How GT can beat Clemson


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
I think it will be a high scoring game. Both O's are better than the D's probably. Our ST is probably a lot better (they were 105th last year in ST).

If we played 10 times @ BDS (for the first time each time - like perpetual virginity) I think Clemson would win 7 and we'd win 3.

Clemson will have had 12 days to prepare for Tech. Clemson did not spend last week preparing for SC State.

If Clemson didn't spend most of the SC State week preparing for us, they are incompetent as a coaching staff. And I don't think they are incompetent. Plus time before the season. With the large number of new D starters since last year, Clemson coaches know they need to get ready and do a lot of teaching.


Helluva Engineer
I'm sure their coaches have done the right things to prepare for us. Dabo probably has an army of assistants dedicated to CPJ film. But do their players take us seriously after beating us so soundly last year? And are they watching/listening to ESPN knuckleheads talk about what a big game they have next week against Louisville? We have a chance to beat them. We need to play at a high level.


Ramblin' Wreck
What are peoples thoughts on Boulware being back for Thursday? Obviously he's a senior and has needed experience and he's aggressive, but I don't know anything other than that. He's one of the few returning starters, but how good is he and how much trouble is he expected to give us?


Helluva Engineer
Watch for some sort of counter/play action off the new BB toss play we've been running. I like it b/c we have BBs who are really good in space now, and it's a wrinkle we haven't seen until this year. But rest assured, we've got something off of that action, and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see it Thursday night. (Also looking for the return of the BB screen if our passing game continues to click. Folks are going to start working on pass rush against us more now that our pass pro is worlds better)


Helluva Engineer
What are peoples thoughts on Boulware being back for Thursday? Obviously he's a senior and has needed experience and he's aggressive, but I don't know anything other than that. He's one of the few returning starters, but how good is he and how much trouble is he expected to give us?
He's good against the run but has shorter arms which might play into our favor, he likes to hit though!



Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
It is not going to take a miracle for us to beat the Tiggers Thursday night, not even close to one. Clearly, nobody would call us favorites. We are, however, a legit challenge for them. Oddly enough, for me, this game is still about us. If we can minimize the errors, we will have a decent chance. If we don't, it could be ugly. Forget about flat out stopping them. That won't happen, but it doesn't have to happen either. We can and should score. When we can execute drives and control the clock, the icing effect on offensive teams who like to play fast is palpable.


Helluva Engineer
Fernandina Beach, Florida
They have been reading all summer how great they are and how bad we are.
We run a HS offense our recruiting sucks ... yada, yada, yada.
Slug them in the mouth, stay focused and never look back !!


Helluva Engineer
Limit their big plays
Win the TO battle
Use the pass to keep them honest.

If we can do that and keep it close I like our chances. As others have said though they can blow us out if they get rolling.


Helluva Engineer
I thnk we are going to have to be ON-point on Offense to win this, i HOpe i'm very wrong but i don't really see our DEF stopping them more than 2-3 times. I love our chances If we get a couple turnovers and match them score for score, and avoid 3 and outs/turnovers.


Im a 3*
Bend but don't break is probably the best approach to this game rush 3 or 4 be strong on run fits and make Clemson dink and donk.

Im excited to see our OLine vs. Clemson young monsters on the DLine. Dexter Lawrence & Carlos Watkins up the middle , w/Wilkins at DE is very Alabama-esque. Clemson weakness is probably their secondary so I would love for to keep up the good pass pro so we can give our WR and Abacks a chance to make plays


Helluva Engineer
Stop Watson from running. He's bad enough when he's throwing the ball, but, like JT, he can wreck a game in a hurry if he gets to run free. We can handle Gallman if he's out there alone, so stop Watson.

And, of course, the best way to do that is to follow my old formula: get up a score and sit on the ball like a slug. Keeping their O on the bench is the best way to keep Watson from causing trouble.


Helluva Engineer
I think the offenses are going to put up points in this one. Probably both in the 30's...I'd say 40's, but I don't think there will be enough possessions. Winner probably has high 30's, loser low to mid 30's

We can beat these guys...wouldn't be a miracle by any stretch. They have a ton of talent, but are not all that well coached. Dabo tends to make really dumb decisions when the game is on the line and he is put on the spot, so if we can keep it close I like our chances.

Then there's this stuff (which really doesn't matter at all, but is a lot of fun to quote): Clemson hasn't won at BDS since 2003. Paul Johnson is 8-2 against ranked opponents at home (3-1 against top 10).

I for one think we're going to win this game...don't know what it is, but I just have a feeling.


Helluva Engineer
CPJ has never lost to Clemson at home. There have been a lot of very talented Clemson teams meet their demise at BDS. A miracle? Not at all. If we don't kill ourselves with penalties, and we execute well we can be 4-0 by Friday.

Boomer is 100% correct. This game is all about us. They will score some points, but we can take them out of their element if we do what we do best. Own the clock and execute.


Helluva Engineer
Lol a Clemson fan just pretty much said Dabo barely won the two games at the beginning of the season on purpose so his team wouldn't think they were all that, and now they are ready to come out and play since they no longer have all that hype.