Howell gone?


Helluva Engineer
Fredericksburg, Virginia
This is good news to me.
At least... the new hire will have a 'young' [my word] staff to mold. With departure of CT, Curry, English.... he, no kidding, [should] have some real sponges to soak up his coaching.

Plus... CDH's recent track record of hiring difference making assistant coaches bodes well that our pitching just got better.

[Last sentence is tic if you go back farther than the Ramsey hire] :)

Edit... clarification... got better than they were yesterday, not better than in May/June.


Jolly Good Fellow
Hoping for a great hire, however let me be clear , I’m not one of the guys that blamed every injury on Howell. There are more injuries than ever in the game, and we did seem snakebit, but I don’t necessarily blame it all on Howell. With that said , a fresh face can’t hurt, and hopefully another young energetic guy to go along with Ramsey, and I for one am a Jaffe fan. Sad the 3 rd paid assistant didn’t pass.


Helluva Engineer
Fredericksburg, Virginia
I actually wonder if Ramsey will (behind the scenes, of course) get to make the selection. This would set him up very nicely to take over when Hall retires.
I still say it would be VERY unusual for GT [a highly sought after HC job in D1 baseball] to hire a guy with less than 5 years of coaching experience (all as an assistant). That is what Ramsey will be when the next GT HC hire takes place. I'm not saying Ramsey shouldn't be it... but strictly from a "what would typically happen" perspective, that is not the resume you'd expect to be in play. IMO.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Hoping for a great hire, however let me be clear , I’m not one of the guys that blamed every injury on Howell. There are more injuries than ever in the game, and we did seem snakebit, but I don’t necessarily blame it all on Howell. With that said , a fresh face can’t hurt, and hopefully another young energetic guy to go along with Ramsey, and I for one am a Jaffe fan. Sad the 3 rd paid assistant didn’t pass.

Agree. Injuries happen to all teams. However, I credit Howell and Hall for the overall pitching under-performance the last seven years. I also credit Hall for hitting and usually good defense.

Whomever is coming in does not have experienced pitchers to work with next year and should be given three years to succeed. Hopefully we'll see a lot more pitchers used and pulled quicker when they struggle. (Hope springs eternal.) We'll have the whole season to develop that experience and hopefully don't put all our eggs in a couple baskets because injury / **** happens.

Still, this is great news to me.


Ramblin' Wreck
Whoever CDH hires, he needs to allow him to actually implement his ideas and let him make some decisions. He did so with Ramsey, so maybe he will do so with the new pitching coach.


Helluva Engineer
He had some terrible, terrible luck with injuries, but we still have been an average to below average pitching team his entire tenure. On some teams that could really hit and field.


Helluva Engineer
He had some terrible, terrible luck with injuries, but we still have been an average to below average pitching team his entire tenure. On some teams that could really hit and field.

I know it's a crazy thought around here but the injuries and performance just might be related. Hard to develop pitchers when they can't even throw.


Georgia Tech Fan
Nice guy, very kind but for some he didn't understand how to coach them. couldn't move a kid from high school through college easily. Now some of that is the individual but there are a few stories out there from some folks I know and they were frustrated. Hopefully Hall will stop trying to manage the pitchers and the rotation of the pitchers when your pitching coach is the one with you on a daily basis and knows where you are. Good luck to him and his family!


Jolly Good Fellow
D1 stated that we are shaking the bushes pretty good for Howell’s replacement. They said more information would be published by them soon.