how laughable but sad is this?


Jolly Good Fellow
Remember when this story came out June 3rd? How sad this is after we get reminded what liars we play in the ACC....what if Jabari were able to play this season? Could possibly be undefeated but the student athlete is practicing everyday doing all he can to be reinstated and get his degree. Even more discouraging, it took a former student athlete to talk for the NCAA to do anything about UNC. Guarantee you a former Duke player will talk next at some point. Unlike most people, I do not believe Duke basketball coach either. I know college sports is all about money but for ACC Commissioner John Swofford to be the athletic director when this was going on is disgraceful and hard to trust or believe him to head up the ACC anymore. Just more liars coming onboard (Pitino heading the list) No wonder you cannot trust the referees either. They can call it anyway they like and then say not enough disputable evidence to overturn. Tommorow, I will be okay but will continue to wonder why GT just doesn't give up and play the same game.

"MACON – Georgia Tech defensive end Jabari Hunt-Days had his scholarship revoked after becoming academically ineligible, coach Paul Johnson said Tuesday.

Hunt-Days failed a class in the spring semester that put him behind an NCAA-instituted checkpoint that measures progress towards graduation.

Johnson said he won’t rescind a scholarship for performance-related reasons, but asserted that players still need to be held accountable on the academic end.

“You’ve got to be accountable to fulfill your end of the requirement, too,” Johnson said. “What kind of message would that send if you just let guys not be eligible and nothing changed?”

Speaking at the Peach State Pigskin Preview at the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame, Johnson said Hunt-Days plans to practice with the team in the fall and that he will be put back on scholarship once he regains his eligibility, which could happen as early as January. A rising junior, Hunt-Days was expected to play an important role this season for the Yellow Jackets defense at the rush end position vacated by All-American Jeremiah Attaochu.

Hunt-Days’ father Calvin said Tuesday that Jabari is in summer school, but that he and his wife are not paying his tuition. In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in May, Calvin Days said that he and wife Paula won’t pay for him to attend Tech until he demonstrates a better attitude towards his schoolwork.

Johnson also addressed former B-back Travis Custis’ transfer to Hutchinson (Kan.) Community College after originally planning to transfer to Georgia Military College. Custis also was declared academically ineligible at the end of the semester.

Johnson’s explanation for the change was that Custis had to do what was best for him, but deferred to him for further explanation. He also said that Custis told him that he wanted to return to Tech. Johnson said he thought Custis would be re-admitted to Tech if he were to take care of the issues that caused his ineligibility.

“We’d certainly like to have him back if that works out,” Johnson said. “I think he’s got a bright future.”"


Remember when this story came out June 3rd? How sad this is after we get reminded what liars we play in the ACC....what if Jabari were able to play this season? Could possibly be undefeated but the student athlete is practicing everyday doing all he can to be reinstated and get his degree. Even more discouraging, it took a former student athlete to talk for the NCAA to do anything about UNC. Guarantee you a former Duke player will talk next at some point. Unlike most people, I do not believe Duke basketball coach either. I know college sports is all about money but for ACC Commissioner John Swofford to be the athletic director when this was going on is disgraceful and hard to trust or believe him to head up the ACC anymore. Just more liars coming onboard (Pitino heading the list) No wonder you cannot trust the referees either. They can call it anyway they like and then say not enough disputable evidence to overturn. Tommorow, I will be okay but will continue to wonder why GT just doesn't give up and play the same game.

"MACON – Georgia Tech defensive end Jabari Hunt-Days had his scholarship revoked after becoming academically ineligible, coach Paul Johnson said Tuesday.

Hunt-Days failed a class in the spring semester that put him behind an NCAA-instituted checkpoint that measures progress towards graduation.

Johnson said he won’t rescind a scholarship for performance-related reasons, but asserted that players still need to be held accountable on the academic end.

“You’ve got to be accountable to fulfill your end of the requirement, too,” Johnson said. “What kind of message would that send if you just let guys not be eligible and nothing changed?”

Speaking at the Peach State Pigskin Preview at the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame, Johnson said Hunt-Days plans to practice with the team in the fall and that he will be put back on scholarship once he regains his eligibility, which could happen as early as January. A rising junior, Hunt-Days was expected to play an important role this season for the Yellow Jackets defense at the rush end position vacated by All-American Jeremiah Attaochu.

Hunt-Days’ father Calvin said Tuesday that Jabari is in summer school, but that he and his wife are not paying his tuition. In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in May, Calvin Days said that he and wife Paula won’t pay for him to attend Tech until he demonstrates a better attitude towards his schoolwork.

Johnson also addressed former B-back Travis Custis’ transfer to Hutchinson (Kan.) Community College after originally planning to transfer to Georgia Military College. Custis also was declared academically ineligible at the end of the semester.

Johnson’s explanation for the change was that Custis had to do what was best for him, but deferred to him for further explanation. He also said that Custis told him that he wanted to return to Tech. Johnson said he thought Custis would be re-admitted to Tech if he were to take care of the issues that caused his ineligibility.

“We’d certainly like to have him back if that works out,” Johnson said. “I think he’s got a bright future.”"

Kind of a thread jack here but I thought I'd check out Hutchison CC season. Quite a few high school stars from the state of Ga. and I'm sure this roster is replete with stars from other states. While Travis is not their leading rusher he's teaming up with another star from the state to make up one pretty bad *** tandem for their running game. Notice he has the longest run this season. He's also one big dude. I thought he was under 6ft and comparable in build to Charles Perkins.
Augusta, GA
Kind of a thread jack here but I thought I'd check out Hutchison CC season. Quite a few high school stars from the state of Ga. and I'm sure this roster is replete with stars from other states. While Travis is not their leading rusher he's teaming up with another star from the state to make up one pretty bad *** tandem for their running game. Notice he has the
longest run this season. He's also one big dude. I thought he was under 6ft and comparable in build to Charles Perkins.
Kind of a thread jack here but I thought I'd check out Hutchison CC season. Quite a few high school stars from the state of Ga. and I'm sure this roster is replete with stars from other states. While Travis is not their leading rusher he's teaming up with another star from the state to make up one pretty bad *** tandem for their running game. Notice he has the longest run this season. He's also one big dude. I thought he was under 6ft and comparable in build to Charles Perkins.
I don't think Hutchison offers courses which would allow him to come back to Tech. GMC does.


Jolly Good Fellow
Remember when this story came out June 3rd? How sad this is after we get reminded what liars we play in the ACC....what if Jabari were able to play this season? Could possibly be undefeated but the student athlete is practicing everyday doing all he can to be reinstated and get his degree. Even more discouraging, it took a former student athlete to talk for the NCAA to do anything about UNC. Guarantee you a former Duke player will talk next at some point. Unlike most people, I do not believe Duke basketball coach either. I know college sports is all about money but for ACC Commissioner John Swofford to be the athletic director when this was going on is disgraceful and hard to trust or believe him to head up the ACC anymore. Just more liars coming onboard (Pitino heading the list) No wonder you cannot trust the referees either. They can call it anyway they like and then say not enough disputable evidence to overturn. Tommorow, I will be okay but will continue to wonder why GT just doesn't give up and play the same game.

"MACON – Georgia Tech defensive end Jabari Hunt-Days had his scholarship revoked after becoming academically ineligible, coach Paul Johnson said Tuesday.

Hunt-Days failed a class in the spring semester that put him behind an NCAA-instituted checkpoint that measures progress towards graduation.

Johnson said he won’t rescind a scholarship for performance-related reasons, but asserted that players still need to be held accountable on the academic end.

“You’ve got to be accountable to fulfill your end of the requirement, too,” Johnson said. “What kind of message would that send if you just let guys not be eligible and nothing changed?”

Speaking at the Peach State Pigskin Preview at the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame, Johnson said Hunt-Days plans to practice with the team in the fall and that he will be put back on scholarship once he regains his eligibility, which could happen as early as January. A rising junior, Hunt-Days was expected to play an important role this season for the Yellow Jackets defense at the rush end position vacated by All-American Jeremiah Attaochu.

Hunt-Days’ father Calvin said Tuesday that Jabari is in summer school, but that he and his wife are not paying his tuition. In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in May, Calvin Days said that he and wife Paula won’t pay for him to attend Tech until he demonstrates a better attitude towards his schoolwork.

Johnson also addressed former B-back Travis Custis’ transfer to Hutchinson (Kan.) Community College after originally planning to transfer to Georgia Military College. Custis also was declared academically ineligible at the end of the semester.

Johnson’s explanation for the change was that Custis had to do what was best for him, but deferred to him for further explanation. He also said that Custis told him that he wanted to return to Tech. Johnson said he thought Custis would be re-admitted to Tech if he were to take care of the issues that caused his ineligibility.

“We’d certainly like to have him back if that works out,” Johnson said. “I think he’s got a bright future.”"
I understand completely how you feel and don't blame you one bit, but I hope we never give up and just join the crowd.

That does a huge disservice not just to GT and her alumni, but to kids like JHD who are getting back on track the right way and will have much better lives, and be much better people, for it.


Helluva Engineer
I don't feel so bad about the inequities so much. In the long run, our SA's are much better off having to work hard in school and to be held accountable. UNC and the like are doing a huge disservice to it's SA's. If those guys don't go pro, and very few actually do, they're no better off than they were before going to UNC. That's what's sad.


Southeastern Michigan
I don't feel so bad about the inequities so much. In the long run, our SA's are much better off having to work hard in school and to be held accountable. UNC and the like are doing a huge disservice to it's SA's. If those guys don't go pro, and very few actually do, they're no better off than they were before going to UNC. That's what's sad.
Then when you consider that 70+ of pro players end up in bankruptcy or other financial difficulty......and the damage to their have to wonder how smart that goal as a career path is.


Helluva Engineer
To the OP's diatribe on Duke, I've heard how it was pretty astounding that William Avery got into Duke in the first place.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
Jackette I share your anger. I do not like revealing much of anything personal about myself on the internet so am just going to say that I really have a vested interest in higher education both abstractly and as vocation. To me what is done at UNC (still done) and at most every single D1 college with "student" athletes (maybe worse in basketball even) is straight up exploitation. It only gets more uncomfortably sleazy when one looks at the racial and regional dynamics of the people involved. The reason that any of the "pay players" crowd has a leg to stand on at all (and I think they are ultimately vague and misguided in their thinking/proposals) is because of exactly this aspect of the game.

You cannot ethically take a kid--even if he is getting under the table booster payola!--and put him in a particular college if he does not belong there simply to exploit his athletic abilities. Nothing at all has changed since Jan Kemp in how supposed institutions of higher learning exploit kids by not providing them with an education or simply keeping them from profitably beginning a career in some field where one doesn't need to go to college if they are just not cut out for the academic challenge. College is not for everyone. The GI Bill and baby boom completely transformed American appreciation for that fundamental fact.

But this will never change since the only way to undermine it is to have routes to the pros in football and basketball that do not entail college and the pro players unions will never allow for that (even if the league owners ever wanted to get behind it). It was just as much the reality back when Knute Rockne took George Gipp out of the area pool halls where he spent his days and weeks sharking to play football for Notre Dame on Saturdays. Johnny Manziel may have actually attended more college classes than did the Gipper.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
I can say this.

The only reason I follow college athletics even to the meager extent that I do is because I am a Tech fan. I have the good fortune of being a fan of one of the very few colleges/Institutes that, for whatever flaws it may have vis-a-vis handling of athlete education (admitting nothing just being realistic that perfection is rare), it has a long-term track record of consistently giving a damn about not exploiting athletic gifts and of doing its best to actually give a kid an education worth having that both sides can take pride in.

But I really only follow Tech and it will always be rare that you find me watching any other teams games. I seriously could care less about watching two factories play for conference or national championships. I have no problem abstractly recognizing and respecting the excellence in on-field athletic performance of your random game between factories. However, it is kind of like some people when they become too aware of how factory farming produces a hot dog then they can no longer enjoy eating one. I can enjoy watching the excellence in athleticism and team achievement and prowess in professional sports and also for true amateur athletics but in the college game it is follow and root for Tech and that is it for me.

And I think this is very sad because the pageantry of college athletics is so good, pure, and fun. You see the OSU band in its halftime shows, or Tech's band with its post-game tradition of "The Horse" and the student maintained Ramblin' Wreck. You take the natural pride a student has in their alma mater and the healthiness of intercollegiate competition as a part of the education of youths into adulthood and it really is frustrating that the unseemly exploitative side has always been such a huge factor. Lord, this site is sucking up too much of my time today!


Jolly Good Fellow
I want to win the right way, period.

Tech would immediately lose my support if they ever do what UNC did. There is no excuse for that, ever.

I will never support a team that cheats to get ahead.

Tech First

Jolly Good Fellow
Barrow County Ga.
Amen I agree. Win but do it right. My dad used to say right won't come out wrong and wrong won't come out right no matter how you twist it. So he would say always do right and you will never come out wrong. I believe that is correct in sports as well.
Augusta, GA
Did any of you see the piece on CBS News or read the article about Malcom Mitchell at Georgia? He admitted to only having a 6th grade reading level when he entered college. But did anyone at Georgia do anything to personally address his problem and help or encourage him? HELL, NO!! He ended up being helped by some women's book club in Athens, one of whose members spotted him looking at childrens' books in the Barnes and Noble there. Why would any college, not just Georgia, ignore an athlete's academic and intellectual needs like that. We can be proud that Tech first of all cannot sign a kid with only a grade school reading level, but also that Tech has always helped our athletes and encouraged, sometimes even pushing, them to study and graduate with a REAL education.


Helluva Engineer
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Call this sour grapes, but I would love to see Swofford somehow get implicated in this mess.
Still remember him openly cheering for Duke against us in the ACC Championship BBall game years back.


Georgia Tech Fan
Uhh, we have been on NCAA probation couple of times, no?

That is exactly why you should be offended. The NCAA does little to protect the real integrity of college sports. Instead, it has arbitrary criteria for disciplining some programs for minor issues, while it ignores or is incapable of acting on blatant ethical violations. If the NCAA has no interest in validating the legitimacy of coursework, how can it enforce rules for student athlete's grades or progression to graduation? If the NCAA is consistently incapable of establishing evidence of payments to athletes or their families, how can it justify investigating and acting on trivial things like a few articles of clothing?