Hype and the GT fanbase


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff

I’ve been to every home game except 1 in CPJ’s tenure. Starting with the NC St loss in 2010, remember that followed screwing the pooch at Kansas, I started hearing fans in the stands yap about GT losing enough that we’d show CPJ the door. 2014 once we turned the corner it stopped. It picked right up again in 2015.

Some of us don’t like the team being crapped on by our owns fans. Personally it rubs me wrong to hear our fans hoping we’ll lose so we can get a new coach. If that floats your boat fine, but don’t expect me to like it.

I think you are in violent agreement with us Liberty. I think what we are all saying here is that we are sick and tired of fans who talk the program and coach down all the time, whether that coach be CCG, CPJ or CGC.

I am not asking anyone to support him because of what he SAYS, I am saying we need to get behind him 100% because he is our coach. I agree that words are cheap but let's evaluate on something real, not parsing and dissecting each comment looking for reasons to point fingers or critique.


Helluva Engineer
unfortunately, I don't think some of us will be satisfied if Collins does well...

I think you will be surprised how much many of the people who supported CPJ will support CGC. I'm sure there will be a few who don't. I'm also sure that some of the people excited about the hype right now are going to be whining if there is a bad loss or a bad stretch.

Can't speak for anyone but myself, but I have stated before that I am cautiously optimistic about CGC. I want to see how things play out. I don't usually buy into hype from coaches, sales people, or anyone else. I believe he is going to work out just fine, and excitement is good, but I want to wait for actions before making definitive declarations about how good of a GT coach he is.


Helluva Engineer
We've not had this type of mindset on campus in my 20 or so years of following GT football. I'm hopeful that he can have a top 35 recruiting class in 2019, top 25 in 2020... I think we have exciting times ahead.
Unfortunately, you're wrong. B*** L**** was cool and had everybody excited. Our most successful coaches - Dodd, Ross, O'Leary, Paul - have all been rather understated and concentrated on building the program. Indeed, I think if Ross had been available this time around and had been hired this board would be exploding about him being an old guy incapable of "relating to today's youth" and "dooming us to more mediocrity". That's what some people said at the time, after all.

Oth, I don't know enough about Coach - and, I might add, none of us do - to say if he is more substance then hype. However, I don't think TStan would have hired him if he wasn't sound on what needs to be done and sound on football fundamentals, especially on D. Further, I think most of what he told Roddy makes excellent sense. We'll have to see if that works the way people think it will, but I don't see any reason why we couldn't have that upper 30 recruiting class in 2019; all we should need is a 3- 4 more 4 star players. That's easily doable. Then it'll be matter of getting the performance we need on the field.


Southeastern Michigan
And the Gailey haters before and since. I'm a fan of my alma mater first and foremost. The HC is a tool to get victories. Some here are clearly upset that CPJ chose to retire on his own terms though. I don't think they're gonna be happy unless we run it 60 times/game no matter how many times that scheme loses to Duke.

I, for one, enjoyed CPJ's victories and successes, wish him the best in his future endeavors, and am optimistic for Coach Collins.
I haven't seen any CPJ fans hate on Collins, unlike the reverse. On the other hand, haven't developed a school girl crush on him like the CPJ haters have.


I think you are in violent agreement with us Liberty. I think what we are all saying here is that we are sick and tired of fans who talk the program and coach down all the time, whether that coach be CCG, CPJ or CGC.

I am not asking anyone to support him because of what he SAYS, I am saying we need to get behind him 100% because he is our coach. I agree that words are cheap but let's evaluate on something real, not parsing and dissecting each comment looking for reasons to point fingers or critique.
I hope we can fix some of the things that hamper our program. I hope CGC’s a stud recruiter for example, but we need to give the man help. Some are expecting him to part the waters. I say let’s get him a bridge so he doesn’t require a miracle.

Madison Grant

Helluva Engineer
I think you will be surprised how much many of the people who supported CPJ will support CGC. I'm sure there will be a few who don't. I'm also sure that some of the people excited about the hype right now are going to be whining if there is a bad loss or a bad stretch.

Can't speak for anyone but myself, but I have stated before that I am cautiously optimistic about CGC. I want to see how things play out. I don't usually buy into hype from coaches, sales people, or anyone else. I believe he is going to work out just fine, and excitement is good, but I want to wait for actions before making definitive declarations about how good of a GT coach he is.
That's the thing. The negative crowd keeps saying people have anointed CGC a savior just because we like some of the marketing he's doing, his positive rhetoric, and his aggressiveness in recruiting. I like how things are going now. I like the direction. That doesn't mean I'm fickle and emotionally immature and will turn on him in a heartbeat. Or that I need to be reminded nothing has been proven on the field CONSTANTLY by the endless parade of eeyore's who feel CPJ got the shaft.


Helluva Engineer
Rome, GA
I fully support Collins, and I will be there for his first game at Clemson, and for every home game next year, loudly cheering for the Jackets and hoping he wins them all. But as of right now, all this "cool" stuff that some of you guys are excited about is IMO just fluff. It looks good and sounds good, and it may well indeed appeal to new fans and recruits, but until it's proved on the field, it's all just talk. Sorry if that strikes some (or many) of you as being grumpy; I call it being realistic. I would be willing to bet that some of the people who are most excited right now will drop like flies if that "cool" doesn't carry over to IMMEDIATE success on the field. Unlike those so-called fans, if Collins does not succeed immediately, I won't be deserting him and moving on to other "cool" things. He and the team have my unlimited, unconditional support, "cool" stuff or not. Can you guys so enthralled by it all right now say the same?
You’re just old school, and that’s fine, but please stop with the same repetitive skepticism that is unjustified.
Augusta, GA
Some of you guys jump on me and others for already downplaying the coach, or whatever terms you want to use. I'm not downplaying him nor my expectations and hopes for him in the least, but I AM downplaying all the naive fans who are willing to jump on any and every bandwagon that "looks" good, and then are the first to jump off if things go bad. It's great if you are excited by the "cool" factor, but will you still have that excitement if we lose the first few games of the season next year? Or will you be jumping off the bandwagon and moving on to the next "cool" thing?


Ramblin' Wreck
I haven't seen any CPJ fans hate on Collins, unlike the reverse. On the other hand, haven't developed a school girl crush on him like the CPJ haters have.

I've seen some dispersion directed at Collins already. Snarky type stuff. The people who liked CPJ and his scheme aren't going to be happy if another coach and scheme wins, as it will disprove the notion that CPJ was the best coach we could possibly have, which I've seen repeated as nauseum on other Tech message boards.


Helluva Engineer
That's the thing. The negative crowd keeps saying people have anointed CGC a savior just because we like some of the marketing he's doing, his positive rhetoric, and his aggressiveness in recruiting. I like how things are going now. I like the direction. That doesn't mean I'm fickle and emotionally immature and will turn on him in a heartbeat. Or that I need to be reminded nothing has been proven on the field CONSTANTLY by the endless parade of eeyore's who feel CPJ got the shaft.

Are you referring to me? I don't think I have said anything negative about people who are excited. I haven't said that you in particular are going to lose your enthusiasm of CGC. I have only used the statement of waiting for actions in reference to my own decisions about CGC, and have not said that anyone else should wait. In fact, I have not said that he needs to prove things "on the field", I am eager to see how he treats the players, families, academics, etc. much more than the result of the Clemson game.


Ramblin' Wreck
Some of you guys jump on me and others for already downplaying the coach, or whatever terms you want to use. I'm not downplaying him nor my expectations and hopes for him in the least, but I AM downplaying all the naive fans who are willing to jump on any and every bandwagon that "looks" good, and then are the first to jump off if things go bad. It's great if you are excited by the "cool" factor, but will you still have that excitement if we lose the first few games of the season next year? Or will you be jumping off the bandwagon and moving on to the next "cool" thing?

speaking for myself only, I'm not expecting much next year. The cupboard at the end of 2018 is much more bare than it was at the end of 2007. We've got some talented kids but they were recruited for a different system than what they've been thrust into now. Expectations should be realistic for us - I'll be satisfied with 6 wins and a bowl because on the other hand, the ACC Coastal is a weak division.
Augusta, GA
I've seen some dispersion directed at Collins already. Snarky type stuff. The people who liked CPJ and his scheme aren't going to be happy if another coach and scheme wins, as it will disprove the notion that CPJ was the best coach we could possibly have, which I've seen repeated as nauseum on other Tech message boards.
I haven't seen anything like that on this site. Cautious optimism is the worst of what I have seen here.


Southeastern Michigan
I've seen some dispersion directed at Collins already. Snarky type stuff. The people who liked CPJ and his scheme aren't going to be happy if another coach and scheme wins, as it will disprove the notion that CPJ was the best coach we could possibly have, which I've seen repeated as nauseum on other Tech message boards.
I only post here......the dispersion has been at a segment of the posters not the coach. There is plenty of skepticism regarding the hype.....but no one wanting him to do poorly.
Augusta, GA
speaking for myself only, I'm not expecting much next year. The cupboard at the end of 2018 is much more bare than it was at the end of 2007. We've got some talented kids but they were recruited for a different system than what they've been thrust into now. Expectations should be realistic for us - I'll be satisfied with 6 wins and a bowl because on the other hand, the ACC Coastal is a weak division.
Collins will win me over immediately if he, at least till he gets his own recruits in, tries to incorporate elements of Johnson's offense so as to capitalize on the talent already on the team. And by that, I don't mean that he should stick with the TO next year; I mean recognize that we have talent for a spread option type team and use that talent. IMO to do otherwise is a recipe for short term failure.


Southeastern Michigan
speaking for myself only, I'm not expecting much next year. The cupboard at the end of 2018 is much more bare than it was at the end of 2007. We've got some talented kids but they were recruited for a different system than what they've been thrust into now. Expectations should be realistic for us - I'll be satisfied with 6 wins and a bowl because on the other hand, the ACC Coastal is a weak division.
Sorry.....the floor is a .500 season.......if he really is a good coach, he will fit his game to the players he has. not the ones he wishes he had.


Ramblin' Wreck
I only post here......the dispersion has been at a segment of the posters not the coach. There is plenty of skepticism regarding the hype.....but no one wanting him to do poorly.

I don't want to give any other GT message boards free advertising so I'll just point out that GTSwarm isn't the only place that I'm reading reactions at! :whistle: