NC State Postgame

Deleted member 2897

Great day/night for me. Got my 5th hole in one (2nd one in 3 months) worth $200, and then a night at BDS with my son watching us get our 3rd win of the season. D line tired out in the 4th qtr, but we held on for the win. Not a top talented opponent, but still an ACC win. Was great win for our kids, much needed.

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Wait wait wait, hold on. FIFTH ace? Who is this? Matt Kuchar? Stewart Cink?


Jolly Good Fellow
Kennesaw, GA
Happy for the win, but I think if I was NC State play caller I could have won that game. We never set the edge on the run, and they could get 5-8 yards at will. Dumb not to run, run, run! D had some good goal-line stands but overall a weak performance.

Mason looked like he refused to lose at the end! Sheer brute force and will to get those last few first downs!! Total hero!

Some nice plays by Graham but it’s kind of a crap never know if he’ll through out of bounds, on the money or wild. Still needs more situational awareness with play clock, where the sticks are and open receivers.

42! new blood? Some good tackles. Curry had a good game. Walton saves a couple of TD runs.

more Oliver at receiver! Use #31 to block! He’s a “dirty A” and knows how!!!

Carpenter? Out??


Helluva Engineer
2 bad teams on a work/school night is a tough sell. Those that made it were good and loud. Think it still beat the uva game last year. Could have been worse, really.
One of the teams still had a chance with 2 wins to go bowling; so I would not call that team bad! I would call it ok! As for our team; well for now I just don't know now because we held on and won the game! Also it was a very FUN game to watch!!!


Helluva Engineer
Need more details on the ACE!


Gladly! Thanks for asking. :)
Playing in our senior group which plays closeups on part 3's, the pin was in the back, 115 yd downhill shot, with a ridge sloping toward the hole on the left side. My playing partner in our foursome had hit a shot ~4' in front of the hole. I was between clubs and chose the longer club which was a 9 iron. I aimed left of the pin about 15' and hit it about 25' left. When it landed, I thought it may stay on top but it started slowly rolling toward the hole and I knew it would be close. As it rolled down, I was hoping it would roll in front of my partner's ball and when it did, I was very happy. And when it disappeared in the cup, all of us in our foursome became excited! When I came to the clubhouse, a group leader told me that another player had topped me and I would have to share the closeup winnings of $10 with him. But the good news is this guy had not joined our hole in one club so I won ALL that pot of $175 plus first place in the top flight. Forgive me if this is too much detail.

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Ramblin' Wreck
Fox 5 Reporter (to JG): "What's next week mean to you?"
Gladly! Thanks for asking. :)
Playing in our senior group which plays closeups on part 3's, the pin was in the back, 115 yd downhill shot, with a ridge sloping toward the hole on the left side. My playing partner in our foursome had hit a shot ~4' in front of the hole. I was between clubs and chose the longer club which was a 9 iron. I aimed left of the pin about 15' and hit it about 25' left. When it landed, I thought it may stay on top but it started slowly rolling toward the hole and I knew it would be close. As it rolled down, I was hoping it would roll in front of my partner's ball and when it did, I was very happy. And when it disappeared in the cup, all of us in our foursome became excited! When I came to the clubhouse, a group leader told me that another player had topped me and I would have to share the closeup winnings of $10 with him. But the good news is this guy had not joined our hole in one club so I won ALL that pot of $175 plus first place in the top flight. Forgive me if this is too much detail.

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Drinks on you! Gotta change name to Eagle404. :D


Helluva Engineer
how can you play or evaluate this team when 1 out of 3 lineman on both sides of the ball is a walkon. talk about bare cupboard.

nothing to take away from most of this season, other than we were left and devoid of bodies and who knows how long that takes to fix. its a crap shoot each week.

it was a 4 win season for this team. we won 3. Shoulda won 4 maybe even 5 to be honest. A few we are what I thought we were....big big big offseason


Helluva Engineer
Mason - I wonder what he will look like when Key assists our OL to become a team strength. SCARY. Motivating for an OL to block for a guy like that. Jamious going to be a good one too.

LOTS of yards after contact from him. Makes you look forward to the day when he can at least make it through the front seven without having to fight off defenders.

I believe there was a stat by pro football focus that said Mason at one point had the highest rushing percentage from YACs.

He's going to play on Sunday.


Helluva Engineer
Gladly! Thanks for asking. :)
Playing in our senior group which plays closeups on part 3's, the pin was in the back, 115 yd downhill shot, with a ridge sloping toward the hole on the left side. My playing partner in our foursome had hit a shot ~4' in front of the hole. I was between clubs and chose the longer club which was a 9 iron. I aimed left of the pin about 15' and hit it about 25' left. When it landed, I thought it may stay on top but it started slowly rolling toward the hole and I knew it would be close. As it rolled down, I was hoping it would roll in front of my partner's ball and when it did, I was very happy. And when it disappeared in the cup, all of us in our foursome became excited! When I came to the clubhouse, a group leader told me that another player had topped me and I would have to share the closeup winnings of $10 with him. But the good news is this guy had not joined our hole in one club so I won ALL that pot of $175 plus first place in the top flight. Forgive me if this is too much detail.

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So i am guessing you will show up to play again!


Helluva Engineer
Rome, GA
Yea the crowd sucks but at least the 38,000 was all Tech fans, and was still more then UVA last year. Also most teams bring in almost 10k of there own against Tech for night games and NC state didn’t have 100.


Helluva Engineer
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Game ball to Jordan Mason, ran hard, found the holes, broke tackles. Superstar in the making !

James Graham has potential, but needs to work on passing consistency, although last night he made up for some passing misses with his feet.

Thought it was key for us to be able to bleed out the clock on the last drive as NCST had our defense on their heels for most of the 2nd half.

IMO the future is bright, there were some definite hiccups along the way, but I'll take winning 3 games in a transitional season without much experienced depth and a ton of injuries ...


Helluva Engineer
Somewhere along the line we have lost a ton of players....I keep hearing we have something like 50ish players on scholarship right now (who aren't injured or being redshirted) which is why we are playing so many walk-ons. That seems really low, but i have no idea what that number was last season at the same time. I know you start with 85 on scholarship, so the implication is that we have about 30 guys who are either being redshirted, injured or left the team. Anyone have a clue how that compares to, say, last season?


Helluva Engineer
I wrote it in another thread, Graham is inconsistent with his reads and accuracy and IMO that makes him questionable whether he's our long term answer at QB....BUT holy crap he has flashes where you think he can be REALLY good and dangerous QB for us. He'll have one pass where you want to throw the remote at the TV, then the next pass makes you think he's one of the better QBs in the ACC.

I also think he's getting healthier and you can see it with the way he's starting to pull away from defenders...something we got glimpses of last season. He HAS to stop fumbling the ball though. The way he carries the football makes you nervous...