every minute of the two hours in running time!

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
What's the controversy about this movie? I've seen headlines but would rather hear what yall think.
The founder of the organization has had multiple complaints against him by former female employees. Also financial malfeasance charges. Movie, according to some, mixes in Q-anon conspiracies causing other human trafficking organizations to distance themselves from it. Families of “rescued” children refuse to endorse movie or go on record supporting Tim Ballard. Production company has admitted “creative license with some of the facts.” Ballard quietly resigned from Operation Underground Railroad along with virtually the entire board of directors. Several investigative journalists have uncovered many more areas of concern. The reaction to this has been to double down on conspiracy theories.

When I say this movie is a hard pass for me it is because the issue of human trafficking is way too serious to me to untangle it with political agendas and crazy wing-nut conspiracy theories. Lots of organizations deal with this issue without making money off of tabloid stories.


Helluva Engineer
The founder of the organization has had multiple complaints against him by former female employees. Also financial malfeasance charges. Movie, according to some, mixes in Q-anon conspiracies causing other human trafficking organizations to distance themselves from it. Families of “rescued” children refuse to endorse movie or go on record supporting Tim Ballard. Production company has admitted “creative license with some of the facts.” Ballard quietly resigned from Operation Underground Railroad along with virtually the entire board of directors. Several investigative journalists have uncovered many more areas of concern. The reaction to this has been to double down on conspiracy theories.

When I say this movie is a hard pass for me it is because the issue of human trafficking is way too serious to me to untangle it with political agendas and crazy wing-nut conspiracy theories. Lots of organizations deal with this issue without making money off of tabloid stories.
There is no shortage of conspiracy theories today and controversy tends to be where you look for it.
If viewed through a slightly different prism, some might say nothing and no one is perfect, but despite being an imperfect example, it does a service by drawing attention to a major issue. Not unique to this movie; i hear that mindset applied daily to nearly every issue by people of all perspectives.

I have not seen it and I have not sought information to discredit it or champion it. I will see it, and I’ll go from there.

It seems to me, like everything these days, where you stand predetermines if it is a valiant effort toward awareness or if it is worthy of scorn and dismissal because of circumstances and people associated. Most of the time its hard to tell who is right (or closer to right) if you don’t see for yourself.


Mello Yellow-Jacket
Without causing a controversial storm, let me admit to typically being moderately liberal on most issues; with a caveat of preference going to the candidate over any affiliation of party. I consider myself a strong man of faith. Jim Caviezel seems to be conservative in the interviews recently. He quotes President Reagan and seems to sit more for the Christian Broadcasters. So we might be in diametrical contrast towards our views politically. However, we are aligned ethically.

You should make your own decision after watching the film. Should you disagree because of a political belief, that is your right. Although I would only ask that you consider what is morally & legally fair in the Country we reside in. I had a discussion last night with an atheist and he disagreed on Jim taking on this role based on faith from God’s Directional. Nonetheless he believes the exploitation of minors is ethically & by the laws in most Nations, wrong.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
There is no shortage of conspiracy theories today and controversy tends to be where you look for it.
If viewed through a slightly different prism, some might say nothing and no one is perfect, but despite being an imperfect example, it does a service by drawing attention to a major issue. Not unique to this movie; i hear that mindset applied daily to nearly every issue by people of all perspectives.

I have not seen it and I have not sought information to discredit it or champion it. I will see it, and I’ll go from there.

It seems to me, like everything these days, where you stand predetermines if it is a valiant effort toward awareness or if it is worthy of scorn and dismissal because of circumstances and people associated. Most of the time its hard to tell who is right (or closer to right) if you don’t see for yourself.
I agree with you completely.

To reiterate what I said before, the issue itself is critical and deserves attention. I just personally believe this movie is the wrong vehicle for that. There are two reasons for that belief.

First, the movie is promoted with the idea that you seeing the movie will actually save children’s lives. There is zero proof of this. Financial accounting is not part of this organization’s MO.

Second, both Tim Ballard and the lead actor have been on political interviews promoting the movie using the wacky discredited adrenochrome conspiracy. It would be a harmless snake oil thing if not for the fact that it has almost gotten people killed by zealots who believe this crap.

All the other questionable things about the background of this movie could be ignored if not for the fact that the two issues I mentioned turn this into a pretty big grift using people’s emotions.


Helluva Engineer
Schindler's List was a movie about a historical event. Yet the book, Schindler's Ark, is considered Historical Fiction. Only reason is that several conversations that took place were not documented. It's also is not a biography so I agree how it is listed. Sound of Freedom can be categorized the same way. Is it 100% in historical facts? No, but it is showcasing what is happening. Now, in no way am I saying the films are similar in quality, acting, etc. But, they are both movies that show the horrors of events that have/are happening to raise awareness of those despicable acts. Whether we want to admit it or not, the sick and horrible actions that Sound of Freedom are happening. The first few minutes of the movie are CCTV footage of abductions and how quick they can happen.


Helluva Engineer
I agree with you completely.

To reiterate what I said before, the issue itself is critical and deserves attention. I just personally believe this movie is the wrong vehicle for that. There are two reasons for that belief.

First, the movie is promoted with the idea that you seeing the movie will actually save children’s lives. There is zero proof of this. Financial accounting is not part of this organization’s MO.

Second, both Tim Ballard and the lead actor have been on political interviews promoting the movie using the wacky discredited adrenochrome conspiracy. It would be a harmless snake oil thing if not for the fact that it has almost gotten people killed by zealots who believe this crap.

All the other questionable things about the background of this movie could be ignored if not for the fact that the two issues I mentioned turn this into a pretty big grift using people’s emotions.
Fair enough.
Zealots by definition tend to take things to the extreme, so its a slippery slope attributing the acts of zealotry to someone other than the perpetrator.
If you apply an even hand to everyone working up the zealots and praying on emotions to further their agenda (or grift, if you will), then I have no issue at all with this position.