I knew this kid would have been a good fit at GT


Helluva Engineer
It's a good thing this turned out like it did. As recent experience has shown, there is no guarantee that this will be the case. The young man showed considerable sang froid during the entire encounter. The cops behaved professionally, but such confrontations can be deadly for black folks and it doesn't take much for that to happen.

And, yes, it's too bad he didn't come to Tech. He's obviously just the quality of athlete and person we are looking for.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
From USA Today

Ekakitie ended his Facebook post by thanking the officers "for handling a sensitive situation very professionally" and encouraging everyone to "unlearn some of the prejudices that we have learned about each other and now plague our minds and our society."
Playing pokemon go in park while matching description of fleeing suspect.


Georgia Tech Fan
It's a good thing this turned out like it did. As recent experience has shown, there is no guarantee that this will be the case. The young man showed considerable sang froid during the entire encounter. The cops behaved professionally, but such confrontations can be deadly for black folks and it doesn't take much for that to happen.

And, yes, it's too bad he didn't come to Tech. He's obviously just the quality of athlete and person we are looking for.

Uh, I was just talking about him being a nerd and playing Pokemon Go. But that other stuff is good too I guess.


Helluva Engineer
Still not overly clear what was going on, but it sure looked like harassment to me. At least the young man responded humbly and with good common sense.
I don't think they were harassing him; they had the usual police report right after a crime (i.e. pretty much incomplete and contradictory; it's surprising they ever catch anybody after the fact) and they were investigating. Luckily, most of the officers on the scene were obviously old pros who know how to ask for cooperation without making the situation worse. (For instance, they told him why he was being stopped and told him when they were going to look in his backpack. Little things like that matter.) And, after all, this is Iowa, just about the most low-key state in the Union.

The young man certainly helped his case, however, and it is salutary that the cops learned from him that he was frightening for his life. Everybody can learn a lesson from this.
Augusta, GA
https://www .facebook.com/NowThisNews/videos/1117993184957471/

Take the space from after the "www" in the url above and it should show you the video. Kudos to this kid and the cops for communicating with each other.
Apparently, for some of us here, for whatever reasons, we don't see photos or videos when they are pasted onto a post. But when the actual URLs are posted, we can see them. That is the case for TWEETS too; I (and others) can't see a TWEET that is pasted, but when Cuse started posted URLs for the TWEETS all we had to do was click on what he posted and we could see it.
Augusta, GA
I don't think they were harassing him; they had the usual police report right after a crime (i.e. pretty much incomplete and contradictory; it's surprising they ever catch anybody after the fact) and they were investigating. Luckily, most of the officers on the scene were obviously old pros who know how to ask for cooperation without making the situation worse. (For instance, they told him why he was being stopped and told him when they were going to look in his backpack. Little things like that matter.) And, after all, this is Iowa, just about the most low-key state in the Union.

The young man certainly helped his case, however, and it is salutary that the cops learned from him that he was frightening for his life. Everybody can learn a lesson from this.
The video that AE 87 posted didn't indicate why they stopped him (the earlier crime), or at least I don't remember seeing it in that video. That being the case, you are right, it wasn't harassment, and they handled in very sensibly.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
The video that AE 87 posted didn't indicate why they stopped him (the earlier crime), or at least I don't remember seeing it in that video. That being the case, you are right, it wasn't harassment, and they handled in very sensibly.

If you look at my post before my video post, you'll see a brief explanation of what happened.